This report is the replication material for the article “Differential discrimination against EU mobile citizens: Experimental evidence from bureaucratic choice settings” published at the Journal of European Public Policy.
This document presents the analysis of the YouGov survey on bureaucratic discrimination. Starting from the original YouGov survey, it performs the data cleaning operations, and performs the analysis of the model reported in the article.
The experimental design is based on a conjoint analysis with the following characteristics:
Import the original SPSS dataset that contains the following number of observations and variables
orig <- read.spss("data/DE22775503_Discrimination-of-EU-Citizens-by-Bureaucracy_Data-Set_2020-03-23.sav", = TRUE)
-> [1] 3778 298
-> [1] "RecordNo" "weight"
-> [3] "gender" "age_int"
-> [5] "age_quota" "sta"
-> [7] "educ_neu" "voceduc_neu"
-> [9] "emps" "emps_quote"
-> [11] "work_sector_2019" "public_sector_type"
-> [13] "target" "sample"
-> [15] "q1" "q2_1"
-> [17] "q2_2" "q2_3"
-> [19] "q2_4" "q2_5"
-> [21] "q2_6" "q2_7"
-> [23] "q2_8" "q2_66"
-> [25] "q2_99" "Treatment"
-> [27] "first_conjoint" "V1_1_attribute_1"
-> [29] "V1_1_attribute_2" "V1_1_attribute_3"
-> [31] "V1_1_attribute_4" "V1_1_attribute_5"
-> [33] "V1_2_attribute_1" "V1_2_attribute_2"
-> [35] "V1_2_attribute_3" "V1_2_attribute_4"
-> [37] "V1_2_attribute_5" "V1_3_attribute_1"
-> [39] "V1_3_attribute_2" "V1_3_attribute_3"
-> [41] "V1_3_attribute_4" "V1_3_attribute_5"
-> [43] "V1_4_attribute_1" "V1_4_attribute_2"
-> [45] "V1_4_attribute_3" "V1_4_attribute_4"
-> [47] "V1_4_attribute_5" "V1_5_attribute_1"
-> [49] "V1_5_attribute_2" "V1_5_attribute_3"
-> [51] "V1_5_attribute_4" "V1_5_attribute_5"
-> [53] "V1_6_attribute_1" "V1_6_attribute_2"
-> [55] "V1_6_attribute_3" "V1_6_attribute_4"
-> [57] "V1_6_attribute_5" "V1_7_attribute_1"
-> [59] "V1_7_attribute_2" "V1_7_attribute_3"
-> [61] "V1_7_attribute_4" "V1_7_attribute_5"
-> [63] "V1_8_attribute_1" "V1_8_attribute_2"
-> [65] "V1_8_attribute_3" "V1_8_attribute_4"
-> [67] "V1_8_attribute_5" "V1_9_attribute_1"
-> [69] "V1_9_attribute_2" "V1_9_attribute_3"
-> [71] "V1_9_attribute_4" "V1_9_attribute_5"
-> [73] "V1_10_attribute_1" "V1_10_attribute_2"
-> [75] "V1_10_attribute_3" "V1_10_attribute_4"
-> [77] "V1_10_attribute_5" "V1_11_attribute_1"
-> [79] "V1_11_attribute_2" "V1_11_attribute_3"
-> [81] "V1_11_attribute_4" "V1_11_attribute_5"
-> [83] "V1_12_attribute_1" "V1_12_attribute_2"
-> [85] "V1_12_attribute_3" "V1_12_attribute_4"
-> [87] "V1_12_attribute_5" "V1a_1"
-> [89] "V1bb_1" "V1b_1"
-> [91] "V1c_1" "V1a_2"
-> [93] "V1bb_2" "V1b_2"
-> [95] "V1c_2" "V1a_3"
-> [97] "V1bb_3" "V1b_3"
-> [99] "V1c_3" "V1a_4"
-> [101] "V1bb_4" "V1b_4"
-> [103] "V1c_4" "V1a_5"
-> [105] "V1bb_5" "V1b_5"
-> [107] "V1c_5" "V1a_6"
-> [109] "V1bb_6" "V1b_6"
-> [111] "V1c_6" "q3_1"
-> [113] "q3_2" "q3_99"
-> [115] "q3t1" "q3t2"
-> [117] "q4" "q5"
-> [119] "q6_1" "q6_2"
-> [121] "q6_99" "q6t1"
-> [123] "q6t2" "q7_1"
-> [125] "q7_2" "q7_3"
-> [127] "q7_4" "q7_5"
-> [129] "q7_6" "q7_99"
-> [131] "q7t" "Q7T0"
-> [133] "Q7T1" "Q7T2"
-> [135] "V2_1_attribute_1" "V2_1_attribute_2"
-> [137] "V2_1_attribute_3" "V2_1_attribute_4"
-> [139] "V2_1_attribute_5" "V2_2_attribute_1"
-> [141] "V2_2_attribute_2" "V2_2_attribute_3"
-> [143] "V2_2_attribute_4" "V2_2_attribute_5"
-> [145] "V2_3_attribute_1" "V2_3_attribute_2"
-> [147] "V2_3_attribute_3" "V2_3_attribute_4"
-> [149] "V2_3_attribute_5" "V2_4_attribute_1"
-> [151] "V2_4_attribute_2" "V2_4_attribute_3"
-> [153] "V2_4_attribute_4" "V2_4_attribute_5"
-> [155] "V2_5_attribute_1" "V2_5_attribute_2"
-> [157] "V2_5_attribute_3" "V2_5_attribute_4"
-> [159] "V2_5_attribute_5" "V2_6_attribute_1"
-> [161] "V2_6_attribute_2" "V2_6_attribute_3"
-> [163] "V2_6_attribute_4" "V2_6_attribute_5"
-> [165] "V2_7_attribute_1" "V2_7_attribute_2"
-> [167] "V2_7_attribute_3" "V2_7_attribute_4"
-> [169] "V2_7_attribute_5" "V2_8_attribute_1"
-> [171] "V2_8_attribute_2" "V2_8_attribute_3"
-> [173] "V2_8_attribute_4" "V2_8_attribute_5"
-> [175] "V2_9_attribute_1" "V2_9_attribute_2"
-> [177] "V2_9_attribute_3" "V2_9_attribute_4"
-> [179] "V2_9_attribute_5" "V2_10_attribute_1"
-> [181] "V2_10_attribute_2" "V2_10_attribute_3"
-> [183] "V2_10_attribute_4" "V2_10_attribute_5"
-> [185] "V2_11_attribute_1" "V2_11_attribute_2"
-> [187] "V2_11_attribute_3" "V2_11_attribute_4"
-> [189] "V2_11_attribute_5" "V2_12_attribute_1"
-> [191] "V2_12_attribute_2" "V2_12_attribute_3"
-> [193] "V2_12_attribute_4" "V2_12_attribute_5"
-> [195] "V2a_1" "V2bb_1"
-> [197] "V2b_1" "V2c_1"
-> [199] "V2a_2" "V2bb_2"
-> [201] "V2b_2" "V2c_2"
-> [203] "V2a_3" "V2bb_3"
-> [205] "V2b_3" "V2c_3"
-> [207] "V2a_4" "V2bb_4"
-> [209] "V2b_4" "V2c_4"
-> [211] "V2a_5" "V2bb_5"
-> [213] "V2b_5" "V2c_5"
-> [215] "V2a_6" "V2bb_6"
-> [217] "V2b_6" "V2c_6"
-> [219] "q8" "q8a"
-> [221] "Q8A0" "Q8A1"
-> [223] "Q8A2" "q9"
-> [225] "leftright_neu_shift" "migration"
-> [227] "migration_country_1" "migration_country_2"
-> [229] "migration_country_3" "migration_country_4"
-> [231] "migration_country_5" "migration_country_6"
-> [233] "migration_country_7" "migration_country_8"
-> [235] "migration_country_9" "migration_country_10"
-> [237] "migration_country_11" "migration_country_955"
-> [239] "migration_cu_recode" "attitude_eu"
-> [241] "attitude_immigration" "big5_CP_Agreeableness"
-> [243] "big5_CP_Agreeableness_rc" "big5_CP_Conscientiousness"
-> [245] "big5_CP_Conscientiousness_rc" "big5_CP_Extraversion"
-> [247] "big5_CP_Extraversion_rc" "big5_CP_Neuroticism"
-> [249] "big5_CP_Neuroticism_rc" "big5_CP_Openness"
-> [251] "big5_CP_Openness_rc" "pinc"
-> [253] "hinc" "starttime"
-> [255] "START0" "START1"
-> [257] "START2" "endtime"
-> [259] "ENDTI0" "ENDTI1"
-> [261] "ENDTI2" "time_p_age_gender"
-> [263] "time_p_sta" "time_p_educ_neu"
-> [265] "time_p_voceduc_neu" "time_p_emps"
-> [267] "time_p_work_sector_2019" "time_p_public_sector_type"
-> [269] "time_p_q1" "time_p_q2"
-> [271] "time_p_V1_Intro" "time_p_V1_1"
-> [273] "time_p_V1_2" "time_p_V1_3"
-> [275] "time_p_V1_4" "time_p_V1_5"
-> [277] "time_p_V1_6" "time_p_q3"
-> [279] "time_p_q4" "time_p_q5"
-> [281] "time_p_q6" "time_p_q7"
-> [283] "time_p_V2_Intro" "time_p_V2_1"
-> [285] "time_p_V2_2" "time_p_V2_3"
-> [287] "time_p_V2_4" "time_p_V2_5"
-> [289] "time_p_V2_6" "time_p_q8"
-> [291] "time_p_q8a" "time_p_q9"
-> [293] "time_p_info_1" "time_p_leftright_neu_shift"
-> [295] "time_p_migration" "time_p_migration_country"
-> [297] "time_p_attitude_eu" "time_p_attitude_immigration"
Delete the first 25 observations that correspond to individuals to whom the old questionnaire (YouGov test) was administered.
