Global empirical analysis of carbon pricing policies

Xavier Fernández i Marín, Yves Steinebach, Christian Aschenbrenner

2021-04-23 10:33:00


This report presents the results of the analysis of carbon pricing policies. A first part analyzes the process of adoption of several concrete policies. The second part performs a measurement model of the policies at the end of the period to generate a measurement model of the intensity of carbon policies. Next, a cluster analysis on the individual data of policies is performed. Finally, an analysis of the factors explaining different intensities in the carbon policies is presented.


Data cleaning and preparation

# Write an empty file with country names
cc <- codelist %>%
  select(iso2c, iso3c, Country =, WorldBank = wb_api3c) %>%
  filter(! %>%

write.table(cc, file = "country_names.csv", sep = ";", row.names = FALSE)
orig <- read.csv("carbon_pricing.csv", check.names = FALSE) %>%
time.span <- 1990:2019
country.coverage <- cc$Country
event.considered <- c("Carbon tax", 
                      "ETS", "ETS_without EU", 
                      "Carbon Pricing", "Carbon Pricing_withoutEU") <- c("Carbon tax", 
                                  "ETS", "ETS (no EU)", 
                                  "Carbon pricing", "Carbon pricing (no EU)")
event.considered.noneu <- c("ETS (no EU)", "Carbon pricing (no EU)")

d.full <- tibble(expand.grid(
  Country = country.coverage,
  Year = time.span,
  Outcome = all_of(

save(time.span, country.coverage, event.considered, file = "details.RData")

# Ensure there are no cases outside
cases.outside <- orig %>%
  select(event.considered) %>%
  gather(Outcome, Year) %>%
  filter(!(Year %in% time.span) & !
if (dim(cases.outside)[1] > 0)
  stop("There are cases of carbon tax outside the designed time span")


The events to consider are:
-> [1] "Carbon tax"             "ETS"                    "ETS (no EU)"           
-> [4] "Carbon pricing"         "Carbon pricing (no EU)"
d.event <- orig %>%
  tibble() %>%
  select(Country, all_of(event.considered))
names(d.event)[-1] <-

d.event <- d.event %>%
  gather(Outcome, Year, -Country) %>%
  mutate(Event = as.integer(if_else(!, 1, 0))) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.integer(as.numeric(Year))) %>%
  mutate(Outcome = as.factor(Outcome)) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  full_join(d.full) %>%
  select(Country, Year, Outcome, Event)

We assign zeros to the event not yet done, and keep NAs only for when the event is no more at risk. Then, we are assuming that once the event happens, it can not happen again, the country is no more at risk of considering it.

d.event <- 
  d.event %>%
  mutate(Event = ifelse(, 0, Event)) %>%
  group_by(Country, Outcome) %>%
  arrange(Country, Outcome, Year) %>%
  mutate(sumEvent = cumsum(Event)) %>%
  mutate(Event = ifelse(sumEvent > 0 & Event != 1, NA, Event)) %>%
  rename(Adopted = sumEvent) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

Covariates -

GDP per capita, World Bank. “GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$)”. Contains iso2c, which is useful to further identify countries.

load("../../adoption/wdi-gdppc.RData") # Loads gdp.pc
gdp.pc <- gdp.pc %>%
  mutate(`GDPpc (log)` = log(GDPpc))

State expenditure, World Bank. “General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)”. Contains iso2c, which is useful to further identify countries.

load("../../adoption/wdi-state_expenditure.RData") # Loads state.expenditure

Tax revenue, World Bank. “Tax revenue (% of GDP)”.

load("../../adoption/wdi-tax_revenue.RData") # Loads state.expenditure

CO2 emissions, World Bank. “CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)”.

Problem with Sudan (2015:2018), as it has 0 tons, which means the log can not be taken. Then, half of the minimum value is assigned to be able to process the logarithm.

load("../../adoption/wdi-co2pc.RData") # Loads co2.pc
#filter(co2.pc, CO2pc == 0)
assign.co2pc <- min(co2.pc$CO2pc[co2.pc$CO2pc != 0], na.rm = TRUE) / 2
co2.pc <- co2.pc %>%
  mutate(CO2pc = ifelse(CO2pc == 0, assign.co2pc, CO2pc)) %>%
  mutate(`CO2pc (log)` = log(CO2pc)) %>%
#filter(co2.pc, `CO2pc (log)` == min(`CO2pc (log)`, na.rm = TRUE))

Oil rents plus Coal rents World Bank, “Oil rents (% of GDP)” + “Coal rents (% of GDP)”.

load("../../adoption/wdi-oil_rents.RData") # loads oil.rents
load("../../adoption/wdi-coal_rents.RData") # loads coal.rents
ff.rents <- left_join(oil.rents, coal.rents) %>%
  mutate(`Fossil fuel rents` = `Oil rents` + `Coal rents`) %>%
  mutate(`Fossil fuel rents (log)` = log(`Fossil fuel rents` + 1))

Population, World Bank. “Population, total”.

load("../../adoption/wdi-population.RData") # Loads population
population <- population %>%
  mutate(`Population (log)` = log(Population))

Democracy: V-Dem, Electoral dimension is used.

load("~/est/country_data/v-dem-v9/v_dem-ra-1950_2018.RData") # loads vdem
vdem <- vdem %>%
  filter(Democracy == "Electoral") %>%
#  filter(Country %in% countries) %>%
  filter(Year >= min(time.span) & Year <= max(time.span)) %>%
  select(Country, iso3c, 
         Year, `Democracy (Electoral)` = value)

Government effectiveness. Data retrieved manually from the World Bank page on Governance indicators. Only the “Government Effectiveness: Estimation” is used. The data is only available between 1996 and 2005.

gov.eff <- wgi %>%
  tibble() %>%
  filter(indicator == "Government effectiveness") %>%
  rename(Country = country, Year = year) %>%
  rename(`Government effectiveness` = Estimate) %>%
  #select(Country, Year, `Government effectiveness`) %>%
  select(country.code, Year, `Government effectiveness`) %>%
  #arrange(Country, Year)
  arrange(country.code, Year)

We copy values some years:

gov.eff <- bind_rows(gov.eff,
  # 1996 assigned to 1991:1995
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1990),
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1991),
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1992),
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1993),
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1993),
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1995),
  # assign values of previous years
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1997),
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 1998) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1999),
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 2000) %>%
    mutate(Year = 2001),
  filter(gov.eff, Year == 2018) %>%
    mutate(Year = 2019))

Political constraints from Henisz (2002Henisz, Witold J. 2002. “The Institutional Environment for Infrastructure Investment.” Industrial and Corporate Change 11 (2): 355–89.).

load("~/est/country_data/polcon/polcon2017.RData") # loads polcon
polcon <- polcon %>%
  tibble() %>%
  select(Country.Polity = country.polity, 
         #CountryWB = country.wb,
         #iso3c = country.wb, # not really the World Bank, but the iso3c
         #ioc = country.wb, # not really the World Bank, but the ioc
         #cowc = country.wb, # not really the World Bank, but the COW code
         #wb3c = country.wb,
         Year = year, `Political constraints` = polcon) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.integer(Year)) %>%
  filter(Year >= min(time.span) & Year <= max(time.span))

Debt, from the IMF “Debt % of GDP”

debt <- imf.debt %>%
  filter(Year %in% time.span) %>%
  mutate(`Debt (log)` = log(Debt)) %>%

Financial crises, from the IMF “Financial Crises” Binary status.

financial.crises <- crises %>%
  filter(Year %in% time.span)

Climate change vulnerability, from the GAIN, as the ND-GAIN index. No data from before 1994 neither after 2017, and it is copied backwards and onwards.

We do not take the vulnerability index per se, but we take the means of two of the three dimensions of the index, namely exposure and sensitivity, letting aside adaptive capacity, that is the socio-economical compendium that we already have.

# Loads ccv

ccv <- bind_rows(ccv,
  # 1995 assigned to 1990:1994
  filter(ccv, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1990),
  filter(ccv, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1991),
  filter(ccv, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1992),
  filter(ccv, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1993),
  filter(ccv, Year == 1996) %>%
    mutate(Year = 1994),
  # assign values of 2017 to 2018:2019
  filter(ccv, Year == 2017) %>%
    mutate(Year = 2018),
  filter(ccv, Year == 2017) %>%
    mutate(Year = 2019))

EU membership

load("../../adoption/eu.RData") # Loads eum

Subnational tax <- orig %>%
  select(Country, `Subnational tax` = Subnational_tax) %>%
  mutate(application = ifelse(!`Subnational tax`), 1, `Subnational tax`)) <- expand.grid(Country = country.coverage, Year = time.span) %>% #, `Subnational tax` = 0) %>%
  tibble() %>%
  left_join(, by = c("Country" = "Country", "Year" = "Subnational tax")) %>%
  mutate(`Subnational tax` = 0) %>%
  group_by(Country) %>%
  arrange(Country, Year) %>%
  mutate(`Subnational tax` = `Subnational tax` + application) %>%
  mutate(`Subnational tax` = if_else(`Subnational tax`), 0, `Subnational tax`)) %>%
  mutate(`Subnational tax` = cumsum(`Subnational tax`)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(Year %in% time.span) %>%
  select(Country, Year, `Subnational tax`)

Ratification of Kyoto protocol and Paris agreement

rat <- expand.grid(Country = country.coverage, Year = 1970:2020,
                   Agreement = c("Kyoto Ratification", "Paris Ratification")) %>%

d.ratification <- read.csv("ratification.csv", na.strings = "NA") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  select(-iso2c, -iso3c, -WorldBank) %>%
  gather(Agreement, Year, -Country) %>%
  mutate(Ratification = if_else(!, 1, 0))

ratification <- rat %>%
  left_join(d.ratification) %>%
  group_by(Country, Agreement) %>%
  arrange(Country, Agreement, Year) %>%
  mutate(Ratification = if_else(, 0, Ratification)) %>%
  mutate(Ratification = cumsum(Ratification)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(Year %in% time.span) %>%
  spread(Agreement, Ratification)

Borders, as shared borders (only mainland), to generate weighting matrices. Comes from CEPII, Mayer and Zignago (2011Mayer, Thierry, and Soledad Zignago. 2011. “Notes on Cepii’s Distances Measures: The Geodist Database.”).

# This "load()" is not required here, but in the models
load("../../adoption/geography.RData") # M.distances and M.borders
# RW.M.distances is a row-weighted matrix of distances (multiplied by 100)

Trade as bilateral trade, to generate weighting matrices. Comes from the Correlates of War v4.0..

# This "load()" is not required here, but in the models
load("../../adoption/trade.RData") # loads trade
d <- d.event %>%
  mutate(iso3c = countrycode(Country, origin = "", destination = "iso3c")) %>%
  mutate(iso2c = countrycode(Country, origin = "", destination = "iso2c")) %>%
  full_join(select(gdp.pc, -Country), by = c("iso2c" = "iso2c", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  full_join(select(state.expenditure, -Country), by = c("iso2c" = "iso2c", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  filter(! %>% # iso2c is SO, for Somalia
  full_join(select(vdem, -Country), by = c("iso3c" = "iso3c", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  filter(! # iso3c are DDR PSG SML SOM XHX YMD ZZB

# Join CO2 emissions
d <- d %>%
  left_join(select(co2.pc, -Country), 
            by = c("iso2c" = "iso2c", "Year" = "Year"))

# Join fossil fuel rents
d <- d %>%
  left_join(select(ff.rents, -Country), 
            by = c("iso2c" = "iso2c", "Year" = "Year"))

# Join population
d <- d %>%
  left_join(select(population, -Country), 
            by = c("iso2c" = "iso2c", "Year" = "Year"))

# Painful join with PolCon
d <- d %>%
##  # Load World Bank API 3c names for matching Polcon
#  mutate(wb3c = countrycode(iso3c, origin = "iso3c", destination = "wb_api3c")) %>%
#  full_join(select(polcon, -Country), by = c("wb3c" = "CountryWB", "Year" = "Year"))# %>%
#  # Load World Bank API 3c names for matching Polcon
#  mutate(ioc = countrycode(iso3c, origin = "iso3c", destination = "ioc")) %>%
#  full_join(select(polcon, -Country), by = c("ioc" = "ioc", "Year" = "Year"))# %>%
#  mutate(cowc = countrycode(iso3c, origin = "iso3c", destination = "cowc")) %>%
#  full_join(select(polcon, -Country), by = c("cowc" = "cowc", "Year" = "Year"))# %>%
  mutate( = countrycode(iso3c, origin = "iso3c", destination = "")) %>%
  mutate( = ifelse(, Country, %>%
  #full_join(select(polcon, -Country), by = c("cowc" = "cowc", "Year" = "Year"))# %>%
  left_join(polcon, by = c("" = "Country.Polity", "Year" = "Year")) %>%

# Join with GovEff
d <- d %>%
  mutate(country.code = countrycode(iso3c, origin = "iso3c", destination = "wb")) %>%
  left_join(gov.eff, by = c("country.code" = "country.code", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  filter(Year >= min(time.span) & Year <= max(time.span)) %>%
  select(-country.code) %>%

# Join with IMF Debt
d <- d %>%
#tmp <- d %>%
  #mutate(Country.WB = countrycode(iso3c, origin = "iso3c", destination = "")) %>%
  #mutate(Country.WB = countrycode(iso3c, origin = "iso3c", destination = "")) %>%
  left_join(debt %>%
            select(-Source, -Country))
#          by = c("iso3c" = "Country.WB", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
#  select(-Country.WB)

#filter(tmp,`Debt (log)`) & Year == 2015 & Outcome == "ETS")
# 58 missing with WDI 1.2.0 and destination = ""
# 51 missing with WDI 1.1.2 and destination = ""

# Join with IMF Financial crises
d <- d %>%
#  mutate(Country.WB = countrycode(iso3c, origin = "iso3c", destination = "")) %>%
  left_join(financial.crises %>%
            select(-country.code, -Country, -imf))# %>%
#            rename(Country.WB = Country),
#          by = c("Country.WB" = "Country.WB", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
#  select(-Country.WB)

# Join with Climate change vulnerability
d <- d %>%
  left_join(select(ccv, -Country), by = c("iso3c" = "iso3c", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
#  rename(Vulnerability = `Vulnerability (Exposure, Sensitivity)`)
  rename(Vulnerability = Exposure)

# Join with EU membership
d <- d %>%
  left_join(eum, by = c("Country" = "Country", "Year" = "Year"))

# Join with subnational tax
d <- d %>%
  left_join(, by = c("Country" = "Country", "Year" = "Year"))

# Join with ratification
d <- d %>%
  left_join(ratification, by = c("Country" = "Country", "Year" = "Year"))

# Clean
d <- d %>%
  select(Country, iso2c, iso3c, Year, 
         Outcome, Event, Adopted,
         `GDPpc (log)`, `State expenditure`,
         `Population (log)`, 
         `Democracy (Electoral)`,
         `Political constraints`, `Government effectiveness`,
         `Debt (log)`, `Financial crisis`,
         `Vulnerability`, `CO2pc (log)`,
         `Fossil fuel rents (log)`,
         `EU`, `Subnational tax`,
         `Kyoto Ratification`, `Paris Ratification`) %>%
  arrange(Country, Year)
if (length(which($Country))) != 0) stop("There are countries with NA in their name.")

