Comparative politics

Agency proliferation and the globalization of the regulatory state: Introducing a data set on the institutional features of regulatory agencies

State structures have experienced significant transformation with the spread of globalization. This paper examines how to measure one major change that has occurred in recent decades: the worldwide proliferation of public agencies with regulatory …

Religious tides: The time‐variant effect of religion on morality policies

Morality policies evince a much closer relationship to religious doctrines than is the case in other policy areas and hence constitute a most likely case for the observation of religious effects on policymaking and regulatory change. Yet we still …

A matter of timing: The religious factor and morality policies

The question of whether or not religion accounts for variance in the governance of moral issues, between and within countries over time, has long been debated but never conclusively answered. A novel data set encompassing innovative measurements of …

Rule growth and government effectiveness: why it takes the capacity to learn and coordinate to constrain rule growth

This paper asks whether strong bureaucracies can effectively constrain the continuously growing stock of rules in modern democracies through organizational coordination and learning. To answer this question, the paper analyzes the growth of rule …

The emergence of Regulatory Regionalism: transnational networks and the diffusion of regulatory agencies within regions

The regulatory regionalism approach has increasingly claimed that a new mode of regional governance is emerging globally. Regional policy regimes, developed in broad social and economic territorial areas, affect the internal transformation of the …

Polítiques públiques i administració electrònica

Book to be used as a teaching resource for an introductory course on public policy and e-Government.

The Impact of e‐Government Promotion in Europe: Internet Dependence and Critical Mass

Governments and public bodies have been fostering the development of e‐Government services during the last decade, promoting more and better administrative services through digital channels. The impact of this process, however, has not been fully …

The global diffusion of regulatory agencies: channels of transfer and stages of diffusion

Comparative Political Studies published the article “The global diffusion of regulatory agencies: channels of transfer and stages of diffusion” in 2011. The article is based on an inedit dataset. This is the accompanying digital page which provides the dataset and more comprehensive information about the collected data.