orig <- orig[-c(1:25),]
# Write some specific functions to better clarify data cleaning part later
clean.ideology <- function(x) {
x <- as.character(x)
x[x == "links"] <- "0"
x[x == "rechts"] <- "10"
} <- function(x) {
x <- as.character(x)
x[x == "Ohne Schulabschluss"] <- "Primary"
x[x == "Haupt-(Volks-)schulabschluss"] <- "Primary"
x[x == "Noch in schulischer Ausbildung"] <- "Still studying"
x[x == "Realschul- oder gleichwertiger Abschluss (POS, Mittlere Reife)"] <- "Secondary"
x[x == "Abitur, Fachhochschulreife"] <- "Tertiary"
x[x == "keine Angabe"] <- NA
return(factor(x, levels = c("Primary",
"Still studying",
clean.attitude <- function(x) {
x[x == "Weiß nicht / keine Angabe"] <- NA
clean.citizenship <- function(x) {
x <- as.character(x)
x[x == "Weiß nicht / keine Angabe"] <- NA
x[x != "Besitze nicht die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft"] <- "0"
x[x == "Besitze nicht die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft"] <- "1"
clean.eurights <- function(x) {
x[x == "weiß nicht / keine Angabe"] <- NA
clean.reader <- function(x) {
x <- as.character(x)
x[x == "Ja"] <- 1
x[x == "Nein"] <- 0
x[x == "Weiß nicht"] <- NA
clean.timespent <- function(h, m, na, H, M) {
time <- rep(NA, length(h))
H[] <- 0
M[] <- 0
time <- (H * 60 + M) / 60
time[na == "Yes"] <- NA
clean.socialnetworks <- function(data, vars,, na, other) {
sn <- rep(0, length(na))
SN <- data[,vars]
sn.M <- apply(SN, 1, function(x) ifelse(length(which(x == "Yes")) > 0, TRUE, FALSE))
sn[sn.M] <- 1
sn[data[] == "Yes"] <- 0
sn[na == "Yes"] <- NA
Process individual-level variables and generate a tidy object (I
in minutes).Outcomes
to welfare and rights, instead of first and second
).I <- orig %>% # Individual-level variables
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
# Generate a unique individual ID (id) used as a main reference
# Gets its value from the position of the individual
# Avoid using the one given in the sample, as it starts with 0.
mutate(id = 1:n()) %>%
mutate(Gender = as.factor(ifelse(gender == "männlich", "Male", "Female"))) %>%
mutate(Age = as.integer(age_int)) %>%
mutate(Education = %>%
#mutate(Target = target) %>%
# Convert times to proper time format in R
mutate(endtime = as.POSIXct(as.character(str_sub(endtime, 1, 19)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) %>%
mutate(starttime = as.POSIXct(as.character(str_sub(starttime, 1, 19)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) %>%
mutate(Time = as.numeric(as.character(difftime(endtime, starttime)))) %>%
mutate(TimeCompleted = endtime) %>%
mutate(DateCompleted = as.Date(endtime)) %>%
mutate(Period = as.integer(as.numeric(DateCompleted - min(DateCompleted) + 1))) %>%
# Give meaningful names to population groups
mutate(Population = as.factor(ifelse(as.character(target) == 'Nicht "Öffentliche Verwaltung"',
"General population", "Public administration"))) %>%
mutate(Treatment = as.factor(ifelse(as.character(Treatment) == "Treatment gezeigt", "Shown", "Not shown"))) %>%
mutate(Migration = as.factor(ifelse(migration == "ja", "Yes", "No"))) %>%
# Personality traits are simply converted into integers
mutate(Agreeableness = as.integer(as.numeric(big5_CP_Agreeableness))) %>%
mutate(Conscientiousness = as.integer(as.numeric(big5_CP_Conscientiousness))) %>%
mutate(Extraversion = as.integer(as.numeric(big5_CP_Extraversion))) %>%
mutate(Neuroticism = as.integer(as.numeric(big5_CP_Neuroticism))) %>%
mutate(Openess = as.integer(as.numeric(big5_CP_Openness))) %>%
mutate(Income = hinc) %>%
mutate(Ideology = clean.ideology(leftright_neu_shift)) %>%
mutate(`Immigration, favourable` = clean.attitude(attitude_immigration)) %>%
mutate(`EU, favourable` = clean.attitude(attitude_eu)) %>%
mutate(`No german citizenship` = clean.citizenship(q8)) %>%
mutate(`EU, same rights` = clean.eurights(q9)) %>%
mutate(`Political interest` = clean.timespent(q3_1, q3_2, q3_99, q3t1, q3t2)) %>%
mutate(`Book reader` = clean.reader(q5)) %>%
mutate(`Press reader` = clean.reader(q4)) %>%
mutate(`Internet use` = clean.timespent(q6_1, q6_2, q6_99, q6t1, q6t2)) %>%
mutate(`On social networks` = clean.socialnetworks(
data = .,
vars = paste0("q7_", 1:5), = "q7_6",
na = "q7_99",
other = c("q7t", "Q7T0", "Q7T1", "Q7T2"))) %>%
# Manually check that C1 is for welfare ind C2 for rights, internaly in the
# YouGov surey
mutate(`FirstShown` = as.factor(ifelse(first_conjoint == "Conjoint 1 (ALG2) zuerst",
"Welfare", "Rights"))) %>%
mutate(Region = sta) %>%
# Also possible to clean:
# public_sector_type
# work_sector_2019
# emps
select(id, Time, TimeCompleted, DateCompleted, Period, FirstShown,
Population, Treatment,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,
Neuroticism, Openess,
Gender, Age, Education,
Ideology, Migration,
`Immigration, favourable`, `EU, favourable`,
`No german citizenship`, `EU, same rights`,
`Political interest`,
`Book reader`, `Press reader`,
`Internet use`, `On social networks`,
# Recode non-responses
levels(I$Income)[levels(I$Income) == "keine Angabe"] <- NA
# Indicate types of variables
personality.variables <- c("Agreeableness", "Conscientiousness", "Extraversion",
"Neuroticism", "Openess")
Example of the structure and content of the I
-> # A tibble: 3,753 x 29
-> id Time TimeCompleted DateCompleted Period FirstShown Population
-> <int> <dbl> <dttm> <date> <int> <fct> <fct>
-> 1 1 6.15 2020-02-27 09:29:27 2020-02-27 1 Rights General popu…
-> 2 2 11.4 2020-02-27 10:24:51 2020-02-27 1 Rights General popu…
-> 3 3 4.95 2020-02-27 09:24:14 2020-02-27 1 Rights General popu…
-> 4 4 8.6 2020-02-27 09:31:46 2020-02-27 1 Rights General popu…
-> 5 5 13.1 2020-02-27 10:00:44 2020-02-27 1 Rights General popu…
-> 6 6 3.48 2020-02-27 09:52:13 2020-02-27 1 Rights General popu…
-> 7 7 7.4 2020-02-27 09:52:07 2020-02-27 1 Welfare General popu…
-> 8 8 7.95 2020-02-27 09:54:56 2020-02-27 1 Rights General popu…
-> 9 9 6.82 2020-02-27 09:32:57 2020-02-27 1 Rights General popu…
-> 10 10 13.8 2020-02-27 10:03:53 2020-02-27 1 Rights General popu…
-> # … with 3,743 more rows, and 22 more variables: Treatment <fct>, Region <fct>,
-> # Agreeableness <int>, Conscientiousness <int>, Extraversion <int>,
-> # Neuroticism <int>, Openess <int>, Gender <fct>, Age <int>, Education <fct>,
-> # Ideology <int>, Migration <fct>, Immigration, favourable <int>,
-> # EU, favourable <int>, No german citizenship <int>, EU, same rights <int>,
-> # Political interest <dbl>, Book reader <int>, Press reader <int>,
-> # Internet use <dbl>, On social networks <int>, Income <fct>
Descriptive statistics of the object containing individual data.