# Remove countries with no name
d <- d %>%
# Manually assign Austria 2015 onwards again at risk of Carbon tax
d <- d %>%
  mutate(Event = if_else(Country == "Australia" & 
                         Year >= 2015 & 
                         Outcome == "Carbon tax", 0, Event))

We start with the following number of countries

countries.start <- unique(d$Country)
-> [1] 216

For the cleaning, we avoid countries with too much missing data:

# This is the full list
uc <- tibble::tibble(`Potential countries` = unique(d$Country))
tc <- "List of all potential countries."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(uc, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(latex_options = c("hold_position", "repeat_header"))
} else {
  kable(uc, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)
d.prob.missing <- d %>%
  select(-iso2c, -iso3c, -Outcome, -Event) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country, -Year) %>%
  group_by(Country, Variable) %>%
  summarize(pMissing = length(which( / n())
d.full.missing <- d.prob.missing %>%
  group_by(Country) %>%
  summarize(FullMissing = ifelse(sum(pMissing) == n(), TRUE, FALSE)) %>%

threshold.missingness <- 0.5
d.partial.missing <- d.prob.missing %>%
  group_by(Country) %>%
  summarize(MeanMissing = mean(pMissing)) %>%
  filter(MeanMissing > threshold.missingness)

threshold.some.missingness <- 0.9
d.partial.some.missing <- d.prob.missing %>%
  group_by(Country) %>%
  summarize(SomeMissing = if_else(any(pMissing > threshold.some.missingness), TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  filter(SomeMissing > threshold.some.missingness)

d <- d %>%
  filter(!Country %in% c(d.full.missing$Country, d.partial.missing$Country))

We finish with the following number of countries

countries.universe <- unique(d$Country)
-> [1] 203

The maximum proportion that, overall, any country can have on missing data is:

-> [1] 0.5

List of countries considered

uc <- tibble::tibble(`Countries in the analysis` = countries.universe)
tc <- "List of countries in the analysis."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(uc, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    #kable_styling(latex_options = c("hold_position", "repeat_header"))
    kable_styling(latex_options = c("hold_position"))
} else {
  kable(uc, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)

Table 1: List of countries in the analysis.

Countries in the analysis
Antigua & Barbuda
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Congo - Brazzaville
Congo - Kinshasa
Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Faroe Islands
Hong Kong SAR China
Macao SAR China
Marshall Islands
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Myanmar (Burma)
New Zealand
North Korea
North Macedonia
Palestinian Territories
Papua New Guinea
Puerto Rico
San Marino
São Tomé & Príncipe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Vincent & Grenadines
Trinidad & Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States

List of countries in the initial list that are no more part of the universe due to severe missingness.

countries.removed <- countries.start[which(!countries.start %in% countries.universe)]

uc <- tibble::tibble(`Countries removed` = countries.removed)
tc <- "List of countries removed due to severe missingness."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(uc, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    #kable_styling(latex_options = c("hold_position", "repeat_header"))
    kable_styling(latex_options = c("hold_position"))
} else {
  kable(uc, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)

Table 2: List of countries removed due to severe missingness.

Countries removed
American Samoa
British Virgin Islands
French Polynesia
Isle of Man
New Caledonia
Northern Mariana Islands
Saint Martin (French part)
Sint Maarten
Turks & Caicos Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
     file = "carbon_pricing-adoption.RData")

Data description


Number of countries

-> [1] 203

Cumulative hazard rate (Figure 1) following a simple survival model with no covariates.

Cumulative hazard. Figure 1: Cumulative hazard.

ch <- NULL
for (o in 1:length(unique(d$Outcome))) {
  mf0 <- survfit(Surv(Year, Event) ~ 1, 
                 data = filter(d, Outcome == unique(d$Outcome)[o]))
  d.mf0 <- tibble::tibble(Year = summary(mf0)$time,
                    `Cumulative hazard` = summary(mf0)$cumhaz,
                    Outcome = unique(d$Outcome)[o])
  ch <- bind_rows(ch, d.mf0)

ggplot(ch, aes(x = Year, y = `Cumulative hazard`, color = Outcome)) +

There are very few instances of events actually happening:

# Proportion of event happening
peh <- d %>%
  group_by(Outcome, Event) %>%
  summarize(N = n()) %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(Proportion = N / sum(N))

tc <- "Proportion of events happening"
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(peh, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE)
} else {
  kable(peh, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)

Table 3: Proportion of events happening

Outcome Event N Proportion
Carbon pricing 0 5399 0.9906
Carbon pricing 1 51 0.0094
Carbon pricing (no EU) 0 5655 0.9937
Carbon pricing (no EU) 1 36 0.0063
Carbon tax 0 5711 0.9946
Carbon tax 1 31 0.0054
ETS 0 5586 0.9931
ETS 1 39 0.0069
ETS (no EU) 0 6027 0.9987
ETS (no EU) 1 8 0.0013

Events happen at the following times (Figure 2).

et <- d %>%
  filter(Event == 1) %>%
  group_by(Outcome, Year) %>%
  summarize(`Number of events` = n())
ggplot(et, aes(x = Year, y = 0, size = `Number of events`)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(Outcome ~ .) +
  ylab("") +
  scale_size_continuous(breaks = sort(unique(et$`Number of events`))) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank())

Figure 2: Temporal distribution of events.

Temporal distribution of events.
et <- d %>%
  filter(Event == 1) %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  summarize(`Adoptions` = n())
f1 <- ggplot(et, aes(xmin = Year - 0.5, xmax = Year + 0.5,
               ymin = 0, ymax = Adoptions)) +
  geom_rect() +
  xlab("Year") + ylab("Adoptions")

et <- d %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  group_by(Year, Adopted) %>%
  summarize(nAdopted = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  spread(Adopted, nAdopted) %>%
  mutate(`Cumulative adoptions (proportion)` = `1` / (`0` + `1`))
f2 <- ggplot(et, aes(x = Year, y = `Cumulative adoptions (proportion)`)) +

grid.arrange(f1, f2, ncol = 2)

Figure 3: Carbon pricing policy diffusion: temporal distribution of adoptions and cumulative proportion of adopters.

Carbon pricing policy diffusion: temporal distribution of adoptions and cumulative proportion of adopters.

Distribution of missingness by covariates and event.

m.cov.ev <- d %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(! %>%
  select(-Country, -iso2c, -iso3c, -Year) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Event, -Outcome) %>%
  group_by(Outcome, Variable, Event) %>%
  summarize(pMissing = length(which( / n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  spread(Event, pMissing) %>%
  rename(`Any policy` = `0`, Policy = `1`) %>%

tc <- "Distribution of missing values by variable and event, sorted by
proportion of missingness in the policy adoption column."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(m.cov.ev, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 8)
} else {
  kable(m.cov.ev, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 8, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 4: Distribution of missing values by variable and event, sorted by proportion of missingness in the policy adoption column.
Outcome Variable Any policy Policy
Carbon tax Debt (log) 0.2665 0.2581
Carbon tax Financial crisis 0.2042 0.2581
Carbon tax Political constraints 0.3416 0.2581
Carbon pricing (no EU) Political constraints 0.3415 0.2500
ETS (no EU) Debt (log) 0.2671 0.2500
ETS (no EU) Financial crisis 0.2076 0.2500
ETS (no EU) Political constraints 0.3350 0.2500
Carbon pricing (no EU) Debt (log) 0.2649 0.2222
Carbon pricing (no EU) Financial crisis 0.2019 0.2222
Carbon pricing Political constraints 0.3449 0.2157
Carbon pricing Debt (log) 0.2663 0.1569
Carbon pricing Financial crisis 0.2004 0.1569
Carbon tax Democracy (Electoral) 0.1802 0.1290
Carbon tax State expenditure 0.2168 0.1290
ETS Political constraints 0.3389 0.1282
ETS (no EU) Democracy (Electoral) 0.1762 0.1250
Carbon pricing (no EU) Democracy (Electoral) 0.1809 0.1111
Carbon pricing (no EU) State expenditure 0.2189 0.1111
Carbon tax Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.1138 0.0968
Carbon tax GDPpc (log) 0.0795 0.0968
Carbon pricing (no EU) Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.1149 0.0833
Carbon pricing (no EU) GDPpc (log) 0.0803 0.0833
Carbon pricing Democracy (Electoral) 0.1867 0.0784
Carbon pricing State expenditure 0.2293 0.0784
ETS Debt (log) 0.2646 0.0769
ETS Financial crisis 0.2003 0.0769
Carbon tax CO2pc (log) 0.0574 0.0645
Carbon tax Population (log) 0.0151 0.0645
Carbon pricing Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.1204 0.0588
Carbon pricing GDPpc (log) 0.0841 0.0588
Carbon pricing (no EU) CO2pc (log) 0.0580 0.0556
Carbon pricing (no EU) Population (log) 0.0152 0.0556
ETS Democracy (Electoral) 0.1826 0.0513
Carbon pricing CO2pc (log) 0.0608 0.0392
Carbon pricing Population (log) 0.0159 0.0392
ETS Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.1190 0.0256
ETS GDPpc (log) 0.0840 0.0256
ETS Government effectiveness 0.1072 0.0256
ETS State expenditure 0.2252 0.0256
Carbon pricing Government effectiveness 0.1100 0.0196
Carbon pricing Adopted 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon pricing EU 0.0222 0.0000
Carbon pricing Kyoto Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon pricing Paris Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon pricing Subnational tax 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon pricing Vulnerability 0.0611 0.0000
Carbon pricing (no EU) Adopted 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon pricing (no EU) EU 0.0212 0.0000
Carbon pricing (no EU) Government effectiveness 0.1073 0.0000
Carbon pricing (no EU) Kyoto Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon pricing (no EU) Paris Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon pricing (no EU) Subnational tax 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon pricing (no EU) Vulnerability 0.0584 0.0000
Carbon tax Adopted 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon tax EU 0.0210 0.0000
Carbon tax Government effectiveness 0.1063 0.0000
Carbon tax Kyoto Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon tax Paris Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon tax Subnational tax 0.0000 0.0000
Carbon tax Vulnerability 0.0578 0.0000
ETS Adopted 0.0000 0.0000
ETS CO2pc (log) 0.0614 0.0000
ETS EU 0.0215 0.0000
ETS Kyoto Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
ETS Paris Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
ETS Population (log) 0.0181 0.0000
ETS Subnational tax 0.0000 0.0000
ETS Vulnerability 0.0591 0.0000
ETS (no EU) Adopted 0.0000 0.0000
ETS (no EU) CO2pc (log) 0.0569 0.0000
ETS (no EU) EU 0.0199 0.0000
ETS (no EU) Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.1123 0.0000
ETS (no EU) GDPpc (log) 0.0796 0.0000
ETS (no EU) Government effectiveness 0.1015 0.0000
ETS (no EU) Kyoto Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
ETS (no EU) Paris Ratification 0.0000 0.0000
ETS (no EU) Population (log) 0.0168 0.0000
ETS (no EU) State expenditure 0.2107 0.0000
ETS (no EU) Subnational tax 0.0000 0.0000
ETS (no EU) Vulnerability 0.0548 0.0000

Countries with higher missing values in the events. <- d %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(! %>%
  select(-Outcome, -Event) %>%
  unique() %>%
  select(-iso2c, -iso3c, -Year) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
  group_by(Country, Variable) %>%
  summarize(pMissing = length(which( / n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(desc(pMissing)) <- %>%
  filter(pMissing == 1) %>%

tc <- "Pairs of countries/variables where all data is missing."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 8)
} else {
  kable(, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 8, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 5: Pairs of countries/variables where all data is missing.
Country Variable
Andorra Debt (log)
Andorra Democracy (Electoral)
Andorra Financial crisis
Andorra Fossil fuel rents (log)
Andorra Government effectiveness
Andorra Political constraints
Andorra State expenditure
Antigua & Barbuda Democracy (Electoral)
Antigua & Barbuda Political constraints
Antigua & Barbuda State expenditure
Aruba Debt (log)
Aruba Democracy (Electoral)
Aruba Financial crisis
Aruba Political constraints
Aruba Vulnerability
Bahamas Democracy (Electoral)
Bahamas Political constraints
Barbados Political constraints
Belize Democracy (Electoral)
Belize Political constraints
Bermuda Debt (log)
Bermuda Democracy (Electoral)
Bermuda Financial crisis
Bermuda Political constraints
Bermuda Vulnerability
Brunei Democracy (Electoral)
Brunei Political constraints
Cape Verde Political constraints
Cayman Islands Debt (log)
Cayman Islands Democracy (Electoral)
Cayman Islands Financial crisis
Cayman Islands Political constraints
Cayman Islands State expenditure
Cayman Islands Vulnerability
Central African Republic Financial crisis
Central African Republic Political constraints
Congo - Brazzaville Political constraints
Congo - Kinshasa Government effectiveness
Congo - Kinshasa Political constraints
Cuba Debt (log)
Cuba Financial crisis
Dominica Democracy (Electoral)
Dominica Political constraints
Dominica State expenditure
Dominican Republic Political constraints
Eswatini EU
Faroe Islands Debt (log)
Faroe Islands Democracy (Electoral)
Faroe Islands Financial crisis
Faroe Islands Government effectiveness
Faroe Islands Political constraints
Faroe Islands Vulnerability
Fiji State expenditure
Greenland Debt (log)
Greenland Democracy (Electoral)
Greenland Financial crisis
Greenland Political constraints
Greenland Vulnerability
Grenada Democracy (Electoral)
Grenada Political constraints
Grenada State expenditure
Hong Kong SAR China Financial crisis
Hong Kong SAR China Political constraints
Hong Kong SAR China Vulnerability
Kiribati Democracy (Electoral)
Kiribati Political constraints
Liechtenstein Debt (log)
Liechtenstein Democracy (Electoral)
Liechtenstein Financial crisis
Liechtenstein Fossil fuel rents (log)
Liechtenstein Political constraints
Liechtenstein State expenditure
Macao SAR China Debt (log)
Macao SAR China Democracy (Electoral)
Macao SAR China EU
Macao SAR China Financial crisis
Macao SAR China Political constraints
Macao SAR China Vulnerability
Maldives Political constraints
Maldives State expenditure
Malta Political constraints
Marshall Islands Democracy (Electoral)
Marshall Islands Fossil fuel rents (log)
Marshall Islands Political constraints
Micronesia (Federated States of) Democracy (Electoral)
Micronesia (Federated States of) Financial crisis
Micronesia (Federated States of) Fossil fuel rents (log)
Micronesia (Federated States of) Political constraints
Micronesia (Federated States of) State expenditure
Monaco CO2pc (log)
Monaco Debt (log)
Monaco Democracy (Electoral)
Monaco Financial crisis
Monaco Fossil fuel rents (log)
Monaco Government effectiveness
Monaco Political constraints
Monaco State expenditure
Montenegro Political constraints
Nauru Debt (log)
Nauru Democracy (Electoral)
Nauru Financial crisis
Nauru Political constraints
Nauru State expenditure
North Korea Debt (log)
North Korea Financial crisis
North Korea Fossil fuel rents (log)
North Korea GDPpc (log)
North Korea Political constraints
North Korea State expenditure
North Macedonia EU
Palau Debt (log)
Palau Democracy (Electoral)
Palau Fossil fuel rents (log)
Palau Political constraints
Palestinian Territories Debt (log)
Palestinian Territories Financial crisis
Palestinian Territories Government effectiveness
Palestinian Territories Political constraints
Palestinian Territories Vulnerability
Puerto Rico CO2pc (log)
Puerto Rico Democracy (Electoral)
Puerto Rico Financial crisis
Puerto Rico Political constraints
Puerto Rico Vulnerability
Romania Government effectiveness
Samoa Democracy (Electoral)
Samoa Political constraints
Samoa State expenditure
San Marino CO2pc (log)
San Marino Democracy (Electoral)
San Marino Fossil fuel rents (log)
San Marino Government effectiveness
San Marino Political constraints
San Marino State expenditure
São Tomé & Príncipe Political constraints
São Tomé & Príncipe State expenditure
Seychelles Political constraints
Slovakia Political constraints
Solomon Islands Political constraints
Somalia Debt (log)
Somalia EU
Somalia GDPpc (log)
South Africa CO2pc (log)
South Africa Fossil fuel rents (log)
South Africa GDPpc (log)
South Africa Population (log)
South Africa State expenditure
South Korea Political constraints
South Sudan Political constraints
South Sudan Vulnerability
St. Kitts & Nevis Democracy (Electoral)
St. Kitts & Nevis Political constraints
St. Kitts & Nevis State expenditure
St. Lucia Democracy (Electoral)
St. Lucia Political constraints
St. Vincent & Grenadines Democracy (Electoral)
St. Vincent & Grenadines Political constraints
Sudan Political constraints
Suriname Political constraints
Syria GDPpc (log)
Taiwan CO2pc (log)
Taiwan Financial crisis
Taiwan Fossil fuel rents (log)
Taiwan GDPpc (log)
Taiwan Population (log)
Taiwan State expenditure
Taiwan Vulnerability
Timor-Leste Debt (log)
Timor-Leste Government effectiveness
Timor-Leste Political constraints
Tonga Democracy (Electoral)
Tonga Political constraints
Trinidad & Tobago Political constraints
Trinidad & Tobago State expenditure
Tuvalu Democracy (Electoral)
Tuvalu Fossil fuel rents (log)
Tuvalu Political constraints
Tuvalu State expenditure
Vanuatu Political constraints
Yemen State expenditure
Zambia CO2pc (log)
Zambia Fossil fuel rents (log)
Zambia GDPpc (log)
Zambia Population (log)
Zambia State expenditure

Distribution of events on values of covariates (Figure 4, for the covariates in the fifth year before the end of the period).

cov <- d %>%
#  filter(Year == max(time.span)) %>%
  select(-Outcome, -Event) %>%

ev <- d %>%
  filter(Event == 1) %>%
  select(Country, Year, Outcome)

#cov.ev <- left_join(cov, ev) %>%
#cov.ev <- inner_join(ev, cov) %>%
cov.ev <- left_join(cov, ev) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country, -iso2c, -iso3c, -Year, -Outcome) %>%
  mutate(Outcome = ifelse(, "Any policy", Outcome)) %>%

ggplot(cov.ev, aes(x = value, y = Outcome)) +
  geom_point(data = filter(cov.ev, Year == max(Year)-5), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_point(data = filter(cov.ev, Outcome != "Any policy"), alpha = 0.5, color = "red") +
  facet_wrap(Variable ~ ., scales = "free", ncol = 1)

Figure 4: Distribution of the values of covariates and events. Covariates are only included in the fifth year before the end of the period.

Distribution of the values of covariates and events. Covariates are only included in the fifth year before the end of the period.
# Calculate variable means and keep adoption in the last year aside
d.carbon.adoption.lastyear <- d %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  filter(Year == max(Year)) %>%
  select(Country, Adopted) %>%
  mutate(`Carbon pricing` = ifelse(Adopted == 1, "Adopted", "Not adopted")) %>%

d.carbon.covs <- d %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  select(-c(iso2c, iso3c, Year, Event, Adopted,
            `Debt (log)`, `Paris Ratification`, 
            Outcome)) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
  group_by(Country, Variable) %>%
  summarize(value = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(value = ifelse(is.nan(value), NA, value)) %>%
  mutate(Variable = str_replace(Variable, " ", "\n")) %>%
  spread(Variable, value)

d.carbon <- left_join(d.carbon.adoption.lastyear, d.carbon.covs)

my_dens <- function(data, mapping, ..., low = "#132B43", high = "#56B1F7") {
  ggplot(data = data, mapping=mapping) +
         geom_density(..., alpha=0.3) +
    scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")

#my_points <- function(data, mapping, ...) {
#  ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) +
#    geom_point(..., alpha = 0.5) +
#    scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")
#my_boxplot <- function(data, mapping, ...) {
#  ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) +
#    geom_boxplot(...) +
#    scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")
#my_bar <- function(data, mapping, ...) {
#  ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) +
#    geom_bar(...) +
#    scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2") +
#    scale_fill_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")
#my_histogram <- function(data, mapping, ...) {
#  ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) +
#    geom_histogram(...) +
#    scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2") +
#    scale_fill_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")
#my_cor <- function(data, mapping, method="pearson", ndp=2, sz=5, stars=FALSE, ...) {
# x <- eval_data_col(data, mapping$x)
# y <- eval_data_col(data, mapping$y)
# corr <- cor.test(x, y, method=method)
# est <- corr$estimate
# lb.size <- sz* abs(est) 
# if(stars){
#   stars <- c("***", "**", "*", "")[findInterval(corr$p.value,
#                                                 c(0, 0.001,
#                                                   0.01, 0.05,
#                                                   1))]
#    lbl <- paste0(round(est, ndp), stars)
#  } else {
#    lbl <- round(est, ndp)
#  }
#  ggplot(data=data, mapping=mapping) + 
#    annotate("text", x=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), y=mean(y, na.rm=TRUE),
#             label=lbl, size=lb.size,...) +
#    theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) +
#    scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")
#ggpairs(select(d.carbon, -Country),
#  upper = list(continuous = my_cor,
#               combo = my_boxplot,
#               discrete = my_bar),
#  lower = list(continuous = my_points, combo = my_bar),
#  diag = list(continuous = my_dens, discrete = my_bar),
#  mapping = aes(color = `Carbon pricing`))#, fill = `Carbon pricing`))

ggplot <- function(...) {
  ggplot2::ggplot(...) + 
    scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2") +
    scale_fill_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")

ggpairs(select(d.carbon, -Country),
  lower = list(continuous = wrap("points", alpha = 0.5)),
  diag = list(continuous = my_dens),
  mapping = aes(color = `Carbon pricing`))

Figure 5: Distribution of the values of covariates, by carbon pricing adoption. Values represent country means for the period considered. Carbon adoption is taken on the last year considered.

Distribution of the values of covariates, by carbon pricing adoption. Values represent country means for the period considered. Carbon adoption is taken on the last year considered.
ggplot(cov.ev, aes(x = value)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  facet_grid(Outcome ~ Variable, scales = "free")

Figure 6: Distribution of the values of covariates by types of events.

Distribution of the values of covariates by types of events.
ggplot(cov.ev, aes(x = value, color = Outcome)) +
  geom_density(data = filter(cov.ev, Outcome == "Any policy"), color = "black", lwd = 2) +
  geom_density(data = filter(cov.ev, Outcome != "Any policy")) +
  facet_wrap(~ Variable, scales = "free")

Figure 7: Distribution of the values of covariates by types of events. The thick black line correspondes to cases without any policy.

Distribution of the values of covariates by types of events. The thick black line correspondes to cases without any policy.

Correlation between covariates

X.cov <- d %>%
  select(#Country, Year, 
         `GDPpc (log)`, 
         `Population (log)`,
         `Democracy (Electoral)`,
         `Political constraints`, 
         `Government effectiveness`,
         #`Debt (log)`, 
         `Financial crisis`,
         `CO2pc (log)`) %>%

corrplot(cor(X.cov, use = "complete.obs"), method = "number")

Figure 8: Correlation between explanatory variables.

Correlation between explanatory variables.

Ranges of explanatory variables

d %>%
  select(#Country, Year, 
         `GDPpc (log)`, 
         `Population (log)`,
         `Democracy (Electoral)`,
         `Political constraints`, 
         `Government effectiveness`,
         `CO2pc (log)`) %>%
  gather(Variable, value) %>%
  group_by(Variable) %>%
  summarize(Min = min(value, na.rm = TRUE),
            Mean = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE),
            Max = max(value, na.rm = TRUE))
-> # A tibble: 7 x 4
->   Variable                    Min    Mean    Max
->   <chr>                     <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
-> 1 CO2pc (log)              -4.54   0.578   4.25 
-> 2 Democracy (Electoral)     0.014  0.514   0.948
-> 3 GDPpc (log)               5.10   8.48   12.2  
-> 4 Government effectiveness -2.48  -0.0127  2.44 
-> 5 Political constraints     0      0.283   0.726
-> 6 Population (log)          9.10  15.3    21.1  
-> 7 Vulnerability             0.247  0.435   0.722

Model: Baseline 001

# Model:
-> [1] "Baseline 001"

Data preparation:

Model equation:

\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{t,c,o} & \sim & \mathcal{B}(\pi_{t,c,o}) && \text{Main data component} \\ \pi_{t,c,o} & = & \text{logit} \alpha_{o} + \rho_{o} + (\theta_{o,v} X_{t,c,v}) && \text{Main linear model} \\ % \alpha_{o} & \sim & \mathcal{N}(-7, 2) && \text{Rare event prior} \\ % \rho_{o} & \sim & \mathcal{N}(0, 2) && \text{Year 2005 effect} \\ % \theta_{o,v} & \sim &\mathcal{MVN}(0, \Sigma_{o}) && \text{Priors for explanatory variables} \\ % \Sigma_{o} & \sim &\mathcal{W}(0, 1) && \text{Prior for the variance-covariance matrix} \\ % \end{aligned} \]


Deal with interdependence data either in matrix or tidy formats

# No need to delete countries once the event has happened
# as they are already NA, and are needed for the full dataset
#da <- d %>%
#  filter(!
da <- d
if (test) {
  da <- da %>%
    filter(Country %in% sample(unique(da$Country), size = length(unique(da$Country)) * 0.5))
###### Interdependence using tidy approach
contiguity <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.contiguous),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.contiguous) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(contiguity.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

distance <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.distance),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.distance) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(distance.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

trade.dependency <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

# For competition dependency we need both the imports and the exports

trade.partner.dependency <- 
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
#  select(Origin, Destination, Year, Outcome, wAdopted) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted)) %>%

trade.partner.others.imports <- 
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Imports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = Adopted * p.Imports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  # Rename countries to better control the matrices
  # Partner refers to the trade partner of the first origin country
  # ThirdCountry refers to the competitor of the first origin country
  #   through the Destination==Partner
  rename(Partner = Origin, ThirdCountry = Destination) %>%
  select(Partner, ThirdCountry, Year, Outcome, wAdopted.imports) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted.imports)) %>%
  group_by(Partner, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(w.ThirdCountry.imp = sum(wAdopted.imports)) %>%

trade.competition <- 
            by = c("Destination" = "Partner", 
                   "Year" = "Year",
                   "Outcome" = "Outcome")) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.dual = wAdopted * w.ThirdCountry.imp) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  group_by(Origin, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.competition = sum(wAdopted.dual, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  rename(Country = Origin)

##### End interdependence using tidy approach

####### Interdependence using oWeighting matrices
## First use only relevant countries and then row-normalize
#M.distances <- M.distances[match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[2]])]
#RW.M.distances <- 100 * (1 / M.distances) / 
#  apply(1 / M.distances, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
#RW.M.distances[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[2]] == country.label)
#M.borders <- M.borders[match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[2]])]
#RW.M.borders <- M.borders / apply(M.borders, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#RW.M.borders[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[2]] == country.label)
## Trade exports (dependency) <-[match(country.label, dimnames([[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames([[2]]),] <- array(0, dim = dim(, dimnames = dimnames(
#for (t in 1:nT) {
#[,,t] <-[,,t] / apply([,,t], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames([[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames([[2]] == country.label)
## Trade imports <-[match(country.label, dimnames([[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames([[2]]),] <- array(0, dim = dim(, dimnames = dimnames(
#for (t in 1:nT) {
#[,,t] <-[,,t] / apply([,,t], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames([[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames([[2]] == country.label)
###### End interdependence using matrices
Y <- reshape2::acast(da, Year ~ Country ~ Outcome, value.var = "Event")
Y.adopted <- reshape2::acast(da, Year ~ Country ~ Outcome, value.var = "Adopted")

# Work with fewer data
#if (test) {
#  Y <- Y[-c(1:10),,c(1,2)]
#  Y.adopted <- Y.adopted[-c(1:10),,c(1,2)]

# Time
nT <- dim(Y)[1]
time.label <- time.span
#if (test) time.label <- time.label[-c(1:10)]
stopifnot(nT == length(time.label))
year.2005 <- ifelse(time.label == 2005, 1, 0)

# Outcomes
nO <- dim(Y)[3]
outcome.label <- dimnames(Y)[[3]] <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("Carbon pricing", "ETS"), 1, 0) <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("Carbon tax"), 1, 0) <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("ETS", "ETS (no EU)"), 1, 0)

# Countries and covariates
X <- da %>%
  ### Non binary variables
  select(Country, Year, 
         `GDPpc (log)`, 
         `State expenditure`,
         `Population (log)`, # OK
         `Fossil fuel rents (log)`,
         `Democracy (Electoral)`, # not very well
#         `Political constraints`, # quite bad
#         `Government effectiveness`, # reasonable
#         #`Debt (log)`, 
         `Vulnerability`, # not very well
         `CO2pc (log)`) %>% # not very well
  unique() %>% 
  gather(Variable, value, -Country, -Year) %>%
  group_by(Variable) %>%
  mutate(value = std(value)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  ### Add binary variables
  bind_rows(select(da, Country, Year, 
                   `Kyoto Ratification`,  # problematic
                   #`Paris Ratification`,
                   `Financial crisis`, # problematic
                   `Subnational tax`, # works well
                   `EU`) %>%  # works well
            unique() %>%
            gather(Variable, value, -Country, -Year)) %>%
  ### Add EU * GDPpc interaction
#  spread(Variable, value) %>%
#  mutate(`EU * GDPpc (log)` = EU * `GDPpc (log)`) %>%
#  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year)) %>%
  ### Add Intercept
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
  mutate(`(Intercept)` = 1) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year)) %>%
  reshape2::acast(Year ~ Country ~ Variable, value.var = "value")
country.label <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
nC <- length(country.label)
stopifnot(dimnames(Y)[[2]] == dimnames(X)[[2]])
#if (test) X <- X[-c(1:10),,]  
##X <- cbind(1, X)
##dimnames(X)[[2]][1] <- "(Intercept)"

X.interdependence <- 
  select(da, Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  left_join(contiguity) %>%
  left_join(distance) %>%
  left_join(trade.dependency) %>%
  left_join(trade.competition) %>%
  mutate(Country = as.factor(Country),
         Year = as.integer(Year),
         Outcome = as.factor(Outcome)) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year, Outcome)) %>%
  group_by(Variable, Outcome) %>%
  mutate(value = %>%
  ungroup() %>%
#  filter(Variable != "distance.dependency") %>%
  mutate(Variable = factor(Variable, levels = c("contiguity.dependency",
                                                "trade.competition"))) %>%
#  spread(Variable, value) %>%
#  left_join(select(da, Country, Year, Outcome, `EU`)) %>%
#  mutate( = EU * trade.dependency) %>%
#  select(-EU) %>%
#  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year,  Outcome)) %>%
  filter(Variable %in% c("trade.competition")) %>%
#  filter(Variable %in% c("contiguity.dependency", "trade.competition")) %>%
  reshape2::acast(Outcome ~ Year ~ Country ~ Variable, value.var = "value")
stopifnot(dimnames(Y)[[2]] == dimnames(X.interdependence)[[3]])