-> id Time TimeCompleted
-> Min. : 1 Min. : 3 Min. :2020-02-27 09:21:41
-> 1st Qu.: 939 1st Qu.: 7 1st Qu.:2020-02-27 16:08:52
-> Median :1877 Median : 9 Median :2020-02-27 20:46:01
-> Mean :1877 Mean : 115 Mean :2020-03-02 01:03:45
-> 3rd Qu.:2815 3rd Qu.: 13 3rd Qu.:2020-03-04 18:34:06
-> Max. :3753 Max. :24024 Max. :2020-03-16 13:49:50
-> DateCompleted Period FirstShown
-> Min. :2020-02-27 Min. : 1.00 Rights :1890
-> 1st Qu.:2020-02-27 1st Qu.: 1.00 Welfare:1863
-> Median :2020-02-27 Median : 1.00
-> Mean :2020-03-01 Mean : 4.44
-> 3rd Qu.:2020-03-04 3rd Qu.: 7.00
-> Max. :2020-03-16 Max. :19.00
-> Population Treatment Region
-> General population :2974 Not shown:1878 Nordrhein-Westfalen: 887
-> Public administration: 779 Shown :1875 Bayern : 501
-> Baden-Württemberg : 389
-> Niedersachsen : 343
-> Hessen : 273
-> Sachsen : 226
-> (Other) :1134
-> Agreeableness Conscientiousness Extraversion Neuroticism Openess
-> Min. : 4.0 Min. : 7.0 Min. : 4.0 Min. : 4.0 Min. : 4.0
-> 1st Qu.:16.0 1st Qu.:19.0 1st Qu.:10.0 1st Qu.:10.0 1st Qu.:16.0
-> Median :19.0 Median :22.0 Median :16.0 Median :13.0 Median :19.0
-> Mean :19.5 Mean :21.3 Mean :14.6 Mean :13.3 Mean :18.6
-> 3rd Qu.:22.0 3rd Qu.:25.0 3rd Qu.:16.0 3rd Qu.:16.0 3rd Qu.:22.0
-> Max. :28.0 Max. :28.0 Max. :28.0 Max. :28.0 Max. :28.0
-> Gender Age Education Ideology Migration
-> Female:1942 Min. :18.0 Primary : 754 Min. : 0.00 No :3355
-> Male :1811 1st Qu.:36.0 Secondary :1357 1st Qu.: 3.00 Yes : 386
-> Median :51.0 Still studying: 53 Median : 5.00 NA's: 12
-> Mean :48.7 Tertiary :1589 Mean : 4.65
-> 3rd Qu.:61.0 3rd Qu.: 5.00
-> Max. :91.0 Max. :10.00
-> NA's :3
-> Immigration, favourable EU, favourable No german citizenship EU, same rights
-> Min. :1.0 Min. :1.0 Min. :0.00 Min. :1.0
-> 1st Qu.:2.0 1st Qu.:2.0 1st Qu.:0.00 1st Qu.:3.0
-> Median :2.0 Median :3.0 Median :0.00 Median :3.0
-> Mean :2.4 Mean :3.1 Mean :0.02 Mean :3.2
-> 3rd Qu.:3.0 3rd Qu.:4.0 3rd Qu.:0.00 3rd Qu.:4.0
-> Max. :5.0 Max. :4.0 Max. :1.00 Max. :4.0
-> NA's :454 NA's :400 NA's :38 NA's :273
-> Political interest Book reader Press reader Internet use
-> Min. : 0.0 Min. :0.00 Min. :0.00 Min. : 0.0
-> 1st Qu.: 0.5 1st Qu.:0.00 1st Qu.:0.00 1st Qu.: 2.0
-> Median : 1.0 Median :1.00 Median :1.00 Median : 3.0
-> Mean : 1.3 Mean :0.67 Mean :0.56 Mean : 4.1
-> 3rd Qu.: 1.8 3rd Qu.:1.00 3rd Qu.:1.00 3rd Qu.: 5.0
-> Max. :24.0 Max. :1.00 Max. :1.00 Max. :24.0
-> NA's :724 NA's :38 NA's :74 NA's :433
-> On social networks Income
-> Min. :0.0 EUR 2.000 bis unter EUR 2.500: 401
-> 1st Qu.:0.0 EUR 1.500 bis unter EUR 2.000: 366
-> Median :1.0 EUR 2.500 bis unter EUR 3.000: 366
-> Mean :0.7 EUR 1.000 bis unter EUR 1.500: 359
-> 3rd Qu.:1.0 EUR 3.000 bis unter EUR 3.500: 322
-> Max. :1.0 (Other) :1208
-> NA's :64 NA's : 731
Process individual-level variables associated with time taken to complete each
of the questions of the survey and store them into a tidy object (I.time
, in seconds).Outcome
and Exercise
.I.time <- orig %>% # Individual-level variables
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
mutate(id = 1:n()) %>%
select(id, starts_with("time_p_V")) %>%
# Move from a wide format where there are many variables into a long format
# where previous variable names get a variable (Variable), to help processing
# and cleaning them.
pivot_longer(-id, names_to = "Variable", values_to = "time") %>%
# The original names of the columns are separated with "_", and therefore we
# can take advantage of this by giving each part a different variable name.
separate(Variable, sep = "_", into = c("Nothing1", "Nothing2", "Outcome", "Exercise")) %>%
filter(Exercise != "neu") %>%
mutate(Exercise = as.factor(ifelse(Exercise == "Intro", "Reading", Exercise))) %>%
# As previously, manually confirm that V1 belongs to Welfare and V2 to Rights
mutate(Outcome = as.factor(ifelse(Outcome == "V1", "Welfare", "Rights"))) %>%
select(id, Outcome, Exercise, time)
# There are also variables START1 .. ENDTI0
# that probably allow us to know whether someone resumed the survey
# but are all empty
-> # A tibble: 52,542 x 4
-> id Outcome Exercise time
-> <int> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
-> 1 1 Welfare Reading 4.35
-> 2 1 Welfare 1 7.98
-> 3 1 Welfare 2 7.79
-> 4 1 Welfare 3 11.4
-> 5 1 Welfare 4 8.98
-> 6 1 Welfare 5 8.78
-> 7 1 Welfare 6 11.0
-> 8 1 Rights Reading 1.64
-> 9 1 Rights 1 14.9
-> 10 1 Rights 2 7.88
-> # … with 52,532 more rows
-> id Outcome Exercise time
-> Min. : 1 Rights :26271 1 :7506 Min. : 0
-> 1st Qu.: 939 Welfare:26271 2 :7506 1st Qu.: 7
-> Median :1877 3 :7506 Median : 11
-> Mean :1877 4 :7506 Mean : 20
-> 3rd Qu.:2815 5 :7506 3rd Qu.: 18
-> Max. :3753 6 :7506 Max. :21941
-> Reading:7506
Process the experimental data and variables.
, 0 or 1, Score
for the continuous
rate) to one of the six Exercise
(s) (1:6) that exist in each of the two Outcome
(Welfare, Rights).Population
(General population or Public administration), the Treatment
(Shown or not shown)ProfileOrder
, Gender
, Language
, Profession
).# This object stores all the experimental data
E.full <- orig %>% # Experiment-level variables
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
mutate(id = 1:n()) %>%
# Select onli variables starting with "V" (except voceduc_neu), that
# correspond to the experimental data
select(id, starts_with("V")) %>%
select(-voceduc_neu) %>%
# Instead of a long list of variables, move them to the long format where a
# new variable (Variable) gets their previous variable name.
pivot_longer(-id, names_to = "Variable", values_to = "value")
# With this object E.full we now differentiate the cleaning of the attributes of
# the profiles shown (E.profiles) and the cleaning of the responses (E.rates).
# Clean the profiles of the options presented
E.profiles <- E.full %>%
# These are the variables that are named 'attribute'
filter(str_detect(Variable, "attribute")) %>%
separate(Variable, sep = "_", into = c("Outcome", "Profile", "Nothing", "Feature")) %>%
select(-Nothing) %>%
mutate(Outcome = as.factor(ifelse(Outcome == "V1", "Welfare", "Rights"))) %>%
mutate(Profile = as.integer(as.numeric(Profile))) %>%
# check if Profile is odd or even, for assigning its order
mutate(ProfileOrder = as.integer(ifelse(Profile %% 2 != 0, 1, 2))) %>%
# Manually assign Profiles 1 and 2 to the first Exercise, 3 and 4 to the
# second exercise, etc...
# A bit manual and rustic, but we need it in this format.
mutate(Exercise = case_when(
Profile %in% 1:2 ~ 1L,
Profile %in% 3:4 ~ 2L,
Profile %in% 5:6 ~ 3L,
Profile %in% 7:8 ~ 4L,
Profile %in% 9:10 ~ 5L,
Profile %in% 11:12 ~ 6L)) %>%
# Manually map the features into our variable names.
mutate(Variable = as.factor(recode(Feature,
`1` = "Nationality",
`2` = "Gender",
`3` = "Language",
`4` = "Profession",
`5` = "Age"))) %>%
select(-Feature) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Variable, values_from = value) %>%
mutate(Nationality = as.factor(ifelse(Nationality == "Niederlande", "Netherlands", "Romania"))) %>%
mutate(Gender = as.factor(ifelse(Gender == "Männlich", "Male", "Female"))) %>%
mutate(Language = as.factor(ifelse(Language == "Fließend deutsch", "Full", "No"))) %>%
mutate(Profession = as.factor(ifelse(Profession %in% c("Arzt", "Ärztin"), "Doctor", "Nurse"))) %>%
mutate(Age = factor(Age)) %>%
select(id, Outcome, Exercise, Profile, ProfileOrder, Nationality, Gender, Language, Profession, Age)
# Responses to the survey
E.rates <- E.full %>%
# Now we want anything but the attributes of the profiles, namely the
# responses
filter(!str_detect(Variable, "attribute")) %>%
separate(Variable, sep = "_", into = c("OutcomePlus", "Exercise")) %>%
mutate(Exercise = as.integer(as.numeric(Exercise))) %>%
separate(OutcomePlus, sep = 2, into = c("Outcome", "Rating")) %>%
# Again, manually check and assign V1 to welfare and V2 to rights.
mutate(Outcome = as.factor(ifelse(str_detect(Outcome, "V1"), "Welfare", "Rights"))) %>%
# Manually check that the letters used for ratings are indeed used for the
# three responses.
mutate(Rating = ifelse(Rating == "a", "Prioritization", Rating)) %>%
mutate(Rating = ifelse(Rating == "b", "Profile 1", Rating)) %>%
mutate(Rating = ifelse(Rating == "c", "Profile 2", Rating)) %>%
mutate(Rating = ifelse(Rating == "bb", "Certainty", Rating)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Rating, values_from = value) %>%
# Manually recode to whom the respondent has given the priority.
mutate(Prioritization = as.integer(ifelse(Prioritization %in% c("Anfrage von Person 1",
"Antragsteller 1"), 1, 2))) %>%
mutate(Certainty = as.character(Certainty)) %>%
mutate(Certainty = ifelse(Certainty == "1 - Überhaupt nicht sicher", "1", Certainty)) %>%
mutate(Certainty = ifelse(Certainty == "10 - Äußerst sicher", "10", Certainty)) %>%
mutate(Certainty = as.integer(as.numeric(Certainty))) #%>%
#select(-c(`Profile 1`, `Profile 2`))