# Mix covariates in the X object with those of the spatial matrices
covariate.label <- c(dimnames(X)[[3]], 
#                     "Interdependence (Borders)", 
#                     "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                     "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
#                     "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                     "Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")
nCov <- length(covariate.label)

covariate.label.order <- c(
  "GDPpc (log)",                              # Economic
#  "EU * GDPpc (log)", 
  "State expenditure", 
  "Financial crisis", # 
  "CO2pc (log)",                              # Contribution to CC
  "Fossil fuel rents (log)",
  "Population (log)", "Vulnerability",
  "Democracy (Electoral)",                    # Institutional
#  "Interdependence (Borders)",                # Interdependence
#  "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
  "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
#  "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
  "Kyoto Ratification",
  "Subnational tax",
  "Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")

b0 <- rep(0, nCov)
b0[1] <- -7          # prior for rare events in the intercept
B0 <- diag(nCov)
#diag(B0) <- 2.5^-2
diag(B0) <- 1^-2
diag(B0) <- 0.5^-2
diag(B0) <- 10
#Omega <- diag(nCov)
#diag(Omega) <- 0.2^-2
#d0 <- rep(0, 2)
#D0 <- diag(2)
#diag(D0) <- 1^-2

# Restrictions on already adopted
B0.1 <- B0.2 <- B0.3 <- B0.4 <- B0.5 <- B0
diag(B0.1)[(nCov - 1):nCov] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.2)[(nCov - 1):nCov] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.3)[(nCov - 1)] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.4)[(nCov - 0)] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.5)[(nCov - 0)] <- 0.001 

# Restrictions on the effect for 2005
rho.restrictions <- ifelse( != 1, 0, NA)

# See Pavlou et al, pg 1163-1164
# Follows soft shrinkage by Rockove et al
c <- 10 # degree of separation between the spike and the slab
delta <- 0.1 # threshold of practical significance
c <- 10 # degree of separation between the spike and the slab
delta <- 0.2 # threshold of practical significance
epsilon <- sqrt(2 * log(c) * c^2 / (c^2 - 1))
varspike <- (delta/epsilon)^2
varslab <- varspike * c^2

# Prepare the predicted probabilities vector, 
# to avoid passing them all. Only relevant ones:
# Countries at risk in 2019
L.pi <- plab("pi", list(Year = time.label,
                        Country = country.label,
                        Outcome = outcome.label)) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year)))
L.pi.relevant <- L.pi %>%
  left_join(select(da, Country, Year, Outcome, Event)) %>%
  filter(Year == max(time.span)) %>%
  filter(Event == 0)
relevant.pp <- as.character(L.pi.relevant$Parameter)

D <- list(
  nO = nO, nT = nT, nC = nC,
  year_2005 = year.2005, outcome_has_eu =,
  outcome_is_tax =,
  outcome_is_ets =,
  X = unname(X), nCov = nCov,
  X_interdependence = unname(X.interdependence),
#  RW_M_borders = unname(RW.M.borders),
#  RW_M_distances = unname(RW.M.distances),
#  RW_M_trade = unname(,
#  RW_M_trade_imports = unname(,
  b0 = b0,
  B0.1 = B0.1,
  B0.2 = B0.2,
  B0.3 = B0.3,
  B0.4 = B0.4,
  B0.5 = B0.5,
  df = nCov + 1,
  rho = rho.restrictions,
#  d0 = d0, D0 = D0,
#  Omega = Omega, df = nCov + 1,
#  varspike = varspike, varslab = varslab,
  Y_adopted = unname(Y.adopted),
  Y = unname(Y))

write.table(da, file = "exported_treated_data.csv", sep = ";", row.names = FALSE)

List the countries that without a policy in place, would make the most influence on other countries because of trade interdependency if they would adopt it.

# This is part of how to calculate trade dependency
tb <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  arrange(desc(p.Exports)) %>%
  filter(Country %in% country.coverage) %>%
  filter(Adopted == 0) %>% # only consider non-adopters
  filter(Year == max(time.span)) %>%
  group_by(Outcome, Destination) %>%
  summarize(av.p.exports = mean(p.Exports, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  arrange(Outcome, desc(av.p.exports)) %>%

tc <- "Potential aggregated influence of each country if it would change from no adoption to adoption, as measured by its trade interdependency."

if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9)
} else {
  kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
# Report events-per-variable (Pavlou et al)
# Problem when EPR < 10
da %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(SumEvents = length(which(Event == 1))) %>%
  mutate(`Events per variable (EPV)` = SumEvents / nCov) %>%
  arrange(desc(`Events per variable (EPV)`))
-> # A tibble: 5 x 3
->   Outcome                SumEvents `Events per variable (EPV)`
->   <fct>                      <int>                       <dbl>
-> 1 Carbon pricing                51                       3.4  
-> 2 ETS                           39                       2.6  
-> 3 Carbon pricing (no EU)        36                       2.4  
-> 4 Carbon tax                    31                       2.07 
-> 5 ETS (no EU)                    8                       0.533
m <- 'model {
  for (o in 1:nO) {
    for (c in 1:nC) {
      for (t in 1:nT) {
        Y[t,c,o] ~ dbern(pi[t,c,o])
        #logit(pi[t,c,o]) <- alpha[t,o] + inprod(X[t,c,], theta[o,])
        logit(pi[t,c,o]) <- #alpha[o] 
                                       inprod(X[t,c,1:(nCov-3)], theta[o,1:(nCov-3)]) 
                                     + (rho[o] * year_2005[t] * outcome_has_eu[o]) 
#                                     + theta[o,nCov-3] * X_interdependence[o,t,c,1]
                                     + theta[o,nCov-2] * X_interdependence[o,t,c,1]
                                     + theta[o,nCov-1] * (outcome_is_ets[o] * Y_adopted[t,c,3])
                                     + theta[o,nCov-0]   * (outcome_is_tax[o] * Y_adopted[t,c,4])
    # Kalman filter for time trends
    #alpha[o] ~ dt(-7, 1^-2, 3)
    rho[o] ~ dnorm(2, 3^-2)
#    for (t in 2:nT) {
##      alpha[t,o] ~ dnorm(alpha[t-1,o] + 
##                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t] * outcome_has_eu[o]) -
##                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t-1] * outcome_has_eu[o])
##                       , tau.alpha[o])
#      alpha[t,o] ~ dnorm(alpha[t-1,o] + 
#                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t] * outcome_has_eu[o]) -
#                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t-1] * outcome_has_eu[o])
#                       , 0.3^-3)
#    }
#    rho[o] ~ dnorm(2, 3^-2)
#    alpha[1,o] ~ dnorm(-8, 3^-2)
###    sigma.alpha[o] ~ dt(0, 0.01, 1)T(0,)
##    tau.alpha[o] ~ dgamma(7, 0.3)
##    sigma.alpha[o] <- 1 / sqrt(tau.alpha[o])
#    #
    ##### Main effects
  theta[1,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.1[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[2,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.2[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[3,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.3[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[4,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.4[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[5,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.5[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Omega.1[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.1, df)
  Omega.2[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.2, df)
  Omega.3[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.3, df)
  Omega.4[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.4, df)
  Omega.5[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.5, df)
  Sigma[1,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.1[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[2,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.2[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[3,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.3[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[4,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.4[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[5,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.5[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  # Missing data
  for (cov in 1:(nCov-3)) { # obviate the interdependence variables
    for (c in 1:nC) {
      # No time trend for missingness
      for (t in 1:nT) {
        X[t,c,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
  for (cov in 1:1) { # the number of interdependence variables included
    for (c in 1:nC) {
      for (t in 1:nT) {
        for (o in 1:nO) {
          X_interdependence[o,t,c,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 0.5^-2)
write(m, file = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"))

par <- NULL
#par <- c(par, "alpha")
#par <- c(par, "sigma.alpha")
par <- c(par, "rho")
par <- c(par, "theta")
#par <- c(par, "sigma.theta")
#par <- c(par, "Theta")
#par <- c(par, "tau.Theta")
#par <- c(par, "mu.Theta")
#par <- c(par, "delta", "Delta")
#par <- c(par, "")
par <- c(par, "Sigma")
if (run.pcp) {
  par <- c(par, "pi")
} else {
  par <- c(par, relevant.pp) # only selected cases
#par <- c(par, "prec_theta")

#inits.alpha <- array(-8, dim = c(nT, nO))
inits.alpha <- array(-8, dim = c(nO))
inits <- list(
       alpha = inits.alpha),
       alpha = inits.alpha - 2),
       alpha = inits.alpha + 2))
t0 <- proc.time()
rj <- run.jags(model = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"),
               data = dump.format(D, checkvalid = FALSE),
#               inits = inits,
               modules = c("glm", "lecuyer"),
               n.chains = chains, thin = thin,
               adapt = adapt, burnin = burnin, sample = sample, 
               monitor = par, method = "parallel", summarise = FALSE)
s <- as.mcmc.list(rj)
save(s, file = paste0("sample-", M.lab, ".RData"))
proc.time() - t0
-> [1] 3
-> [1] 2500
-> [1] 1
-> [1] 2000
-> [1] 2056
#ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^theta|^alpha|^Sigma|^rho"), 
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^theta|^alpha|^rho"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "all", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar", "geweke"))

ggs(s, family = "^theta\\[1,|rho\\[1") %>%

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^alpha\\["), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "alpha", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "running", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "theta"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "theta", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "running", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "Sigma"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "Sigma", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "running", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "sigma.alpha"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "sigma_alpha", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

#ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "mu.Theta"), 
#       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "mu_Theta", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
#       plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))
L.sigma.theta <- plab("sigma.theta", list(Covariate = covariate.label)) <- plab("", list(Covariate = c("Interdependence (Borders)",
                                            "Interdependence (Trade)")))
L.sigma.theta <- bind_rows(L.sigma.theta,
S.sigma.theta <- ggs(s, family = "^sigma.theta\\[|^\\[", par_labels = L.sigma.theta)
ggs_caterpillar(S.sigma.theta) +
  ggtitle("Between outcome standard deviations")
#  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
L.theta <- plab("theta", list(Outcome = outcome.label,
                              Covariate = covariate.label)) <- plab("delta", list(Outcome = outcome.label,
#                              Covariate = c("Interdependence (Borders)",
#                                            "Interdependence (Trade)")))
#L.theta <- bind_rows(L.theta,
S.theta <- ggs(s, family = "^theta\\[|^delta\\[", par_labels = L.theta) %>%
  mutate(Model = M) %>%
  filter(Covariate != "(Intercept)") %>%
  mutate(Covariate = factor(Covariate, rev(covariate.label.order)))

save(S.theta, file = paste("samples-theta-", M.lab, ".RData", sep = ""))
ggs_caterpillar(S.theta, label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome.

Figure 9: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome.

S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon pricing", "Carbon pricing (no EU)")) %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")) %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome)

Figure 10: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing, with and without EU.

HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing, with and without EU.
S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon pricing")) %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")) %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3)

Figure 11: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing with the EU.

HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing with the EU.
ggs_caterpillar(S.theta, label = "Outcome", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Covariate)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by Covariate.

Figure 12: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by Covariate.

Variance-covariance matrices

L.Sigma.Omega <- plab("Sigma", list(
                              Outcome = outcome.label,
                              Covariate.1 = covariate.label,
                              Covariate.2 = covariate.label))
S.Sigma.Omega <- ggs(s, family = "^Sigma\\[", par_labels = L.Sigma.Omega)

vcov.sigma <- ci(S.Sigma.Omega) %>%
  select(Outcome, Covariate.1, Covariate.2, vcov = median) %>%
  mutate(vcov = ifelse(Covariate.1 == Covariate.2, NA, vcov)) %>%
  mutate(Covariate.1 = factor(as.character(Covariate.1), rev(levels(Covariate.1))))

ggplot(vcov.sigma, aes(x = Covariate.2, y = Covariate.1, fill = vcov)) +
  geom_raster() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome) +
  scale_fill_continuous_diverging(palette = "Blue-Red")

Figure 13: Variance-covariance matrix of main effects.

Variance-covariance matrix of main effects.
or <- function(x, significant = 2) {
  or <- as.character(signif((x - 1) * 100, significant))
  or[or < 0] <- paste0("\U25Bd ", str_replace(or[or < 0], "-", ""), "%")
  or[or > 0] <- paste0("\U25B3 ", or[or > 0], "%")
  or[or == 0] <- "="

tb <- S.theta %>%
  filter(Covariate != "(Intercept)") %>%
  ci() %>%
  arrange(Outcome, desc(abs(median))) %>%
  mutate(`Odds Ratio` = exp(median)) %>%
  mutate(`Expected effect` = or(`Odds Ratio`)) %>%
  select(Outcome, Covariate, `Odds Ratio`, `Expected effect`)