# # For the numerical ratings, it is a bit trickier and has to be done for the
# # two responses.
# mutate(`Profile 1` = as.character(`Profile 1`)) %>%
# mutate(`Profile 1` = ifelse(`Profile 1` == "1 - Überhaupt nicht wahrscheinlich", "1", `Profile 1`)) %>%
# mutate(`Profile 1` = ifelse(`Profile 1` == "7 - Äußerst wahrscheinlich", "7", `Profile 1`)) %>%
# mutate(`Profile 1` = as.integer(as.numeric(`Profile 1`))) %>%
# mutate(`Profile 2` = as.character(`Profile 2`)) %>%
# mutate(`Profile 2` = ifelse(`Profile 2` == "1 - Überhaupt nicht wahrscheinlich", "1", `Profile 2`)) %>%
# mutate(`Profile 2` = ifelse(`Profile 2` == "7 - Äußerst wahrscheinlich", "7", `Profile 2`)) %>%
# mutate(`Profile 2` = as.integer(as.numeric(`Profile 2`)))
# Now match rates with profiles.
# Very dirty, but there is no way to automatize, because there is no association
# between variable names and experiment/profile taken
# So first we must join profiles with binary ratings and assign the decision
# and then join this with the numerical rates to assign the ratings.
E <- E.profiles %>%
# Start with profiles and join them with rates for the binary prioritization.
left_join(select(E.rates, id, Outcome, Exercise, Prioritization, Certainty)) %>%
# The binary prioritization is assessed here where the order in which the
# profile has been shown matches the prioritized one.
mutate(Decision = as.integer(ifelse(ProfileOrder == Prioritization, 1, 0))) %>%
# Now join also the rates of the numerical scores.
# Although they are deleted, because are not asked in the survey.
left_join(E.rates %>%
select(-Prioritization, -Certainty) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(id, Outcome, Exercise), names_to = "Profile", values_to = "Score") %>%
mutate(ProfileOrder = as.integer(ifelse(Profile == "Profile 1", 1, 2))) %>%
select(-Profile, -Score))
# Also include the Population and the Treatment in the experiment data, for
# convenience, although in terms of cleanliness, these variables belong to the
# individual-level data.
E <- right_join(select(I, id, Population, Treatment), E)
feature.variables <- c("Nationality", "Gender", "Language",
"Profession", "Age")
-> # A tibble: 90,072 x 15
-> id Population Treatment Outcome Exercise Profile ProfileOrder Nationality
-> <int> <fct> <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <int> <fct>
-> 1 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 1 1 1 Romania
-> 2 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 1 2 2 Romania
-> 3 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 2 3 1 Romania
-> 4 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 2 4 2 Netherlands
-> 5 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 3 5 1 Romania
-> 6 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 3 6 2 Romania
-> 7 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 4 7 1 Romania
-> 8 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 4 8 2 Netherlands
-> 9 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 5 9 1 Netherlands
-> 10 1 General po… Not shown Welfare 5 10 2 Netherlands
-> # … with 90,062 more rows, and 7 more variables: Gender <fct>, Language <fct>,
-> # Profession <fct>, Age <fct>, Prioritization <int>, Certainty <int>,
-> # Decision <int>
-> id Population Treatment Outcome
-> Min. : 1 General population :71376 Not shown:45072 Rights :45036
-> 1st Qu.: 939 Public administration:18696 Shown :45000 Welfare:45036
-> Median :1877
-> Mean :1877
-> 3rd Qu.:2815
-> Max. :3753
-> Exercise Profile ProfileOrder Nationality Gender
-> Min. :1.0 Min. : 1.00 Min. :1.0 Netherlands:44858 Female:45155
-> 1st Qu.:2.0 1st Qu.: 3.75 1st Qu.:1.0 Romania :45214 Male :44917
-> Median :3.5 Median : 6.50 Median :1.5
-> Mean :3.5 Mean : 6.50 Mean :1.5
-> 3rd Qu.:5.0 3rd Qu.: 9.25 3rd Qu.:2.0
-> Max. :6.0 Max. :12.00 Max. :2.0
-> Language Profession Age Prioritization Certainty
-> Full:44875 Doctor:44989 25:30025 Min. :1.00 Min. : 1.00
-> No :45197 Nurse :45083 40:29954 1st Qu.:1.00 1st Qu.: 5.00
-> 55:30093 Median :1.00 Median : 7.00
-> Mean :1.46 Mean : 6.88
-> 3rd Qu.:2.00 3rd Qu.: 9.00
-> Max. :2.00 Max. :10.00
-> Decision
-> Min. :0.0
-> 1st Qu.:0.0
-> Median :0.5
-> Mean :0.5
-> 3rd Qu.:1.0
-> Max. :1.0
orig %>%
select(V1a_1, endtime, V1b_1, V1c_1, V1bb_1) %>%
orig %>%
select(V1a_1, V1b_1, V1c_1, V1bb_1) %>%
I, I.time, personality.variables,
E, feature.variables,
file = "yougov.RData")
run.pcp <- TRUE
or <- function(x, significant = 2) {
or <- as.character(signif((x - 1) * 100, significant))
#or[or < 0] <- paste0("▽ ", str_replace(or[or < 0], "-", ""), "%")
or[or < 0] <- paste0("\U25Bd ", str_replace(or[or < 0], "-", ""), "%")
#or[or > 0] <- paste0("△ ", or[or > 0], "%")
or[or > 0] <- paste0("\U25B3 ", or[or > 0], "%")
or[or == 0] <- "="
inv.logit <- function(x) return(1 / (1 + (exp(-(x)))))
The reference profiled individual has the following characteristics:
Therefore, the values of the Intercept correspond to this profile.
# Use a reference dataset different from the original,
# in case we want to apply filters or perform transformations.
d <- E %>%
mutate(Observation = 1:n())
# Define the outcome variable and calculate its size.
Y <- d$Decision
nO <- length(Y)
# The profile factors are cleaned, establishing reference categories and
# selecting the relevant variables that will be passed onto the final matrix.
# Store their names to be used later in the figures.
X <- d %>%
mutate(`Nationality Netherlands` = ifelse(Nationality == "Netherlands", 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(`Gender Male` = ifelse(Gender == "Male", 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(`Profession Nurse` = ifelse(Profession == "Nurse", 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(`Language Full` = ifelse(Language == "Full", 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(`Age 25` = ifelse(Age == "25", 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(`Age 55` = ifelse(Age == "55", 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(`First shown` = ifelse(ProfileOrder == 1, 1, 0)) %>%
select(`Nationality Netherlands`,
`Gender Male`,
`Profession Nurse`,
`Language Full`,
`Age 25`,
`Age 55`,
`First shown`) %>%
X <- cbind("(Intercept)" = 1, X)
nF <- dim(X)[[2]]
feature.label <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
feature.label.order <- c("Nationality Netherlands",
"Language Full",
"Profession Nurse",
"Age 25",
"Age 55",
"Gender Male")
# Define a matrix for later use in multivariate normal priors.
b0 <- rep(0, nF)
B0 <- diag(nF)
diag(B0) <- 2.5^-2
# Identify outcome, exercise, population and treatment with numbers,
# count their size and keep labels for later.
id.outcome <- as.numeric(d$Outcome)
outcome.label <- levels(d$Outcome)
nOutcome <- length(outcome.label)
id.exercise <- d$Exercise
exercise.label <- sort(unique(d$Exercise))
nE <- length(exercise.label)
id.population <- as.numeric(d$Population)
population.label <- levels(d$Population)
nP <- length(population.label)
id.treatment <- as.numeric(d$Treatment)
treatment.label <- levels(d$Treatment)
nT <- length(treatment.label)
first.shown.profile <- ifelse(d$ProfileOrder == 1, 1, 0)
# Store all the variables needed by JAGS in a single list
D <- list(
nO = nO,
id_outcome = id.outcome, nOutcome = nOutcome,
id_exercise = id.exercise , nE = nE,
id_population = id.population, nP = nP,
id_treatment = id.treatment, nT = nT,
first_shown_profile = first.shown.profile,
X = unname(X), nF = nF, b0 = b0, B0 = B0,
Y = Y)
Model description:
\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{o} & \sim & \mathcal{B}(\pi_{o}) && \text{Main data component} \\ \pi_{o} & = & \text{logit} (\theta_{O,p,t,f} F_{o,f}) && \text{Linear relationship} \\ % \theta_{O,p,t,f} & \sim &\mathcal{N}(\Theta_{O,f}, \sigma_{\theta_{O,f}}) && \text{Priors for explanatory variables} \\ % \Theta_{O,f} & \sim &\mathcal{N}(\Omega_{f}, \sigma_{\Theta_{f}}) && \text{Prior for the effects shared by outcome} \\ % \sigma_{\theta_{O,f}} & \sim & \mathcal{IG}(1, 1) && \text{Prior for SD, pooling of population and treatment} \\ % \sigma_{\Theta_{f}} & \sim & \mathcal{IG}(1, 1) && \text{Prior for SD, pooling of outcome} \\ % \Omega_{f} & \sim &\mathcal{N}(0, 1) && \text{Prior for the effects of every feature} \\ % \end{aligned} \]
The \(\sigma_{\theta_{O,f}}\) can also be seen as a pooling factor. The higher, the more freely are the effects of population and treatment to vary from the overall \(\Theta_{O,f}\) shared by outcome and feature. If it is restricted to be very close to 0 then it assumes that there should be a lot of variation from the two populations and two treatments to make them different. Otherwise, they “borrow strength” from the overall means.
So far we have used a very relaxed pooling (almost none). A model with a restriction very close to zero is the “Cauchy” model.