tc <- "Odds ratios of expected effect sizes, and sorted by magnitude and outcome."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9)
} else {
  kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 6: Odds ratios of expected effect sizes, and sorted by magnitude and outcome.
Outcome Covariate Odds Ratio Expected effect
Carbon pricing Interdependence (Trade competition) 5.8329 △ 480%
Carbon pricing Population (log) 5.5877 △ 460%
Carbon pricing EU 5.5857 △ 460%
Carbon pricing GDPpc (log) 4.7252 △ 370%
Carbon pricing Democracy (Electoral) 3.8354 △ 280%
Carbon pricing Kyoto Ratification 3.4119 △ 240%
Carbon pricing Financial crisis 3.0307 △ 200%
Carbon pricing CO2pc (log) 2.8523 △ 190%
Carbon pricing Subnational tax 0.6068 ▽ 39%
Carbon pricing Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.7195 ▽ 28%
Carbon pricing State expenditure 1.1509 △ 15%
Carbon pricing Vulnerability 1.0472 △ 4.7%
Carbon pricing Tax already adopted 1.0006 △ 0.063%
Carbon pricing ETS already adopted 0.9995 ▽ 0.046%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Population (log) 5.3572 △ 440%
Carbon pricing (no EU) GDPpc (log) 4.0960 △ 310%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Democracy (Electoral) 3.4564 △ 250%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Financial crisis 2.8463 △ 180%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Kyoto Ratification 2.5704 △ 160%
Carbon pricing (no EU) CO2pc (log) 2.5616 △ 160%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Subnational tax 0.5627 ▽ 44%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Interdependence (Trade competition) 1.7001 △ 70%
Carbon pricing (no EU) EU 0.5884 ▽ 41%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.6941 ▽ 31%
Carbon pricing (no EU) State expenditure 1.2191 △ 22%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Vulnerability 0.9851 ▽ 1.5%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Tax already adopted 1.0000 ▽ 0.0037%
Carbon pricing (no EU) ETS already adopted 1.0000 ▽ 0.00065%
Carbon tax Population (log) 4.9919 △ 400%
Carbon tax Democracy (Electoral) 4.2694 △ 330%
Carbon tax GDPpc (log) 3.7818 △ 280%
Carbon tax Financial crisis 3.1985 △ 220%
Carbon tax Interdependence (Trade competition) 2.2117 △ 120%
Carbon tax CO2pc (log) 1.9451 △ 95%
Carbon tax EU 0.6182 ▽ 38%
Carbon tax Kyoto Ratification 1.5884 △ 59%
Carbon tax Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.6976 ▽ 30%
Carbon tax ETS already adopted 1.4030 △ 40%
Carbon tax State expenditure 1.2824 △ 28%
Carbon tax Subnational tax 0.7831 ▽ 22%
Carbon tax Vulnerability 1.0677 △ 6.8%
Carbon tax Tax already adopted 1.0001 △ 0.012%
ETS Kyoto Ratification 144.5723 △ 14000%
ETS EU 51.5886 △ 5100%
ETS Interdependence (Trade competition) 42.8457 △ 4200%
ETS GDPpc (log) 12.2306 △ 1100%
ETS Population (log) 6.5265 △ 550%
ETS Democracy (Electoral) 4.3581 △ 340%
ETS CO2pc (log) 3.3762 △ 240%
ETS State expenditure 0.3917 ▽ 61%
ETS Financial crisis 2.0532 △ 110%
ETS Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.5932 ▽ 41%
ETS Tax already adopted 1.6264 △ 63%
ETS Vulnerability 1.1192 △ 12%
ETS ETS already adopted 0.9964 ▽ 0.36%
ETS Subnational tax 0.9992 ▽ 0.08%
ETS (no EU) Kyoto Ratification 6.7039 △ 570%
ETS (no EU) Population (log) 5.8002 △ 480%
ETS (no EU) CO2pc (log) 3.3897 △ 240%
ETS (no EU) Democracy (Electoral) 2.3779 △ 140%
ETS (no EU) EU 0.4638 ▽ 54%
ETS (no EU) GDPpc (log) 2.1358 △ 110%
ETS (no EU) Vulnerability 1.5196 △ 52%
ETS (no EU) Financial crisis 1.4979 △ 50%
ETS (no EU) Interdependence (Trade competition) 1.4781 △ 48%
ETS (no EU) State expenditure 0.6806 ▽ 32%
ETS (no EU) Subnational tax 1.3625 △ 36%
ETS (no EU) Tax already adopted 1.0968 △ 9.7%
ETS (no EU) Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.9929 ▽ 0.71%
ETS (no EU) ETS already adopted 0.9994 ▽ 0.06%
tb.dump <- tb %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")) %>%
tc <- "Odds ratios of expected effect sizes, by magnitude."

             caption = tc,
             label = "tab:ees",
             tabular.environment = "longtable"),
      file = "table_expected_effect_sizes-001.tex",
      #size = "footnotesize",
      size = "normalsize",
      include.rownames = FALSE)
S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon tax", "ETS")) %>%
  ci() %>%
  ggplot(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high, 
             y = median, x = Covariate, 
             color = Outcome)) +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 3) +
  xlab("Parameter") + ylab("HPD") +
  scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Harmonic")

Figure 14: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only Tax and ETS.

HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only Tax and ETS.
L.alpha <- plab("alpha", list(Outcome = outcome.label))
S.alpha <- ggs(s, family = "^alpha\\[", par_labels = L.alpha) %>%
  mutate(value = inv.logit(value))
L.alpha <- plab("alpha", list(Year = time.label, Outcome = outcome.label))
S.alpha <- ggs(s, family = "^alpha\\[", par_labels = L.alpha) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year))) %>%
  mutate(value = inv.logit(value))
ci(S.alpha, thick_ci = c(0.1, 0.9)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = median, color = Outcome)) +
  geom_line() +
ci(S.alpha, thick_ci = c(0.1, 0.9)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = median, ymin = low, ymax = high, 
             fill = Outcome, color = Outcome)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome) +

List the countries most likely to adopt each policy.

L.pi <- plab("pi", list(Year = time.label,
                        Country = country.label,
                        Outcome = outcome.label)) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year)))
S.pi <- ggs(s, family = "^pi\\[", par_labels = L.pi)

tpp <- S.pi %>%
  mutate(value = inv.logit(value)) %>%
  ci() %>%
  select(Country, Outcome, `Predicted probability` = median) %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  arrange(desc(`Predicted probability`)) %>%

tc <- "Countries with higher posterior median predicted probabilities of adopting each policy
outcome. Top 5 by Outcome."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tpp, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9)
} else {
  kable(tpp, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 7: Countries with higher posterior median predicted probabilities of adopting each policy outcome. Top 5 by Outcome.
Country Outcome Predicted probability
Russia Carbon pricing 0.5111
Turkey Carbon pricing 0.5072
Bosnia & Herzegovina Carbon pricing 0.5061
Brazil Carbon pricing 0.5057
Qatar Carbon pricing 0.5056
Germany Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5062
Qatar Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5054
Brazil Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5053
Saudi Arabia Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5052
United States Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5050
China Carbon tax 0.5078
Germany Carbon tax 0.5076
United States Carbon tax 0.5059
Italy Carbon tax 0.5053
Australia Carbon tax 0.5051
Singapore ETS 0.5514
South Africa ETS 0.5433
Bosnia & Herzegovina ETS 0.5112
Libya ETS 0.5048
Russia ETS 0.5047
South Africa ETS (no EU) 0.5093
Singapore ETS (no EU) 0.5092
Japan ETS (no EU) 0.5042
India ETS (no EU) 0.5019
Russia ETS (no EU) 0.5012

# Manually calculate PCP
# as ggmcmc's ggs_pcp() is not ready for matrices as input for outcome

threshold <- da %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(Threshold = length(which(Event == 1)) / n())

S <- inner_join(S.pi, select(da, Country, Year, Outcome, Event)) %>%
  left_join(threshold) %>%
  mutate(Correct = if_else( (value < Threshold & Event == 0) |
                            (value > Threshold & Event == 1),
                          TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  group_by(Outcome, Iteration, Chain) %>%
  summarize(PCP = length(which(Correct)) / n())

ggplot(S, aes(x = PCP)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome) +
  expand_limits(x = c(0, 1))

t.pcp <- S %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(`Median PCP` = mean(PCP))

tc <- "Posterior median percent correctly predicted, by Outcome."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tpp, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
  kable(tpp, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)


Model: Baseline 002, Environmental Kuznets Curve

# Model:
-> [1] "Baseline 002, Environmental Kuznets Curve"

Data preparation:

Model equation:

\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{t,c,o} & \sim & \mathcal{B}(\pi_{t,c,o}) && \text{Main data component} \\ \pi_{t,c,o} & = & \text{logit} \alpha_{o} + \rho_{o} + (\theta_{o,v} X_{t,c,v}) && \text{Main linear model} \\ % \alpha_{o} & \sim & \mathcal{N}(-7, 2) && \text{Rare event prior} \\ % \rho_{o} & \sim & \mathcal{N}(0, 2) && \text{Year 2005 effect} \\ % \theta_{o,v} & \sim &\mathcal{MVN}(0, \Sigma_{o}) && \text{Priors for explanatory variables} \\ % \Sigma_{o} & \sim &\mathcal{W}(0, 1) && \text{Prior for the variance-covariance matrix} \\ % \end{aligned} \]


Deal with interdependence data either in matrix or tidy formats

# No need to delete countries once the event has happened
# as they are already NA, and are needed for the full dataset
#da <- d %>%
#  filter(!
da <- d
if (test) {
  da <- da %>%
    filter(Country %in% sample(unique(da$Country), size = length(unique(da$Country)) * 0.5))
###### Interdependence using tidy approach
contiguity <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.contiguous),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.contiguous) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(contiguity.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

distance <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.distance),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.distance) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(distance.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

trade.dependency <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

# For competition dependency we need both the imports and the exports

trade.partner.dependency <- 
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
#  select(Origin, Destination, Year, Outcome, wAdopted) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted)) %>%

trade.partner.others.imports <- 
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Imports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = Adopted * p.Imports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  # Rename countries to better control the matrices
  # Partner refers to the trade partner of the first origin country
  # ThirdCountry refers to the competitor of the first origin country
  #   through the Destination==Partner
  rename(Partner = Origin, ThirdCountry = Destination) %>%
  select(Partner, ThirdCountry, Year, Outcome, wAdopted.imports) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted.imports)) %>%
  group_by(Partner, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(w.ThirdCountry.imp = sum(wAdopted.imports)) %>%

trade.competition <- 
            by = c("Destination" = "Partner", 
                   "Year" = "Year",
                   "Outcome" = "Outcome")) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.dual = wAdopted * w.ThirdCountry.imp) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  group_by(Origin, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.competition = sum(wAdopted.dual, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  rename(Country = Origin)

##### End interdependence using tidy approach

####### Interdependence using oWeighting matrices
## First use only relevant countries and then row-normalize
#M.distances <- M.distances[match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[2]])]
#RW.M.distances <- 100 * (1 / M.distances) / 
#  apply(1 / M.distances, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
#RW.M.distances[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[2]] == country.label)
#M.borders <- M.borders[match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[2]])]
#RW.M.borders <- M.borders / apply(M.borders, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#RW.M.borders[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[2]] == country.label)
## Trade exports (dependency) <-[match(country.label, dimnames([[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames([[2]]),] <- array(0, dim = dim(, dimnames = dimnames(
#for (t in 1:nT) {
#[,,t] <-[,,t] / apply([,,t], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames([[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames([[2]] == country.label)
## Trade imports <-[match(country.label, dimnames([[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames([[2]]),] <- array(0, dim = dim(, dimnames = dimnames(
#for (t in 1:nT) {
#[,,t] <-[,,t] / apply([,,t], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames([[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames([[2]] == country.label)
###### End interdependence using matrices
Y <- reshape2::acast(da, Year ~ Country ~ Outcome, value.var = "Event")
Y.adopted <- reshape2::acast(da, Year ~ Country ~ Outcome, value.var = "Adopted")

# Work with fewer data
#if (test) {
#  Y <- Y[-c(1:10),,c(1,2)]
#  Y.adopted <- Y.adopted[-c(1:10),,c(1,2)]

# Time
nT <- dim(Y)[1]
time.label <- time.span
#if (test) time.label <- time.label[-c(1:10)]
stopifnot(nT == length(time.label))
year.2005 <- ifelse(time.label == 2005, 1, 0)

# Outcomes
nO <- dim(Y)[3]
outcome.label <- dimnames(Y)[[3]] <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("Carbon pricing", "ETS"), 1, 0) <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("Carbon tax"), 1, 0) <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("ETS", "ETS (no EU)"), 1, 0)

# Countries and covariates
X <- da %>%
  ### Non binary variables
  select(Country, Year, 
         `GDPpc (log)`, 
         `State expenditure`,
         `Population (log)`, # OK
         `Fossil fuel rents (log)`,
         `Democracy (Electoral)`, # not very well
#         `Political constraints`, # quite bad
#         `Government effectiveness`, # reasonable
#         #`Debt (log)`, 
         `Vulnerability`, # not very well
         `CO2pc (log)`) %>% # not very well
  unique() %>% 
  gather(Variable, value, -Country, -Year) %>%
  group_by(Variable) %>%
  mutate(value = std(value)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  # Deal with Kuznets curve and CO2 emmissions
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
  mutate(CO2.1 = ifelse(`CO2pc (log)` < quantile(`CO2pc (log)`, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE), 1, 0)) %>%
  mutate(CO2.1 = ifelse(, 0, CO2.1)) %>%
  mutate(CO2.2 = ifelse(`CO2pc (log)` > quantile(`CO2pc (log)`, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE) &
                        `CO2pc (log)` < quantile(`CO2pc (log)`, 0.50, na.rm = TRUE), 1, 0)) %>%
  mutate(CO2.2 = ifelse(, 0, CO2.2)) %>%
  mutate(CO2.3 = ifelse(`CO2pc (log)` > quantile(`CO2pc (log)`, 0.50, na.rm = TRUE) &
                        `CO2pc (log)` < quantile(`CO2pc (log)`, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE), 1, 0)) %>%
  mutate(CO2.3 = ifelse(, 0, CO2.3)) %>%
  mutate(CO2.4 = ifelse(`CO2pc (log)` > quantile(`CO2pc (log)`, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE), 1, 0)) %>%
  mutate(CO2.4 = ifelse(, 0, CO2.4)) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year)) %>%
  filter(Variable != "CO2pc (log)") %>%
  ### Add binary variables
  bind_rows(select(da, Country, Year, 
                   `Kyoto Ratification`,  # problematic
                   #`Paris Ratification`,
                   `Financial crisis`, # problematic
                   `Subnational tax`, # works well
                   `EU`) %>%  # works well
            unique() %>%
            gather(Variable, value, -Country, -Year)) %>%
  ### Add EU * GDPpc interaction
#  spread(Variable, value) %>%
#  mutate(`EU * GDPpc (log)` = EU * `GDPpc (log)`) %>%
#  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year)) %>%
  ### Add Intercept
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
  mutate(`(Intercept)` = 1) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year)) %>%
  reshape2::acast(Year ~ Country ~ Variable, value.var = "value")
country.label <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
nC <- length(country.label)
stopifnot(dimnames(Y)[[2]] == dimnames(X)[[2]])
#if (test) X <- X[-c(1:10),,]  
##X <- cbind(1, X)
##dimnames(X)[[2]][1] <- "(Intercept)"

X.interdependence <- 
  select(da, Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  left_join(contiguity) %>%
  left_join(distance) %>%
  left_join(trade.dependency) %>%
  left_join(trade.competition) %>%
  mutate(Country = as.factor(Country),
         Year = as.integer(Year),
         Outcome = as.factor(Outcome)) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year, Outcome)) %>%
  group_by(Variable, Outcome) %>%
  mutate(value = %>%
  ungroup() %>%
#  filter(Variable != "distance.dependency") %>%
  mutate(Variable = factor(Variable, levels = c("contiguity.dependency",
                                                "trade.competition"))) %>%
#  spread(Variable, value) %>%
#  left_join(select(da, Country, Year, Outcome, `EU`)) %>%
#  mutate( = EU * trade.dependency) %>%
#  select(-EU) %>%
#  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year,  Outcome)) %>%
  filter(Variable %in% c("trade.competition")) %>%
#  filter(Variable %in% c("contiguity.dependency", "trade.competition")) %>%
  reshape2::acast(Outcome ~ Year ~ Country ~ Variable, value.var = "value")
stopifnot(dimnames(Y)[[2]] == dimnames(X.interdependence)[[3]])

# Mix covariates in the X object with those of the spatial matrices
covariate.label <- c(dimnames(X)[[3]], 
#                     "Interdependence (Borders)", 
#                     "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                     "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
#                     "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                     "Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")
nCov <- length(covariate.label)

covariate.label.order <- c(
  "GDPpc (log)",                              # Economic
#  "EU * GDPpc (log)", 
  "State expenditure", 
  "Financial crisis", # 
                                              # Contribution to CC
  "Fossil fuel rents (log)",
  "Population (log)", "Vulnerability",
  "Democracy (Electoral)",                    # Institutional
#  "Interdependence (Borders)",                # Interdependence
#  "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
  "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
#  "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
  "Kyoto Ratification",
  "Subnational tax",
  "Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")

b0 <- rep(0, nCov)
b0[1] <- -7          # prior for rare events in the intercept
B0 <- diag(nCov)
#diag(B0) <- 2.5^-2
diag(B0) <- 1^-2
diag(B0) <- 0.5^-2
diag(B0) <- 10
#Omega <- diag(nCov)
#diag(Omega) <- 0.2^-2
#d0 <- rep(0, 2)
#D0 <- diag(2)
#diag(D0) <- 1^-2