This model estimates approximately the following number of parameters:
# theta
(nOutcome * nP * nT * nF) +
# Theta
(nOutcome * nF) +
# Omega
(nF) +
# sigma_theta
(nOutcome * nF) +
# sigma_Theta
-> [1] 112
M <- "Decision, Baseline"
M.lab <- "decision-baseline"
# Define the JAGS model (Bugs language) in a character vector
# and write it in a file which name is taken from the labels that we just
# defined the model will be called.
m <- "
model {
for (o in 1:nO) {
Y[o] ~ dbern(p[o])
logit(p[o]) <- inprod(theta[id_outcome[o],id_population[o],id_treatment[o],1:nF], X[o,1:nF])
# Priors for effects
for (f in 1:nF) {
for (ocm in 1:nOutcome) {
for (p in 1:nP) {
for (t in 1:nT) {
#theta[ocm,p,t,f] ~ dnorm(Theta[ocm,f], sigma_theta[ocm,f]^-2)
theta[ocm,p,t,f] ~ dnorm(Theta[ocm,f], tau_theta[ocm,f])
#sigma_theta[ocm,f] ~ dt(0, 0.5^-2, 1)T(0,)
tau_theta[ocm,f] ~ dgamma(1, 1)
sigma_theta[ocm,f] <- 1 / sqrt(tau_theta[ocm,f])
#Theta[ocm,f] ~ dnorm(Omega[f], sigma_Theta[f]^-2)
Theta[ocm,f] ~ dnorm(Omega[f], tau_Theta[f])
#sigma_Theta[f] ~ dt(0, 0.5^-2, 1)T(0,)
tau_Theta[f] ~ dgamma(1, 1)
sigma_Theta[f] <- 1 / sqrt(tau_Theta[f])
Omega ~ dmnorm(b0, B0)
write(m, file = paste("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug", sep = ""))
# Define which parameters we want to get from the model.
par <- NULL
par <- c(par, "theta")
par <- c(par, "Theta", "sigma_theta")
par <- c(par, "Omega", "sigma_Theta")
#if (run.pcp) par <- c(par, "p")
par.pcp <- c("p")
# Set the sampling characteristics
adapt <- 5e2
burnin <- 1e3#1e4
run <- 2e3
n.pcp <- 50
chains <- 3
method <- "parallel"
thin <- 5
# Run the sampler and save its results
# This chunk only runs when required (eval = FALSE), so that we do not have to
# run the model every time
t0 <- proc.time()
#rj <- run.jags(model = paste("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug", sep = ""),
# data = dump.format(D, checkvalid = FALSE),
# inits = list(list( = "base::Super-Duper", .RNG.seed = 1),
# list( = "base::Super-Duper", .RNG.seed = 2),
# list( = "base::Wichmann-Hill", .RNG.seed = 3)),
# modules = "glm",
# n.chains = chains,
# adapt = adapt,
# burnin = burnin, sample = run,
# thin = thin,
# monitor = par, method = method, summarise = FALSE)
my.jags <- function(seed, model, data, inits = NULL, n.adapt, n.burnin, n.samples, thin) {
jm <- jags.model(model, n.chains = 1, n.adapt = n.adapt,
inits = list(list( = "base::Super-Duper", .RNG.seed = seed)),
data = data)
update(jm, n.iter = burnin)
s <- coda.samples(jm, variable.names = par, n.iter = run * thin, thin = thin)
s.pcp <- coda.samples(jm, variable.names = par.pcp, n.iter = n.pcp, thin = 1)
return(list(s, s.pcp))
s.both <- mclapply(
X = seq_len(chains),
FUN = my.jags,
model = paste("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug", sep = ""),
data = D,
n.adapt = adapt, n.burnin = burnin, n.samples = run, thin = thin,
mc.preschedule = FALSE,
mc.cores = chains)
# Not very elegant, but works now. Must be improved
s <- as.mcmc.list(list(s.both[[1]][[1]][[1]],
s.p <- as.mcmc.list(list(s.both[[1]][[2]][[1]],
save(s, file = paste("samples-", M.lab, ".RData", sep = ""))
save(s.p, file = paste("samples-p-", M.lab, ".RData", sep = ""))
proc.time() - t0
load(file = paste("samples-", M.lab, ".RData", sep = ""))
load(file = paste("samples-p-", M.lab, ".RData", sep = ""))
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^theta|^Theta|^Omega"),
file = paste0("ggmcmc-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
param_page = 8,
plot = c("traceplot", "geweke", "Rhat"))
Figures 1 and 4 show the discrimination on all the characteristics. The parameters are the result of a logistic transformation, and therefore must be interpreted in terms of the odds (by exponentiating them) or predicted probabilities. They represent the relative importances of each feature (except for age, that the relative importances must be roughly divided by 2).
The caterpillar plot shows the distribution of the values for the parameters, where the dot represents the median expected effect, and the band covers 95 percent of the credible interval (also called the highest posterior density, HPD). In Bayesian statistics, however, there is not such thing as “statistically significant” for a parameter, as a clear cut indication, but results are presented in terms of probabilities of interest (such as the probability that the parameter is positive). See a Bayesian interpretation below, in the “Differential discrimination” output.
Comparing general population against public administration allows us to see the effect of having a smaller sample in the later group, by the sizes of the uncertainty bands. At this stage, I would avoid making any sort of interpretation of the public administration results (except, maybe, the strong deviation of the parameter regarding language effects in rights when treatment is not shown, that is remarkably far away from the general population).
For both outcomes, language is the most important feature to discriminate. In terms of magnitude, though, it is more important in rights than in welfare, but specially when the treatment is shown. For welfare, there are also signs of profession being relevant for discrimination, which is not at all suggested in rights.
# Use ggmcmc's features to get all the parameters in a tidy format
# Save some of them for later, to make model comparisons.
L.theta <- plab("theta", list(Outcome = outcome.label,
Population = population.label,
Treatment = treatment.label,
Feature = feature.label))
S.theta <- ggs(s, family = "^theta\\[", par_labels = L.theta) %>%
mutate(Model = M)
save(S.theta, file = paste("samples-", M.lab, "-theta", ".RData", sep = ""))
ci.theta <- ci(S.theta)
Report baseline probabilities of picking the reference individual.
tb <- ci.theta %>%
filter(Feature == "(Intercept)") %>%
arrange(desc(abs(median))) %>%
mutate(`Odds Ratio` = exp(median)) %>%
mutate(`Expected odds ratio` = or(`Odds Ratio`)) %>%
mutate(`Expected probability` = inv.logit(median)) %>%
select(Outcome, Treatment, Population, `Expected odds ratio`, `Expected probability`)
tc <- "Expected odds ratio and probability of prioritization for the reference profile."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = T)
Outcome | Treatment | Population | Expected odds ratio | Expected probability |
Rights | Not shown | Public administration | ▽ 51% | 0.3288 |
Welfare | Not shown | Public administration | ▽ 49% | 0.3364 |
Rights | Shown | Public administration | ▽ 48% | 0.3441 |
Welfare | Shown | Public administration | ▽ 46% | 0.3515 |
Rights | Not shown | General population | ▽ 46% | 0.3519 |
Rights | Shown | General population | ▽ 44% | 0.3589 |
Welfare | Not shown | General population | ▽ 42% | 0.3670 |
Welfare | Shown | General population | ▽ 41% | 0.3698 |
tb <- ci.theta %>%
filter(Feature == "(Intercept)") %>%
arrange(rev(Population), Outcome, Treatment) %>%
mutate(`Odds Ratio` = exp(median)) %>%
mutate(`Expected odds ratio` = or(`Odds Ratio`)) %>%
mutate(`Expected probability` = inv.logit(median)) %>%
select(Population, Outcome, Treatment, `Expected odds ratio`, `Expected probability`)
tc <- "Expected odds ratio and probability of prioritization for the reference profile."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10) %>%
pack_rows("Public administration", 5, 8) %>%
pack_rows("General population", 5, 8)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = T) %>%
pack_rows("Public administration", 1, 4) %>%
pack_rows("General population", 5, 8)
Population | Outcome | Treatment | Expected odds ratio | Expected probability |
Public administration | ||||
Public administration | Rights | Not shown | ▽ 51% | 0.3288 |
Public administration | Rights | Shown | ▽ 48% | 0.3441 |
Public administration | Welfare | Not shown | ▽ 49% | 0.3364 |
Public administration | Welfare | Shown | ▽ 46% | 0.3515 |
General population | ||||
General population | Rights | Not shown | ▽ 46% | 0.3519 |
General population | Rights | Shown | ▽ 44% | 0.3589 |
General population | Welfare | Not shown | ▽ 42% | 0.3670 |
General population | Welfare | Shown | ▽ 41% | 0.3698 |
ggplot(ci.theta, aes(ymin = low, ymax = high,
y = median, x = Feature,
color = Outcome)) +
coord_flip() +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 3) +
xlab("Parameter") + ylab("HPD") +
facet_grid(Treatment ~ Population) +
scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")
Figure 1: Prioritization of features, by population and treatment.
ggplot(ci.theta, aes(ymin = low, ymax = high,
y = median, x = Feature,
color = Treatment)) +
coord_flip() +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 3) +
xlab("Parameter") + ylab("HPD") +
facet_grid(Outcome ~ Population) +
scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Harmonic")
Figure 2: Prioritization of features, by population and outcome.
ci.theta %>%
filter(!(Feature %in% c("(Intercept)", "First shown"))) %>%
droplevels() %>%
mutate(Feature = factor(Feature, rev(feature.label.order))) %>%
mutate(Outcome = factor(Outcome, rev(levels(Outcome)))) %>%
mutate(low = exp(low), high = exp(high),
median = exp(median),
Low = exp(Low), High = exp(High)) %>%
ggplot(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high,
y = median, x = Feature,
color = Treatment)) +
coord_flip() +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 1), lty = 3) +
xlab("Parameter") +
ylab("Odds Ratio (HPD)") +
# ylab("HPD") +
facet_grid(Outcome ~ Population) +
scale_color_grey(start = 0.6, end = 0.2) +
theme(strip.text.x = element_text(face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(face = "bold")) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = log_trans(), breaks = c(0.7, 1, 1.5, 2)) +
theme(panel.spacing = unit(2, "lines"))
Figure 3: Prioritization of features, by population and outcome.