# Restrictions on already adopted
B0.1 <- B0.2 <- B0.3 <- B0.4 <- B0.5 <- B0
diag(B0.1)[(nCov - 1):nCov] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.2)[(nCov - 1):nCov] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.3)[(nCov - 1)] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.4)[(nCov - 0)] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.5)[(nCov - 0)] <- 0.001 

# Restrictions on the effect for 2005
rho.restrictions <- ifelse( != 1, 0, NA)

# See Pavlou et al, pg 1163-1164
# Follows soft shrinkage by Rockove et al
c <- 10 # degree of separation between the spike and the slab
delta <- 0.1 # threshold of practical significance
c <- 10 # degree of separation between the spike and the slab
delta <- 0.2 # threshold of practical significance
epsilon <- sqrt(2 * log(c) * c^2 / (c^2 - 1))
varspike <- (delta/epsilon)^2
varslab <- varspike * c^2

# Prepare the predicted probabilities vector, 
# to avoid passing them all. Only relevant ones:
# Countries at risk in 2019
L.pi <- plab("pi", list(Year = time.label,
                        Country = country.label,
                        Outcome = outcome.label)) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year)))
L.pi.relevant <- L.pi %>%
  left_join(select(da, Country, Year, Outcome, Event)) %>%
  filter(Year == max(time.span)) %>%
  filter(Event == 0)
relevant.pp <- as.character(L.pi.relevant$Parameter)

D <- list(
  nO = nO, nT = nT, nC = nC,
  year_2005 = year.2005, outcome_has_eu =,
  outcome_is_tax =,
  outcome_is_ets =,
  X = unname(X), nCov = nCov,
  X_interdependence = unname(X.interdependence),
#  RW_M_borders = unname(RW.M.borders),
#  RW_M_distances = unname(RW.M.distances),
#  RW_M_trade = unname(,
#  RW_M_trade_imports = unname(,
  b0 = b0,
  B0.1 = B0.1,
  B0.2 = B0.2,
  B0.3 = B0.3,
  B0.4 = B0.4,
  B0.5 = B0.5,
  df = nCov + 1,
  rho = rho.restrictions,
#  d0 = d0, D0 = D0,
#  Omega = Omega, df = nCov + 1,
#  varspike = varspike, varslab = varslab,
  Y_adopted = unname(Y.adopted),
  Y = unname(Y))

write.table(da, file = "exported_treated_data.csv", sep = ";", row.names = FALSE)

List the countries that without a policy in place, would make the most influence on other countries because of trade interdependency if they would adopt it.

# Loop over every country, and calculate the difference in the trade
# interdependence value that would make if it would have a policy adopted
# as of the last year
trade.diff <- array(NA, dim = c(nC, nO), 
                    dimnames = list(Country = country.label, Outcome = outcome.label))
trade.var <- which(dimnames(X.interdependence)[[4]] == "trade.competition")
for (o in 1:nO) {
  for (c in 1:nC) {
    if (Y.adopted[nT,c,o] == 0) {
      #influence.if.adopting <-[,c,nT]
      influence.if.adopting <- X.interdependence[o,nT,c,trade.var]
      trade.diff[c,o] <- sum(influence.if.adopting, na.rm = TRUE)

trade.diff <- tbl_df( %>%
  rename(Influence = Freq)

tb <- trade.diff %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  arrange(Outcome, desc(Influence)) %>%

tc <- "Potential aggregated influence of each country if it would change from no adoption to adoption, as measured by its trade interdependency."

if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9)
} else {
  kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
# Report events-per-variable (Pavlou et al)
# Problem when EPR < 10
da %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(SumEvents = length(which(Event == 1))) %>%
  mutate(`Events per variable (EPV)` = SumEvents / nCov) %>%
  arrange(desc(`Events per variable (EPV)`))
-> # A tibble: 5 x 3
->   Outcome                SumEvents `Events per variable (EPV)`
->   <fct>                      <int>                       <dbl>
-> 1 Carbon pricing                51                       2.83 
-> 2 ETS                           39                       2.17 
-> 3 Carbon pricing (no EU)        36                       2    
-> 4 Carbon tax                    31                       1.72 
-> 5 ETS (no EU)                    8                       0.444
m <- 'model {
  for (o in 1:nO) {
    for (c in 1:nC) {
      for (t in 1:nT) {
        Y[t,c,o] ~ dbern(pi[t,c,o])
        #logit(pi[t,c,o]) <- alpha[t,o] + inprod(X[t,c,], theta[o,])
        logit(pi[t,c,o]) <- #alpha[o] 
                                       inprod(X[t,c,1:(nCov-3)], theta[o,1:(nCov-3)]) 
                                     + (rho[o] * year_2005[t] * outcome_has_eu[o]) 
#                                     + theta[o,nCov-3] * X_interdependence[o,t,c,1]
                                     + theta[o,nCov-2] * X_interdependence[o,t,c,1]
                                     + theta[o,nCov-1] * (outcome_is_ets[o] * Y_adopted[t,c,3])
                                     + theta[o,nCov-0]   * (outcome_is_tax[o] * Y_adopted[t,c,4])
    # Kalman filter for time trends
    #alpha[o] ~ dt(-7, 1^-2, 3)
    rho[o] ~ dnorm(2, 3^-2)
#    for (t in 2:nT) {
##      alpha[t,o] ~ dnorm(alpha[t-1,o] + 
##                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t] * outcome_has_eu[o]) -
##                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t-1] * outcome_has_eu[o])
##                       , tau.alpha[o])
#      alpha[t,o] ~ dnorm(alpha[t-1,o] + 
#                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t] * outcome_has_eu[o]) -
#                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t-1] * outcome_has_eu[o])
#                       , 0.3^-3)
#    }
#    rho[o] ~ dnorm(2, 3^-2)
#    alpha[1,o] ~ dnorm(-8, 3^-2)
###    sigma.alpha[o] ~ dt(0, 0.01, 1)T(0,)
##    tau.alpha[o] ~ dgamma(7, 0.3)
##    sigma.alpha[o] <- 1 / sqrt(tau.alpha[o])
#    #
    ##### Main effects
  theta[1,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.1[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[2,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.2[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[3,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.3[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[4,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.4[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[5,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.5[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Omega.1[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.1, df)
  Omega.2[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.2, df)
  Omega.3[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.3, df)
  Omega.4[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.4, df)
  Omega.5[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.5, df)
  Sigma[1,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.1[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[2,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.2[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[3,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.3[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[4,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.4[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[5,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.5[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  # Missing data
  for (cov in 1:(nCov-3)) { # obviate the interdependence variables
    for (c in 1:nC) {
      # No time trend for missingness
      for (t in 1:nT) {
        X[t,c,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
  for (cov in 1:1) { # the number of interdependence variables included
    for (c in 1:nC) {
      for (t in 1:nT) {
        for (o in 1:nO) {
          X_interdependence[o,t,c,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 0.5^-2)
write(m, file = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"))

par <- NULL
#par <- c(par, "alpha")
#par <- c(par, "sigma.alpha")
par <- c(par, "rho")
par <- c(par, "theta")
#par <- c(par, "sigma.theta")
#par <- c(par, "Theta")
#par <- c(par, "tau.Theta")
#par <- c(par, "mu.Theta")
#par <- c(par, "delta", "Delta")
#par <- c(par, "")
par <- c(par, "Sigma")
if (run.pcp) {
  par <- c(par, "pi")
} else {
  par <- c(par, relevant.pp) # only selected cases
#par <- c(par, "prec_theta")

#inits.alpha <- array(-8, dim = c(nT, nO))
inits.alpha <- array(-8, dim = c(nO))
inits <- list(
       alpha = inits.alpha),
       alpha = inits.alpha - 2),
       alpha = inits.alpha + 2))
t0 <- proc.time()
rj <- run.jags(model = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"),
               data = dump.format(D, checkvalid = FALSE),
#               inits = inits,
               modules = c("glm", "lecuyer"),
               n.chains = chains, thin = thin,
               adapt = adapt, burnin = burnin, sample = sample, 
               monitor = par, method = "parallel", summarise = FALSE)
s <- as.mcmc.list(rj)
save(s, file = paste0("sample-", M.lab, ".RData"))
proc.time() - t0
-> [1] 3
-> [1] 2500
-> [1] 1
-> [1] 2000
-> [1] 2131
#ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^theta|^alpha|^Sigma|^rho"), 
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^theta|^alpha|^rho"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "all", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar", "geweke"))

ggs(s, family = "^theta\\[1,|rho\\[1") %>%

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^alpha\\["), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "alpha", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "running", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "theta"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "theta", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "running", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "Sigma"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "Sigma", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "running", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "sigma.alpha"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "sigma_alpha", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

#ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "mu.Theta"), 
#       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "mu_Theta", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
#       plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))
L.sigma.theta <- plab("sigma.theta", list(Covariate = covariate.label)) <- plab("", list(Covariate = c("Interdependence (Borders)",
                                            "Interdependence (Trade)")))
L.sigma.theta <- bind_rows(L.sigma.theta,
S.sigma.theta <- ggs(s, family = "^sigma.theta\\[|^\\[", par_labels = L.sigma.theta)
ggs_caterpillar(S.sigma.theta) +
  ggtitle("Between outcome standard deviations")
#  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
L.theta <- plab("theta", list(Outcome = outcome.label,
                              Covariate = covariate.label)) <- plab("delta", list(Outcome = outcome.label,
#                              Covariate = c("Interdependence (Borders)",
#                                            "Interdependence (Trade)")))
#L.theta <- bind_rows(L.theta,
S.theta <- ggs(s, family = "^theta\\[|^delta\\[", par_labels = L.theta) %>%
  mutate(Model = M) %>%
  filter(Covariate != "(Intercept)") %>%
  mutate(Covariate = factor(Covariate, rev(covariate.label.order)))

save(S.theta, file = paste("samples-theta-", M.lab, ".RData", sep = ""))
ggs_caterpillar(S.theta, label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome.

Figure 15: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome.

S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon pricing", "Carbon pricing (no EU)")) %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")) %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome)

Figure 16: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing, with and without EU.

HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing, with and without EU.
S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon pricing")) %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")) %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3)

Figure 17: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing with the EU.

HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing with the EU.
ggs_caterpillar(S.theta, label = "Outcome", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Covariate)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by Covariate.

Figure 18: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by Covariate.

Variance-covariance matrices

L.Sigma.Omega <- plab("Sigma", list(
                              Outcome = outcome.label,
                              Covariate.1 = covariate.label,
                              Covariate.2 = covariate.label))
S.Sigma.Omega <- ggs(s, family = "^Sigma\\[", par_labels = L.Sigma.Omega)

vcov.sigma <- ci(S.Sigma.Omega) %>%
  select(Outcome, Covariate.1, Covariate.2, vcov = median) %>%
  mutate(vcov = ifelse(Covariate.1 == Covariate.2, NA, vcov)) %>%
  mutate(Covariate.1 = factor(as.character(Covariate.1), rev(levels(Covariate.1))))

ggplot(vcov.sigma, aes(x = Covariate.2, y = Covariate.1, fill = vcov)) +
  geom_raster() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome) +
  scale_fill_continuous_diverging(palette = "Blue-Red")

Figure 19: Variance-covariance matrix of main effects.

Variance-covariance matrix of main effects.
or <- function(x, significant = 2) {
  or <- as.character(signif((x - 1) * 100, significant))
  or[or < 0] <- paste0("\U25Bd ", str_replace(or[or < 0], "-", ""), "%")
  or[or > 0] <- paste0("\U25B3 ", or[or > 0], "%")
  or[or == 0] <- "="

tb <- S.theta %>%
  filter(Covariate != "(Intercept)") %>%
  ci() %>%
  arrange(Outcome, desc(abs(median))) %>%
  mutate(`Odds Ratio` = exp(median)) %>%
  mutate(`Expected effect` = or(`Odds Ratio`)) %>%
  select(Outcome, Covariate, `Odds Ratio`, `Expected effect`)

tc <- "Odds ratios of expected effect sizes, and sorted by magnitude and outcome."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9)
} else {
  kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 8: Odds ratios of expected effect sizes, and sorted by magnitude and outcome.
Outcome Covariate Odds Ratio Expected effect
Carbon pricing EU 6.4235 △ 540%
Carbon pricing Population (log) 6.2188 △ 520%
Carbon pricing Interdependence (Trade competition) 5.4413 △ 440%
Carbon pricing CO2.1 0.2815 ▽ 72%
Carbon pricing Kyoto Ratification 3.4019 △ 240%
Carbon pricing Democracy (Electoral) 3.2988 △ 230%
Carbon pricing Financial crisis 3.1320 △ 210%
Carbon pricing GDPpc (log) 3.0368 △ 200%
Carbon pricing CO2.4 2.8812 △ 190%
Carbon pricing Vulnerability 1.4150 △ 41%
Carbon pricing CO2.3 1.3153 △ 32%
Carbon pricing Fossil fuel rents (log) 1.2567 △ 26%
Carbon pricing CO2.2 0.8083 ▽ 19%
Carbon pricing State expenditure 1.1786 △ 18%
Carbon pricing Subnational tax 0.9498 ▽ 5%
Carbon pricing ETS already adopted 0.9998 ▽ 0.02%
Carbon pricing Tax already adopted 1.0001 △ 0.0064%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Population (log) 6.9993 △ 600%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Democracy (Electoral) 3.2533 △ 230%
Carbon pricing (no EU) GDPpc (log) 3.1406 △ 210%
Carbon pricing (no EU) CO2.1 0.3226 ▽ 68%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Financial crisis 2.7872 △ 180%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Interdependence (Trade competition) 2.1282 △ 110%
Carbon pricing (no EU) CO2.3 1.9592 △ 96%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Kyoto Ratification 1.8994 △ 90%
Carbon pricing (no EU) CO2.4 1.7965 △ 80%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Vulnerability 1.5793 △ 58%
Carbon pricing (no EU) EU 1.4086 △ 41%
Carbon pricing (no EU) State expenditure 1.2307 △ 23%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Fossil fuel rents (log) 1.2142 △ 21%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Subnational tax 1.0716 △ 7.2%
Carbon pricing (no EU) CO2.2 1.0151 △ 1.5%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Tax already adopted 0.9994 ▽ 0.063%
Carbon pricing (no EU) ETS already adopted 1.0002 △ 0.019%
Carbon tax Population (log) 7.8546 △ 690%
Carbon tax Democracy (Electoral) 3.9687 △ 300%
Carbon tax GDPpc (log) 3.3098 △ 230%
Carbon tax CO2.1 0.3765 ▽ 62%
Carbon tax Financial crisis 2.6021 △ 160%
Carbon tax Interdependence (Trade competition) 2.4878 △ 150%
Carbon tax CO2.3 2.1773 △ 120%
Carbon tax Vulnerability 1.7575 △ 76%
Carbon tax Subnational tax 1.6447 △ 64%
Carbon tax Kyoto Ratification 1.6275 △ 63%
Carbon tax EU 1.5004 △ 50%
Carbon tax State expenditure 1.3658 △ 37%
Carbon tax ETS already adopted 1.1139 △ 11%
Carbon tax CO2.2 0.9768 ▽ 2.3%
Carbon tax CO2.4 1.0123 △ 1.2%
Carbon tax Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.9988 ▽ 0.12%
Carbon tax Tax already adopted 0.9996 ▽ 0.044%
ETS EU 25.8159 △ 2500%
ETS Kyoto Ratification 9.4798 △ 850%
ETS Interdependence (Trade competition) 9.2869 △ 830%
ETS CO2.2 0.1107 ▽ 89%
ETS CO2.4 6.3223 △ 530%
ETS CO2.1 0.1876 ▽ 81%
ETS Financial crisis 3.5545 △ 260%
ETS Democracy (Electoral) 2.9668 △ 200%
ETS Population (log) 2.7966 △ 180%
ETS Tax already adopted 1.5744 △ 57%
ETS GDPpc (log) 1.5559 △ 56%
ETS State expenditure 0.8134 ▽ 19%
ETS CO2.3 0.8936 ▽ 11%
ETS Vulnerability 0.8975 ▽ 10%
ETS Subnational tax 1.1112 △ 11%
ETS Fossil fuel rents (log) 1.0763 △ 7.6%
ETS ETS already adopted 1.0008 △ 0.076%
ETS (no EU) CO2.4 5.6182 △ 460%
ETS (no EU) CO2.3 0.3458 ▽ 65%
ETS (no EU) CO2.1 0.3768 ▽ 62%
ETS (no EU) Financial crisis 2.6535 △ 170%
ETS (no EU) Democracy (Electoral) 2.3352 △ 130%
ETS (no EU) Kyoto Ratification 2.2816 △ 130%
ETS (no EU) Population (log) 2.2293 △ 120%
ETS (no EU) CO2.2 0.4887 ▽ 51%
ETS (no EU) Tax already adopted 1.7941 △ 79%
ETS (no EU) Subnational tax 1.4894 △ 49%
ETS (no EU) Fossil fuel rents (log) 1.4704 △ 47%
ETS (no EU) GDPpc (log) 1.4543 △ 45%
ETS (no EU) State expenditure 0.6951 ▽ 30%
ETS (no EU) Interdependence (Trade competition) 0.7338 ▽ 27%
ETS (no EU) EU 0.8241 ▽ 18%
ETS (no EU) Vulnerability 1.0398 △ 4%
ETS (no EU) ETS already adopted 1.0005 △ 0.05%
tb.dump <- tb %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")) %>%
tc <- "Odds ratios of expected effect sizes, by magnitude."