ggplot(ci.theta, aes(ymin = low, ymax = high,
y = median, x = Feature,
color = Population)) +
coord_flip() +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 3) +
xlab("Parameter") + ylab("HPD") +
facet_grid(Treatment ~ Outcome) +
scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dynamic")
Figure 4: Prioritization of features, by treatment and outcome.
ci.theta %>%
filter(!(Feature %in% c("(Intercept)", "First shown"))) %>%
droplevels() %>%
mutate(Feature = factor(Feature, rev(feature.label.order))) %>%
mutate(Outcome = factor(Outcome, rev(levels(Outcome)))) %>%
mutate(low = exp(low), high = exp(high),
median = exp(median),
Low = exp(Low), High = exp(High)) %>%
ggplot(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high,
y = median, x = Feature,
color = Population)) +
coord_flip() +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 1), lty = 3) +
xlab("Parameter") +
ylab("Odds Ratio (HPD)") +
# ylab("HPD") +
facet_grid(Treatment ~ Outcome) +
scale_color_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.2) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = log_trans(), breaks = c(0.7, 1, 1.5, 2)) +
theme(strip.text.x = element_text(face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(face = "bold")) +
theme(panel.spacing = unit(2, "lines"))
Figure 5: Prioritization of features, by treatment and outcome.
L.Theta <- plab("Theta", list(Outcome = outcome.label,
Feature = feature.label))
S.Theta <- ggs(s, family = "^Theta\\[", par_labels = L.Theta)
ggplot(ci(S.Theta), aes(ymin = low, ymax = high,
y = median, x = Feature,
color = Outcome)) +
coord_flip() +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 3) +
xlab("Parameter") + ylab("HPD") +
scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")
Figure 6: Prioritization of features (grand mean).
L.Omega <- plab("Omega", list(Feature = feature.label))
S.Omega <- ggs(s, family = "^Omega\\[", par_labels = L.Omega)
ggs_caterpillar(S.Omega) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3)
Figure 7: Prioritization of features (grand-grand mean).
List median expected effects.
tb <- S.Omega %>%
filter(Feature != "(Intercept)") %>%
ci() %>%
arrange(desc(abs(median))) %>%
mutate(`Odds Ratio` = exp(median)) %>%
mutate(`Expected effect` = or(`Odds Ratio`)) %>%
select(Feature, `Odds Ratio`, `Expected effect`)
tc <- "Odds ratio of expected grand-effects, sorted by magnitude."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = T)
Feature | Odds Ratio | Expected effect |
Language Full | 2.1741 | △ 120% |
Nationality Netherlands | 1.4403 | △ 44% |
Gender Male | 0.7355 | ▽ 26% |
First shown | 1.3551 | △ 36% |
Age 55 | 0.8653 | ▽ 13% |
Profession Nurse | 1.1448 | △ 14% |
Age 25 | 0.9244 | ▽ 7.6% |
On average, overall, individuals with full German are 2.17 times more likely to be prioritized. Dutch citizens are 44 percent more likely to be prioritized. Nurses are 14 percent more likely. Compared to individuals aged 40, younger and older ones are 7.6 and 14 percent less likely. Men are 26 percent less likely to be prioritized.
Figures 8 and 9 show the relative attribute importance. Language accounts for approximately half the importance that respondents give to the prioritization (more in rights than in welfare). In public administration population the relative importances are more distributed across attributes. But at the same time, the relative importances between profession and nationality change more radically: they base their decision more on nationality when rights are involved, and profession when welfare is involved.
importance <- function(x) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
} else {
return(max(x) - min(x))
S.importance <- S.theta %>%
filter(!Feature %in% c("First shown", "(Intercept)")) %>%
ci() %>%
select(Outcome, Population, Treatment, Feature, value = median) %>%
separate(Feature, " ", into = c("Attribute", "Level")) %>%
group_by(Outcome, Population, Treatment, Attribute) %>%
summarize(Importance = importance(value))
S.relative.importance <- S.importance %>%
group_by(Outcome, Population, Treatment) %>%
mutate(`Relative importance` = Importance / sum(Importance)) %>%
mutate(Attribute = factor(Attribute, rev(c("Nationality",
save(S.relative.importance, file = paste("relative-importance-", M.lab, "-theta", ".RData", sep = ""))
aes(x = Outcome, y = `Relative importance`, fill = Attribute)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
facet_grid(Population ~ Treatment) +
scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set1")
Figure 8: Relative importances, by outcome, population and treatment. Focus on comparing outcomes.
aes(x = Treatment, y = `Relative importance`, fill = Attribute)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
facet_grid(Population ~ Outcome) +
scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set1")
Figure 9: Relative importances, by outcome, population and treatment. Focus on comparing treatment.
S.relative.importance %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Outcome = factor(Outcome, rev(levels(Outcome)))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Treatment, y = `Relative importance`, fill = Attribute)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
facet_grid(Population ~ Outcome) +
theme(strip.text.x = element_text(face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(face = "bold")) +
scale_fill_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.2)
Figure 10: Relative importances, by outcome, population and treatment. Focus on comparing treatment.
aes(x = Population, y = `Relative importance`, fill = Attribute)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
facet_grid(Outcome ~ Treatment) +
scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Set1")
Figure 11: Relative importances, by population, treatment and outcome. Focus on comparing population.
S.relative.importance %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Outcome = factor(Outcome, rev(levels(Outcome)))) %>%
mutate(Population = str_replace(Population, " ", "\n")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Population, y = `Relative importance`, fill = Attribute)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
facet_grid(Outcome ~ Treatment) +
theme(strip.text.x = element_text(face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = element_text(face = "bold")) +
scale_fill_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.2)
Figure 12: Relative importances, by population, treatment and outcome. Focus on comparing population.
Figure 13 shows the differential discrimination that welfare outcomes have over rights. Histograms show the distribution of the values of the differential discrimination in each simulation. Therefore, a histogram that clearly overlaps 0.5 indicates that there is no trace of differential discrimination. When the histogram barely overlaps zero it indicates evidence of a differential discrimination, either welfare effects being greater than rights (right to the zero) or rights effects being greater than welfare (left to the zero).
For the differential effect on discrimination based on Nationality, it can be read as follows: evidence that there is a differential effect of higher discrimination in welfare than in rights when the treatment is shown is 100 percent (also when the treatment is not shown). More specifically, the evidence is > 0.99983 (one in 6,000).
# With every iteration and every chaing a value of interest has been
# generated, a sample from the target distribution of interest is retrieved.
# Now simply pivot the cleaned version so that two columns with the different
# values of Outcome are generated, and can be compared to assess the
# differential discrimination.
dd.outcome <- S.theta %>%
select(Iteration, Chain, Outcome, Population, Treatment, Feature, value) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Outcome, values_from = value) %>%
mutate(`Differential discrimination on welfare` = Rights - Welfare)
# Prepare the table
tb <- dd.outcome %>%
group_by(Population, Treatment, Feature) %>%
summarize(`Prob Welfare > Rights` = length(which(`Differential discrimination on welfare` > 0)) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob Welfare > Rights`))
# Improve the readability of the numbers that will appear in the figures
fig.labels <- tb %>%
mutate(P = paste0(100 * signif(`Prob Welfare > Rights`, 2), "%")) %>%
mutate(P = str_replace(P, "^0\\.", "\\."))
ggplot(filter(dd.outcome, Population == "General population"),
aes(x = `Differential discrimination on welfare`)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) +
facet_grid(Treatment ~ Feature) +
geom_text(data = filter(fig.labels, Population == "General population"),
aes(x = -Inf, y = Inf, label = P), size = rel(0.8),
hjust = -0.5, vjust = +1.5) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
xlim(c(-0.75, 0.75)) +
ggtitle("Differential discrimination on welfare (General population)")
Figure 13: Differential discrimination on welfare over rights. Only general population is shown. Values indicate the probability of having found a differential discrimination favouring welfare.
tb <- dd.outcome %>%
group_by(Population, Treatment, Feature) %>%
summarize(`Prob Welfare > Rights` = length(which(`Differential discrimination on welfare` > 0)) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob Welfare > Rights`))
tc <- "Probability of finding a differential discrimination on welfare over rights."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 8)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 8, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = T)
Population | Treatment | Feature | Prob Welfare > Rights |
General population | Not shown | Nationality Netherlands | 1.0000 |
General population | Not shown | Language Full | 1.0000 |
General population | Shown | Language Full | 1.0000 |
Public administration | Not shown | Language Full | 1.0000 |
Public administration | Shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.9995 |
General population | Shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.9987 |
Public administration | Not shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.9982 |
Public administration | Shown | Language Full | 0.9942 |
General population | Not shown | First shown | 0.9828 |
Public administration | Not shown | Age 25 | 0.9482 |
Public administration | Shown | Age 25 | 0.9108 |
General population | Not shown | Age 25 | 0.9097 |
General population | Shown | Gender Male | 0.8113 |
General population | Not shown | Gender Male | 0.8012 |
General population | Shown | Age 25 | 0.7692 |
Public administration | Shown | First shown | 0.6980 |
Public administration | Shown | Gender Male | 0.6838 |
Public administration | Not shown | Gender Male | 0.6595 |
Public administration | Not shown | First shown | 0.4970 |
Public administration | Shown | (Intercept) | 0.3920 |
Public administration | Not shown | (Intercept) | 0.3902 |
Public administration | Shown | Age 55 | 0.2735 |
General population | Shown | First shown | 0.2265 |
General population | Shown | (Intercept) | 0.2183 |
General population | Not shown | (Intercept) | 0.1432 |
Public administration | Not shown | Age 55 | 0.0068 |
General population | Shown | Age 55 | 0.0002 |
General population | Not shown | Profession Nurse | 0.0000 |
General population | Not shown | Age 55 | 0.0000 |
General population | Shown | Profession Nurse | 0.0000 |
Public administration | Not shown | Profession Nurse | 0.0000 |
Public administration | Shown | Profession Nurse | 0.0000 |
Figure 14 shows the differential discrimination that treated individuals (shown) have over not treated (not shown).
dd.treatment <- S.theta %>%
select(Iteration, Chain, Outcome, Population, Treatment, Feature, value) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Treatment, values_from = value) %>%
mutate(`Differential discrimination on treatment shown` = `Not shown` - Shown)
tb <- dd.treatment %>%
group_by(Population, Outcome, Feature) %>%
summarize(`Prob Shown > Not shown` = length(which(`Differential discrimination on treatment shown` > 0)) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob Shown > Not shown`))
fig.labels <- tb %>%
mutate(P = paste0(100 * signif(`Prob Shown > Not shown`, 2), "%")) %>%
mutate(P = str_replace(P, "^0\\.", "\\."))
ggplot(filter(dd.treatment, Population == "General population"),
aes(x = `Differential discrimination on treatment shown`)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) +
facet_grid(Outcome ~ Feature) +
geom_text(data = filter(fig.labels, Population == "General population"),
aes(x = -Inf, y = Inf, label = P), size = rel(0.8),
hjust = -0.5, vjust = +1.5) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
xlim(c(-0.75, 0.75)) +
ggtitle("Differential discrimination on treatment shown")
Figure 14: Differential discrimination on treated individuals over non treated. Only general population is shown. Values indicate the probability of having found a differential discrimination favouring treated individuals.
tb <- dd.treatment %>%
group_by(Population, Outcome, Feature) %>%
summarize(`Prob Shown > Not shown` = length(which(`Differential discrimination on treatment shown` > 0)) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob Shown > Not shown`))
tc <- "Probability of finding a differential discrimination on treatment shown over non shown."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 8)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 8, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = T)
Population | Outcome | Feature | Prob Shown > Not shown |
General population | Welfare | Language Full | 0.9995 |
Public administration | Welfare | Age 55 | 0.9640 |
General population | Rights | Nationality Netherlands | 0.9253 |
General population | Rights | First shown | 0.8888 |
Public administration | Rights | Language Full | 0.7623 |
Public administration | Welfare | First shown | 0.7493 |
General population | Welfare | Age 55 | 0.6408 |
Public administration | Rights | Profession Nurse | 0.6375 |
Public administration | Welfare | Nationality Netherlands | 0.6228 |
Public administration | Welfare | Gender Male | 0.6215 |
Public administration | Rights | Gender Male | 0.5838 |
General population | Rights | Age 25 | 0.5788 |
Public administration | Rights | Age 55 | 0.5408 |
Public administration | Rights | First shown | 0.5362 |
Public administration | Rights | Nationality Netherlands | 0.5060 |
General population | Rights | Age 55 | 0.5030 |
Public administration | Rights | Age 25 | 0.4575 |
General population | Welfare | Gender Male | 0.4557 |
General population | Rights | Gender Male | 0.4418 |
Public administration | Welfare | Language Full | 0.4300 |
General population | Welfare | (Intercept) | 0.4128 |
Public administration | Welfare | Age 25 | 0.3642 |
General population | Welfare | Age 25 | 0.3405 |
General population | Welfare | Profession Nurse | 0.3265 |
General population | Rights | (Intercept) | 0.3133 |
Public administration | Welfare | (Intercept) | 0.2925 |
Public administration | Rights | (Intercept) | 0.2878 |
General population | Rights | Language Full | 0.2827 |
General population | Welfare | Nationality Netherlands | 0.2688 |
Public administration | Welfare | Profession Nurse | 0.1748 |
General population | Rights | Profession Nurse | 0.1167 |
General population | Welfare | First shown | 0.0430 |
Figure 15 shows the differential discrimination that public administration have over general population.
dd.population <- S.theta %>%
select(Iteration, Chain, Outcome, Population, Treatment, Feature, value) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Population, values_from = value) %>%
mutate(`Differential discrimination on public administration` = `Public administration` - `General population`)
tb <- dd.population %>%
group_by(Outcome, Treatment, Feature) %>%
summarize(`Prob PA > General` = length(which(`Differential discrimination on public administration` > 0)) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob PA > General`))
fig.labels <- tb %>%
mutate(P = paste0(100 * signif(`Prob PA > General`, 2), "%")) %>%
mutate(P = str_replace(P, "^0\\.", "\\."))
ggplot(filter(dd.population, Treatment == "Shown"),
aes(x = `Differential discrimination on public administration`)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) +
facet_grid(Outcome ~ Feature) +
geom_text(data = filter(fig.labels, Treatment == "Shown"),
aes(x = -Inf, y = Inf, label = P), size = rel(0.8),
hjust = -0.5, vjust = +1.5) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
xlim(c(-0.75, 0.75)) +
ggtitle("Differential discrimination on public administration")
Figure 15: Differential discrimination on public administration over general population. Only treatment is shown. Values indicate the probability of having found a differential discrimination favouring public administration.
tb <- dd.population %>%
group_by(Outcome, Treatment, Feature) %>%
summarize(`Prob PA > General` = length(which(`Differential discrimination on public administration` > 0)) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob PA > General`))
tc <- "Probability of finding a differential discrimination on public administration over general population."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 8)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 8, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = T)
Outcome | Treatment | Feature | Prob PA > General |
Welfare | Shown | Profession Nurse | 0.9920 |
Welfare | Shown | Language Full | 0.9867 |
Welfare | Not shown | First shown | 0.9655 |
Welfare | Not shown | Profession Nurse | 0.9295 |
Rights | Shown | Age 25 | 0.9263 |
Welfare | Not shown | Age 55 | 0.9140 |
Rights | Not shown | Profession Nurse | 0.9110 |
Rights | Shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.9040 |
Rights | Not shown | Age 25 | 0.8860 |
Rights | Not shown | Age 55 | 0.8645 |
Rights | Shown | First shown | 0.8513 |
Rights | Shown | Age 55 | 0.8262 |
Rights | Not shown | First shown | 0.6592 |
Rights | Not shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.6588 |
Welfare | Shown | Age 25 | 0.5808 |
Welfare | Not shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.5700 |
Rights | Shown | Profession Nurse | 0.5510 |
Welfare | Not shown | Age 25 | 0.5157 |
Welfare | Not shown | Language Full | 0.4967 |
Welfare | Shown | First shown | 0.4640 |
Rights | Not shown | Language Full | 0.3567 |
Welfare | Shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.2820 |
Welfare | Not shown | Gender Male | 0.2618 |
Welfare | Shown | Age 55 | 0.2558 |
Rights | Shown | (Intercept) | 0.2548 |
Rights | Not shown | Gender Male | 0.2493 |
Welfare | Shown | (Intercept) | 0.1993 |
Rights | Shown | Gender Male | 0.1545 |
Rights | Not shown | (Intercept) | 0.1428 |
Welfare | Shown | Gender Male | 0.1347 |
Welfare | Not shown | (Intercept) | 0.0790 |
Rights | Shown | Language Full | 0.0530 |
Model fit is assessed using the percent of cases correctly predicted (PCP). On average, we would find that simply by chance we can predict 0.5 of the prioritizations. The PCP is the percentage of cases correctly predicted (those predicted as being prioritized indeed being prioritized plus those predicted not being prioritized indeed not being prioritized, divided by all cases).
Figure 16 shows the posterior distribution of PCP, and the following table its median expected value.
threshold <- d %>%
group_by(Outcome, Population, Treatment) %>%
summarize(Threshold = length(which(Decision == 1)) / n())
L.p <- plab("p", list(Observation = 1:nO)) %>%
mutate(Observation = as.numeric(as.character(Observation)))
S.full <- ggs(s.p, family = "^p\\[", par_labels = L.p, sort = FALSE) %>%
select(Iteration, Chain, Observation, value) %>%
left_join(select(d, Observation, Population, Treatment, Outcome, Decision)) %>%
left_join(threshold) %>%
mutate(Correct = if_else( (value < Threshold & Decision == 0) |
(value > Threshold & Decision == 1),
S <- S.full %>%
group_by(Outcome, Population, Treatment, Iteration, Chain) %>%
summarize(PCP = length(which(Correct)) / n())
ggplot(S, aes(x = PCP, color = Population)) +
geom_density() +
facet_grid(Treatment ~ Outcome) +
expand_limits(x = c(0, 1)) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dynamic")
Figure 16: Model fit: Percent correctly predicted.
t.pcp <- S %>%
group_by(Population, Treatment, Outcome) %>%
summarize(`Median PCP` = mean(PCP))
t.pcp.m <- mutate(t.pcp, Model = M)
save(t.pcp.m, file = paste0("table-pcp-", M.lab, ".RData"))
tc <- "Posterior median percent correctly predicted, by outcome, treatment and
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(t.pcp, format = "latex", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
kable(t.pcp, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Population | Treatment | Outcome | Median PCP |
General population | Not shown | Rights | 0.6258 |
General population | Not shown | Welfare | 0.5938 |
General population | Shown | Rights | 0.6248 |
General population | Shown | Welfare | 0.5849 |
Public administration | Not shown | Rights | 0.6264 |
Public administration | Not shown | Welfare | 0.5989 |
Public administration | Shown | Rights | 0.6155 |
Public administration | Shown | Welfare | 0.6010 |
List of the 10 worstly predicted cases, on average.