             caption = tc,
             label = "tab:ees",
             tabular.environment = "longtable"),
      file = "table_expected_effect_sizes-002.tex",
      #size = "footnotesize",
      size = "normalsize",
      include.rownames = FALSE)
S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon tax", "ETS")) %>%
  ci() %>%
  ggplot(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high, 
             y = median, x = Covariate, 
             color = Outcome)) +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 3) +
  xlab("Parameter") + ylab("HPD") +
  scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Harmonic")

Figure 20: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only Tax and ETS.

HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only Tax and ETS.
L.alpha <- plab("alpha", list(Outcome = outcome.label))
S.alpha <- ggs(s, family = "^alpha\\[", par_labels = L.alpha) %>%
  mutate(value = inv.logit(value))
L.alpha <- plab("alpha", list(Year = time.label, Outcome = outcome.label))
S.alpha <- ggs(s, family = "^alpha\\[", par_labels = L.alpha) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year))) %>%
  mutate(value = inv.logit(value))
ci(S.alpha, thick_ci = c(0.1, 0.9)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = median, color = Outcome)) +
  geom_line() +
ci(S.alpha, thick_ci = c(0.1, 0.9)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = median, ymin = low, ymax = high, 
             fill = Outcome, color = Outcome)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome) +

List the countries most likely to adopt each policy.

L.pi <- plab("pi", list(Year = time.label,
                        Country = country.label,
                        Outcome = outcome.label)) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year)))
S.pi <- ggs(s, family = "^pi\\[", par_labels = L.pi)

tpp <- S.pi %>%
  mutate(value = inv.logit(value)) %>%
  ci() %>%
  select(Country, Outcome, `Predicted probability` = median) %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  arrange(desc(`Predicted probability`)) %>%

tc <- "Countries with higher posterior median predicted probabilities of adopting each policy
outcome. Top 5 by Outcome."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tpp, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9)
} else {
  kable(tpp, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 9: Countries with higher posterior median predicted probabilities of adopting each policy outcome. Top 5 by Outcome.
Country Outcome Predicted probability
Cuba Carbon pricing 0.5049
Grenada Carbon pricing 0.5046
Georgia Carbon pricing 0.5029
Equatorial Guinea Carbon pricing 0.5029
Colombia Carbon pricing 0.5026
Canada Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5106
Estonia Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5073
Cyprus Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5039
Grenada Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5038
Jamaica Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5034
Canada Carbon tax 0.5080
Cyprus Carbon tax 0.5059
Estonia Carbon tax 0.5057
Equatorial Guinea Carbon tax 0.5036
Angola Carbon tax 0.5034
Haiti ETS 0.5069
Cuba ETS 0.5036
Comoros ETS 0.5019
Colombia ETS 0.5009
Argentina ETS 0.5006
Haiti ETS (no EU) 0.5033
Comoros ETS (no EU) 0.5021
France ETS (no EU) 0.5010
Kenya ETS (no EU) 0.5008
Grenada ETS (no EU) 0.5008

# Manually calculate PCP
# as ggmcmc's ggs_pcp() is not ready for matrices as input for outcome

threshold <- da %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(Threshold = length(which(Event == 1)) / n())

S <- inner_join(S.pi, select(da, Country, Year, Outcome, Event)) %>%
  left_join(threshold) %>%
  mutate(Correct = if_else( (value < Threshold & Event == 0) |
                            (value > Threshold & Event == 1),
                          TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  group_by(Outcome, Iteration, Chain) %>%
  summarize(PCP = length(which(Correct)) / n())

ggplot(S, aes(x = PCP)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome) +
  expand_limits(x = c(0, 1))

t.pcp <- S %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(`Median PCP` = mean(PCP))

tc <- "Posterior median percent correctly predicted, by Outcome."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tpp, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
  kable(tpp, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)


Model: Baseline 003

# Model:
-> [1] "Baseline 003"

Data preparation:

Model equation:

\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{t,c,o} & \sim & \mathcal{B}(\pi_{t,c,o}) && \text{Main data component} \\ \pi_{t,c,o} & = & \text{logit} \alpha_{o} + \rho_{o} + (\theta_{o,v} X_{t,c,v}) && \text{Main linear model} \\ % \alpha_{o} & \sim & \mathcal{N}(-7, 2) && \text{Rare event prior} \\ % \rho_{o} & \sim & \mathcal{N}(0, 2) && \text{Year 2005 effect} \\ % \theta_{o,v} & \sim &\mathcal{MVN}(0, \Sigma_{o}) && \text{Priors for explanatory variables} \\ % \Sigma_{o} & \sim &\mathcal{W}(0, 1) && \text{Prior for the variance-covariance matrix} \\ % \end{aligned} \]


Deal with interdependence data either in matrix or tidy formats

# No need to delete countries once the event has happened
# as they are already NA, and are needed for the full dataset
#da <- d %>%
#  filter(!
da <- d
if (test) {
  da <- da %>%
    filter(Country %in% sample(unique(da$Country), size = length(unique(da$Country)) * 0.5))
###### Interdependence using tidy approach
contiguity <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.contiguous),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.contiguous) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(contiguity.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

distance <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.distance),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.distance) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(distance.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

trade.dependency <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

# For competition dependency we need both the imports and the exports

trade.partner.dependency <- 
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
#  select(Origin, Destination, Year, Outcome, wAdopted) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted)) %>%

trade.partner.others.imports <- 
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Imports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = Adopted * p.Imports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  # Rename countries to better control the matrices
  # Partner refers to the trade partner of the first origin country
  # ThirdCountry refers to the competitor of the first origin country
  #   through the Destination==Partner
  rename(Partner = Origin, ThirdCountry = Destination) %>%
  select(Partner, ThirdCountry, Year, Outcome, wAdopted.imports) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted.imports)) %>%
  group_by(Partner, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(w.ThirdCountry.imp = sum(wAdopted.imports)) %>%

trade.competition <- 
            by = c("Destination" = "Partner", 
                   "Year" = "Year",
                   "Outcome" = "Outcome")) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.dual = wAdopted * w.ThirdCountry.imp) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  group_by(Origin, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.competition = sum(wAdopted.dual, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  rename(Country = Origin)

##### End interdependence using tidy approach

####### Interdependence using oWeighting matrices
## First use only relevant countries and then row-normalize
#M.distances <- M.distances[match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[2]])]
#RW.M.distances <- 100 * (1 / M.distances) / 
#  apply(1 / M.distances, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
#RW.M.distances[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[2]] == country.label)
#M.borders <- M.borders[match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[2]])]
#RW.M.borders <- M.borders / apply(M.borders, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#RW.M.borders[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[2]] == country.label)
## Trade exports (dependency) <-[match(country.label, dimnames([[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames([[2]]),] <- array(0, dim = dim(, dimnames = dimnames(
#for (t in 1:nT) {
#[,,t] <-[,,t] / apply([,,t], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames([[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames([[2]] == country.label)
## Trade imports <-[match(country.label, dimnames([[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames([[2]]),] <- array(0, dim = dim(, dimnames = dimnames(
#for (t in 1:nT) {
#[,,t] <-[,,t] / apply([,,t], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames([[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames([[2]] == country.label)
###### End interdependence using matrices
Y <- reshape2::acast(da, Year ~ Country ~ Outcome, value.var = "Event")
Y.adopted <- reshape2::acast(da, Year ~ Country ~ Outcome, value.var = "Adopted")

# Work with fewer data
#if (test) {
#  Y <- Y[-c(1:10),,c(1,2)]
#  Y.adopted <- Y.adopted[-c(1:10),,c(1,2)]

# Time
nT <- dim(Y)[1]
time.label <- time.span
#if (test) time.label <- time.label[-c(1:10)]
stopifnot(nT == length(time.label))
year.2005 <- ifelse(time.label == 2005, 1, 0)

# Outcomes
nO <- dim(Y)[3]
outcome.label <- dimnames(Y)[[3]] <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("Carbon pricing", "ETS"), 1, 0) <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("Carbon tax"), 1, 0) <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("ETS", "ETS (no EU)"), 1, 0)

# Countries and covariates
X <- da %>%
  ### Non binary variables
  select(Country, Year, 
         `GDPpc (log)`, 
         `State expenditure`,
         `Population (log)`, # OK
         `Fossil fuel rents (log)`,
         `Democracy (Electoral)`, # not very well
#         `Political constraints`, # quite bad
#         `Government effectiveness`, # reasonable
#         #`Debt (log)`, 
         `Vulnerability`, # not very well
         `CO2pc (log)`) %>% # not very well
  unique() %>% 
  gather(Variable, value, -Country, -Year) %>%
  group_by(Variable) %>%
  mutate(value = std(value)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  ### Add binary variables
  bind_rows(select(da, Country, Year, 
                   `Kyoto Ratification`,  # problematic
                   #`Paris Ratification`,
                   `Financial crisis`, # problematic
                   `Subnational tax`, # works well
                   `EU`) %>%  # works well
            unique() %>%
            gather(Variable, value, -Country, -Year)) %>%
  ### Add EU * GDPpc interaction
#  spread(Variable, value) %>%
#  mutate(`EU * GDPpc (log)` = EU * `GDPpc (log)`) %>%
#  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year)) %>%
  ### Add Intercept
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
  mutate(`(Intercept)` = 1) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year)) %>%
  reshape2::acast(Year ~ Country ~ Variable, value.var = "value")
country.label <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
nC <- length(country.label)
stopifnot(dimnames(Y)[[2]] == dimnames(X)[[2]])
#if (test) X <- X[-c(1:10),,]  
##X <- cbind(1, X)
##dimnames(X)[[2]][1] <- "(Intercept)"

X.interdependence <- 
  select(da, Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  left_join(contiguity) %>%
  left_join(distance) %>%
  left_join(trade.dependency) %>%
  left_join(trade.competition) %>%
  mutate(Country = as.factor(Country),
         Year = as.integer(Year),
         Outcome = as.factor(Outcome)) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year, Outcome)) %>%
  group_by(Variable, Outcome) %>%
  mutate(value = %>%
  ungroup() %>%
#  filter(Variable != "distance.dependency") %>%
  mutate(Variable = factor(Variable, levels = c("contiguity.dependency",
                                                "trade.competition"))) %>%
##  spread(Variable, value) %>%
##  left_join(select(da, Country, Year, Outcome, `EU`)) %>%
##  mutate( = EU * trade.dependency) %>%
##  select(-EU) %>%
##  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year,  Outcome)) %>%
#  filter(Variable %in% c("trade.competition")) %>%
  filter(Variable %in% c("trade.dependency")) %>%
##  filter(Variable %in% c("contiguity.dependency", "trade.competition")) %>%
  reshape2::acast(Outcome ~ Year ~ Country ~ Variable, value.var = "value")
stopifnot(dimnames(Y)[[2]] == dimnames(X.interdependence)[[3]])

# Mix covariates in the X object with those of the spatial matrices
covariate.label <- c(dimnames(X)[[3]], 
#                     "Interdependence (Borders)", 
#                     "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
#                     "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
                     "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                     "Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")
nCov <- length(covariate.label)

covariate.label.order <- c(
  "GDPpc (log)",                              # Economic
#  "EU * GDPpc (log)", 
  "State expenditure", 
  "Financial crisis", # 
  "CO2pc (log)",                              # Contribution to CC
  "Fossil fuel rents (log)",
  "Population (log)", "Vulnerability",
  "Democracy (Electoral)",                    # Institutional
#  "Interdependence (Borders)",                # Interdependence
  "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
#  "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
#  "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
  "Kyoto Ratification",
  "Subnational tax",
  "Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")

b0 <- rep(0, nCov)
b0[1] <- -7          # prior for rare events in the intercept
B0 <- diag(nCov)
#diag(B0) <- 2.5^-2
diag(B0) <- 1^-2
diag(B0) <- 0.5^-2
diag(B0) <- 10
#Omega <- diag(nCov)
#diag(Omega) <- 0.2^-2
#d0 <- rep(0, 2)
#D0 <- diag(2)
#diag(D0) <- 1^-2

# Restrictions on already adopted
B0.1 <- B0.2 <- B0.3 <- B0.4 <- B0.5 <- B0
diag(B0.1)[(nCov - 1):nCov] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.2)[(nCov - 1):nCov] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.3)[(nCov - 1)] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.4)[(nCov - 0)] <- 0.001 
diag(B0.5)[(nCov - 0)] <- 0.001 

# Restrictions on the effect for 2005
rho.restrictions <- ifelse( != 1, 0, NA)

# See Pavlou et al, pg 1163-1164
# Follows soft shrinkage by Rockove et al
c <- 10 # degree of separation between the spike and the slab
delta <- 0.1 # threshold of practical significance
c <- 10 # degree of separation between the spike and the slab
delta <- 0.2 # threshold of practical significance
epsilon <- sqrt(2 * log(c) * c^2 / (c^2 - 1))
varspike <- (delta/epsilon)^2
varslab <- varspike * c^2

# Prepare the predicted probabilities vector, 
# to avoid passing them all. Only relevant ones:
# Countries at risk in 2019
L.pi <- plab("pi", list(Year = time.label,
                        Country = country.label,
                        Outcome = outcome.label)) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year)))
L.pi.relevant <- L.pi %>%
  left_join(select(da, Country, Year, Outcome, Event)) %>%
  filter(Year == max(time.span)) %>%
  filter(Event == 0)
relevant.pp <- as.character(L.pi.relevant$Parameter)

D <- list(
  nO = nO, nT = nT, nC = nC,
  year_2005 = year.2005, outcome_has_eu =,
  outcome_is_tax =,
  outcome_is_ets =,
  X = unname(X), nCov = nCov,
  X_interdependence = unname(X.interdependence),
#  RW_M_borders = unname(RW.M.borders),
#  RW_M_distances = unname(RW.M.distances),
#  RW_M_trade = unname(,
#  RW_M_trade_imports = unname(,
  b0 = b0,
  B0.1 = B0.1,
  B0.2 = B0.2,
  B0.3 = B0.3,
  B0.4 = B0.4,
  B0.5 = B0.5,
  df = nCov + 1,
  rho = rho.restrictions,
#  d0 = d0, D0 = D0,
#  Omega = Omega, df = nCov + 1,
#  varspike = varspike, varslab = varslab,
  Y_adopted = unname(Y.adopted),
  Y = unname(Y))

write.table(da, file = "exported_treated_data.csv", sep = ";", row.names = FALSE)

List the countries that without a policy in place, would make the most influence on other countries because of trade interdependency if they would adopt it.