wpo <- S.full %>%
group_by(Observation) %>%
summarize(Distance = mean(Decision - value)) %>%
arrange(desc(abs(Distance))) %>%
slice(1:10) %>%
select(Observation) %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE)
invisible(gc()) # Save memory
E[wpo,] %>%
select(id, Population, Treatment, Outcome,
Nationality, Gender, Language, Profession, Age,
Decision) %>%
arrange(id) %>%
-> id Population Treatment Outcome Nationality Gender Language
-> 1 10 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> 2 477 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> 3 572 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> 4 582 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> 5 658 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> 6 850 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> 7 862 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> 8 1144 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> 9 1182 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> 10 1248 General population Not shown Rights Romania Male No
-> Profession Age Decision
-> 1 Nurse 55 1
-> 2 Nurse 55 1
-> 3 Nurse 55 1
-> 4 Nurse 55 1
-> 5 Nurse 55 1
-> 6 Nurse 55 1
-> 7 Nurse 55 1
-> 8 Nurse 55 1
-> 9 Nurse 55 1
-> 10 Nurse 55 1
threshold <- d %>%
group_by(Outcome, Population, Treatment) %>%
summarize(Threshold = length(which(Decision == 1)) / n())
L.p <- plab("p", list(Observation = 1:nO)) %>%
mutate(Observation = as.numeric(as.character(Observation)))
S.full <- ggs(s.p, family = "^p\\[", par_labels = L.p, sort = FALSE) %>%
select(Iteration, Chain, Parameter, Observation, value) %>%
left_join(select(d, id, Observation, Population, Treatment, Outcome, Decision)) %>%
left_join(threshold) %>%
mutate(Correct = if_else( (value < Threshold & Decision == 0) |
(value > Threshold & Decision == 1),
S <- S.full %>%
mutate(Respondent = ifelse(id %in% id.poor, "Low quality", "Regular")) %>%
group_by(Outcome, Population, Treatment, Respondent, Iteration, Chain) %>%
summarize(PCP = length(which(Correct)) / n())
ggplot(S, aes(x = PCP, y = Treatment,
color = Respondent)) +
geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
facet_grid(Population ~ Outcome) +
scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dynamic")
Figure 17: Model fit: Percent correctly predicted.
t.pcp <- S %>%
group_by(Population, Treatment, Outcome, Respondent) %>%
summarize(`Median PCP` = mean(PCP))
t.pcp.m.respondent <- mutate(t.pcp, Model = M)
save(t.pcp.m.respondent, file = paste0("table-pcp-respondent-", M.lab, ".RData"))
tc <- "Posterior median percent correctly predicted, by outcome, treatment, population and respondent quality."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(t.pcp, format = "latex", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
kable(t.pcp, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Population | Treatment | Outcome | Respondent | Median PCP |
General population | Not shown | Rights | Low quality | 0.5886 |
General population | Not shown | Rights | Regular | 0.6284 |
General population | Not shown | Welfare | Low quality | 0.5515 |
General population | Not shown | Welfare | Regular | 0.5969 |
General population | Shown | Rights | Low quality | 0.5683 |
General population | Shown | Rights | Regular | 0.6292 |
General population | Shown | Welfare | Low quality | 0.6159 |
General population | Shown | Welfare | Regular | 0.5826 |
Public administration | Not shown | Rights | Low quality | 0.5938 |
Public administration | Not shown | Rights | Regular | 0.6282 |
Public administration | Not shown | Welfare | Low quality | 0.6623 |
Public administration | Not shown | Welfare | Regular | 0.5954 |
Public administration | Shown | Rights | Low quality | 0.5893 |
Public administration | Shown | Rights | Regular | 0.6179 |
Public administration | Shown | Welfare | Low quality | 0.5956 |
Public administration | Shown | Welfare | Regular | 0.6015 |
tb <- S.theta %>%
filter(Feature == "Nationality Netherlands") %>%
group_by(Outcome, Population, Treatment) %>%
summarize(`Prob (H1)` = length(which(value > 0)) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob (H1)`))
tc <- "Evidence for Hypothesis 1."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Outcome | Population | Treatment | Prob (H1) |
Rights | General population | Not shown | 1 |
Rights | General population | Shown | 1 |
Rights | Public administration | Not shown | 1 |
Rights | Public administration | Shown | 1 |
Welfare | General population | Not shown | 1 |
Welfare | General population | Shown | 1 |
Welfare | Public administration | Not shown | 1 |
Welfare | Public administration | Shown | 1 |
tb <- S.theta %>%
filter(Feature == "Language Full") %>%
group_by(Outcome, Population, Treatment) %>%
summarize(`Prob (H2)` = length(which(value > 0)) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob (H2)`))
tc <- "Evidence for Hypothesis 2."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Outcome | Population | Treatment | Prob (H2) |
Rights | General population | Not shown | 1 |
Rights | General population | Shown | 1 |
Rights | Public administration | Not shown | 1 |
Rights | Public administration | Shown | 1 |
Welfare | General population | Not shown | 1 |
Welfare | General population | Shown | 1 |
Welfare | Public administration | Not shown | 1 |
Welfare | Public administration | Shown | 1 |
This hypothesis only considers absolute discrimination (absolute values), not the direction).
tb <- S.theta %>%
pivot_wider(c(Iteration, Chain, Outcome, Treatment, Feature),
names_from = Population, values_from = value) %>%
group_by(Outcome, Treatment, Feature) %>%
summarize(`Prob (H3)` = length(which(abs(`Public administration`) < abs(`General population`))) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob (H3)`))
tc <- "Evidence for Hypothesis 3."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Outcome | Treatment | Feature | Prob (H3) |
Rights | Shown | Language Full | 0.9470 |
Rights | Not shown | Profession Nurse | 0.9015 |
Rights | Not shown | Age 55 | 0.8645 |
Rights | Shown | Age 55 | 0.8262 |
Rights | Shown | Age 25 | 0.7183 |
Welfare | Shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.7180 |
Rights | Not shown | Age 25 | 0.6742 |
Rights | Not shown | Language Full | 0.6433 |
Welfare | Shown | Age 25 | 0.5793 |
Welfare | Shown | First shown | 0.5360 |
Rights | Shown | Profession Nurse | 0.5277 |
Welfare | Not shown | Age 25 | 0.5157 |
Welfare | Not shown | Language Full | 0.5033 |
Welfare | Not shown | Age 55 | 0.4592 |
Welfare | Not shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.4300 |
Rights | Not shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.3412 |
Rights | Not shown | First shown | 0.3408 |
Welfare | Not shown | Gender Male | 0.2618 |
Rights | Shown | (Intercept) | 0.2548 |
Rights | Not shown | Gender Male | 0.2493 |
Welfare | Shown | Age 55 | 0.2487 |
Welfare | Shown | (Intercept) | 0.1993 |
Rights | Shown | Gender Male | 0.1545 |
Rights | Shown | First shown | 0.1487 |
Rights | Not shown | (Intercept) | 0.1428 |
Welfare | Shown | Gender Male | 0.1347 |
Rights | Shown | Nationality Netherlands | 0.0960 |
Welfare | Not shown | (Intercept) | 0.0790 |
Welfare | Not shown | Profession Nurse | 0.0705 |
Welfare | Not shown | First shown | 0.0345 |
Welfare | Shown | Language Full | 0.0133 |
Welfare | Shown | Profession Nurse | 0.0080 |
Not possible to assess at the aggregate level.
In other words, the existence of the treatment (shown) reduces discrimination.
This hypothesis only considers absolute discrimination (absolute values), not the direction).
tb <- S.theta %>%
pivot_wider(c(Iteration, Chain, Outcome, Population, Feature),
names_from = Treatment, values_from = value) %>%
group_by(Outcome, Population, Feature) %>%
summarize(`Prob (H5)` = length(which(
(`Not shown` < 0 & `Shown` > `Not shown`) |
(`Not shown` > 0 & `Shown` < `Not shown`))) / n()) %>%
arrange(desc(`Prob (H5)`))
tc <- "Evidence for Hypothesis 5."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Outcome | Population | Feature | Prob (H5) |
Welfare | General population | Language Full | 0.9995 |
Rights | General population | Nationality Netherlands | 0.9253 |
Rights | General population | First shown | 0.8888 |
Rights | General population | Profession Nurse | 0.8833 |
Welfare | Public administration | Age 55 | 0.7962 |
Rights | Public administration | Language Full | 0.7623 |
Welfare | Public administration | First shown | 0.7493 |
Rights | Public administration | Age 25 | 0.7280 |
Rights | Public administration | (Intercept) | 0.7122 |
Welfare | Public administration | (Intercept) | 0.7075 |
Rights | General population | (Intercept) | 0.6867 |
Welfare | General population | Age 25 | 0.6595 |
Welfare | Public administration | Age 25 | 0.6550 |
Welfare | Public administration | Nationality Netherlands | 0.6228 |
Rights | Public administration | Profession Nurse | 0.6207 |
Welfare | General population | (Intercept) | 0.5872 |
Rights | General population | Gender Male | 0.5582 |
Welfare | General population | Gender Male | 0.5443 |
Rights | Public administration | First shown | 0.5362 |
Rights | Public administration | Nationality Netherlands | 0.5060 |
Rights | General population | Age 55 | 0.4970 |
Rights | Public administration | Age 55 | 0.4652 |
Rights | General population | Age 25 | 0.4370 |
Welfare | Public administration | Language Full | 0.4300 |
Rights | Public administration | Gender Male | 0.4162 |
Welfare | General population | Age 55 | 0.4122 |
Welfare | Public administration | Gender Male | 0.3785 |
Welfare | General population | Profession Nurse | 0.3265 |
Rights | General population | Language Full | 0.2827 |
Welfare | General population | Nationality Netherlands | 0.2688 |
Welfare | Public administration | Profession Nurse | 0.1748 |
Welfare | General population | First shown | 0.0430 |
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