# This is part of how to calculate trade dependency
tb <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  arrange(desc(p.Exports)) %>%
  filter(Country %in% country.coverage) %>%
  filter(Adopted == 0) %>% # only consider non-adopters
  filter(Year == max(time.span)) %>%
  group_by(Outcome, Destination) %>%
  summarize(av.p.exports = mean(p.Exports, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  arrange(Outcome, desc(av.p.exports)) %>%

tc <- "Potential aggregated influence of each country if it would change from no adoption to adoption, as measured by its trade interdependency."

if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9)
} else {
  kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
# Report events-per-variable (Pavlou et al)
# Problem when EPR < 10
da %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(SumEvents = length(which(Event == 1))) %>%
  mutate(`Events per variable (EPV)` = SumEvents / nCov) %>%
  arrange(desc(`Events per variable (EPV)`))
-> # A tibble: 5 x 3
->   Outcome                SumEvents `Events per variable (EPV)`
->   <fct>                      <int>                       <dbl>
-> 1 Carbon pricing                51                       3.4  
-> 2 ETS                           39                       2.6  
-> 3 Carbon pricing (no EU)        36                       2.4  
-> 4 Carbon tax                    31                       2.07 
-> 5 ETS (no EU)                    8                       0.533
m <- 'model {
  for (o in 1:nO) {
    for (c in 1:nC) {
      for (t in 1:nT) {
        Y[t,c,o] ~ dbern(pi[t,c,o])
        #logit(pi[t,c,o]) <- alpha[t,o] + inprod(X[t,c,], theta[o,])
        logit(pi[t,c,o]) <- #alpha[o] 
                                       inprod(X[t,c,1:(nCov-3)], theta[o,1:(nCov-3)]) 
                                     + (rho[o] * year_2005[t] * outcome_has_eu[o]) 
#                                     + theta[o,nCov-3] * X_interdependence[o,t,c,1]
                                     + theta[o,nCov-2] * X_interdependence[o,t,c,1]
                                     + theta[o,nCov-1] * (outcome_is_ets[o] * Y_adopted[t,c,3])
                                     + theta[o,nCov-0]   * (outcome_is_tax[o] * Y_adopted[t,c,4])
    # Kalman filter for time trends
    #alpha[o] ~ dt(-7, 1^-2, 3)
    rho[o] ~ dnorm(2, 3^-2)
#    for (t in 2:nT) {
##      alpha[t,o] ~ dnorm(alpha[t-1,o] + 
##                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t] * outcome_has_eu[o]) -
##                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t-1] * outcome_has_eu[o])
##                       , tau.alpha[o])
#      alpha[t,o] ~ dnorm(alpha[t-1,o] + 
#                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t] * outcome_has_eu[o]) -
#                         (rho[o] * year_2005[t-1] * outcome_has_eu[o])
#                       , 0.3^-3)
#    }
#    rho[o] ~ dnorm(2, 3^-2)
#    alpha[1,o] ~ dnorm(-8, 3^-2)
###    sigma.alpha[o] ~ dt(0, 0.01, 1)T(0,)
##    tau.alpha[o] ~ dgamma(7, 0.3)
##    sigma.alpha[o] <- 1 / sqrt(tau.alpha[o])
#    #
    ##### Main effects
  theta[1,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.1[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[2,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.2[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[3,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.3[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[4,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.4[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  theta[5,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0[1:nCov], Omega.5[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Omega.1[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.1, df)
  Omega.2[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.2, df)
  Omega.3[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.3, df)
  Omega.4[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.4, df)
  Omega.5[1:nCov,1:nCov] ~ dwish(B0.5, df)
  Sigma[1,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.1[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[2,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.2[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[3,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.3[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[4,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.4[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  Sigma[5,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.5[1:nCov,1:nCov])
  # Missing data
  for (cov in 1:(nCov-3)) { # obviate the interdependence variables
    for (c in 1:nC) {
      # No time trend for missingness
      for (t in 1:nT) {
        X[t,c,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
  for (cov in 1:1) { # the number of interdependence variables included
    for (c in 1:nC) {
      for (t in 1:nT) {
        for (o in 1:nO) {
          X_interdependence[o,t,c,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 0.5^-2)
write(m, file = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"))

par <- NULL
#par <- c(par, "alpha")
#par <- c(par, "sigma.alpha")
par <- c(par, "rho")
par <- c(par, "theta")
#par <- c(par, "sigma.theta")
#par <- c(par, "Theta")
#par <- c(par, "tau.Theta")
#par <- c(par, "mu.Theta")
#par <- c(par, "delta", "Delta")
#par <- c(par, "")
par <- c(par, "Sigma")
if (run.pcp) {
  par <- c(par, "pi")
} else {
  par <- c(par, relevant.pp) # only selected cases
#par <- c(par, "prec_theta")

#inits.alpha <- array(-8, dim = c(nT, nO))
inits.alpha <- array(-8, dim = c(nO))
inits <- list(
       alpha = inits.alpha),
       alpha = inits.alpha - 2),
       alpha = inits.alpha + 2))
t0 <- proc.time()
rj <- run.jags(model = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"),
               data = dump.format(D, checkvalid = FALSE),
#               inits = inits,
               modules = c("glm", "lecuyer"),
               n.chains = chains, thin = thin,
               adapt = adapt, burnin = burnin, sample = sample, 
               monitor = par, method = "parallel", summarise = FALSE)
s <- as.mcmc.list(rj)
save(s, file = paste0("sample-", M.lab, ".RData"))
proc.time() - t0
-> [1] 3
-> [1] 2500
-> [1] 1
-> [1] 2000
-> [1] 2056
#ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^theta|^alpha|^Sigma|^rho"), 
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^theta|^alpha|^rho"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "all", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar", "geweke"))

ggs(s, family = "^theta\\[1,|rho\\[1") %>%

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "^alpha\\["), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "alpha", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "running", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "theta"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "theta", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "running", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "Sigma"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "Sigma", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "running", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "sigma.alpha"), 
       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "sigma_alpha", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
       plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

#ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "mu.Theta"), 
#       file = paste0("ggmcmc-", "mu_Theta", "-", M.lab, ".pdf"),
#       plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))
L.sigma.theta <- plab("sigma.theta", list(Covariate = covariate.label)) <- plab("", list(Covariate = c("Interdependence (Borders)",
                                            "Interdependence (Trade)")))
L.sigma.theta <- bind_rows(L.sigma.theta,
S.sigma.theta <- ggs(s, family = "^sigma.theta\\[|^\\[", par_labels = L.sigma.theta)
ggs_caterpillar(S.sigma.theta) +
  ggtitle("Between outcome standard deviations")
#  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
L.theta <- plab("theta", list(Outcome = outcome.label,
                              Covariate = covariate.label)) <- plab("delta", list(Outcome = outcome.label,
#                              Covariate = c("Interdependence (Borders)",
#                                            "Interdependence (Trade)")))
#L.theta <- bind_rows(L.theta,
S.theta <- ggs(s, family = "^theta\\[|^delta\\[", par_labels = L.theta) %>%
  mutate(Model = M) %>%
  filter(Covariate != "(Intercept)") %>%
  mutate(Covariate = factor(Covariate, rev(covariate.label.order)))

save(S.theta, file = paste("samples-theta-", M.lab, ".RData", sep = ""))
ggs_caterpillar(S.theta, label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome.

Figure 21: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome.

S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon pricing", "Carbon pricing (no EU)")) %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")) %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome)

Figure 22: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing, with and without EU.

HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing, with and without EU.
S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon pricing")) %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")) %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3)

Figure 23: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing with the EU.

HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only carbon pricing with the EU.
ggs_caterpillar(S.theta, label = "Outcome", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Covariate)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by Covariate.

Figure 24: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by Covariate.

Variance-covariance matrices

L.Sigma.Omega <- plab("Sigma", list(
                              Outcome = outcome.label,
                              Covariate.1 = covariate.label,
                              Covariate.2 = covariate.label))
S.Sigma.Omega <- ggs(s, family = "^Sigma\\[", par_labels = L.Sigma.Omega)

vcov.sigma <- ci(S.Sigma.Omega) %>%
  select(Outcome, Covariate.1, Covariate.2, vcov = median) %>%
  mutate(vcov = ifelse(Covariate.1 == Covariate.2, NA, vcov)) %>%
  mutate(Covariate.1 = factor(as.character(Covariate.1), rev(levels(Covariate.1))))

ggplot(vcov.sigma, aes(x = Covariate.2, y = Covariate.1, fill = vcov)) +
  geom_raster() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome) +
  scale_fill_continuous_diverging(palette = "Blue-Red")

Figure 25: Variance-covariance matrix of main effects.

Variance-covariance matrix of main effects.
or <- function(x, significant = 2) {
  or <- as.character(signif((x - 1) * 100, significant))
  or[or < 0] <- paste0("\U25Bd ", str_replace(or[or < 0], "-", ""), "%")
  or[or > 0] <- paste0("\U25B3 ", or[or > 0], "%")
  or[or == 0] <- "="

tb <- S.theta %>%
  filter(Covariate != "(Intercept)") %>%
  ci() %>%
  arrange(Outcome, desc(abs(median))) %>%
  mutate(`Odds Ratio` = exp(median)) %>%
  mutate(`Expected effect` = or(`Odds Ratio`)) %>%
  select(Outcome, Covariate, `Odds Ratio`, `Expected effect`)

tc <- "Odds ratios of expected effect sizes, and sorted by magnitude and outcome."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tb, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9)
} else {
  kable(tb, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 10: Odds ratios of expected effect sizes, and sorted by magnitude and outcome.
Outcome Covariate Odds Ratio Expected effect
Carbon pricing Interdependence (Trade dependency) 5.6400 △ 460%
Carbon pricing EU 5.3480 △ 430%
Carbon pricing Population (log) 4.7354 △ 370%
Carbon pricing GDPpc (log) 4.1865 △ 320%
Carbon pricing Democracy (Electoral) 3.6202 △ 260%
Carbon pricing CO2pc (log) 3.3268 △ 230%
Carbon pricing Kyoto Ratification 3.0737 △ 210%
Carbon pricing Financial crisis 3.0404 △ 200%
Carbon pricing Subnational tax 0.6443 ▽ 36%
Carbon pricing Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.6986 ▽ 30%
Carbon pricing Vulnerability 0.9221 ▽ 7.8%
Carbon pricing State expenditure 0.9616 ▽ 3.8%
Carbon pricing Tax already adopted 0.9994 ▽ 0.064%
Carbon pricing ETS already adopted 0.9997 ▽ 0.031%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Population (log) 5.6399 △ 460%
Carbon pricing (no EU) GDPpc (log) 3.9886 △ 300%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Democracy (Electoral) 3.8845 △ 290%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Financial crisis 3.1345 △ 210%
Carbon pricing (no EU) CO2pc (log) 2.9257 △ 190%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Kyoto Ratification 2.2284 △ 120%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Interdependence (Trade dependency) 1.9829 △ 98%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Subnational tax 0.5251 ▽ 47%
Carbon pricing (no EU) EU 0.6752 ▽ 32%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.7558 ▽ 24%
Carbon pricing (no EU) State expenditure 1.0364 △ 3.6%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Vulnerability 1.0205 △ 2%
Carbon pricing (no EU) Tax already adopted 1.0006 △ 0.062%
Carbon pricing (no EU) ETS already adopted 1.0000 △ 0.0011%
Carbon tax Population (log) 5.2001 △ 420%
Carbon tax Democracy (Electoral) 4.2931 △ 330%
Carbon tax GDPpc (log) 3.6608 △ 270%
Carbon tax Financial crisis 3.4799 △ 250%
Carbon tax CO2pc (log) 1.9576 △ 96%
Carbon tax Interdependence (Trade dependency) 1.9016 △ 90%
Carbon tax EU 0.5999 ▽ 40%
Carbon tax Kyoto Ratification 1.5260 △ 53%
Carbon tax ETS already adopted 1.4739 △ 47%
Carbon tax Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.7062 ▽ 29%
Carbon tax Subnational tax 0.7666 ▽ 23%
Carbon tax State expenditure 1.2233 △ 22%
Carbon tax Vulnerability 0.9445 ▽ 5.6%
Carbon tax Tax already adopted 0.9998 ▽ 0.016%
ETS EU 27.7476 △ 2700%
ETS Interdependence (Trade dependency) 21.7697 △ 2100%
ETS Kyoto Ratification 15.8179 △ 1500%
ETS GDPpc (log) 6.9262 △ 590%
ETS Population (log) 3.7114 △ 270%
ETS CO2pc (log) 3.5996 △ 260%
ETS Democracy (Electoral) 3.5548 △ 260%
ETS Financial crisis 2.0906 △ 110%
ETS Tax already adopted 1.9491 △ 95%
ETS State expenditure 0.5439 ▽ 46%
ETS Fossil fuel rents (log) 0.6674 ▽ 33%
ETS Vulnerability 0.7260 ▽ 27%
ETS Subnational tax 0.9754 ▽ 2.5%
ETS ETS already adopted 1.0021 △ 0.21%
ETS (no EU) Population (log) 5.0953 △ 410%
ETS (no EU) Kyoto Ratification 3.9127 △ 290%
ETS (no EU) CO2pc (log) 2.9793 △ 200%
ETS (no EU) GDPpc (log) 2.1962 △ 120%
ETS (no EU) Financial crisis 1.7592 △ 76%
ETS (no EU) Democracy (Electoral) 1.6880 △ 69%
ETS (no EU) EU 0.6655 ▽ 33%
ETS (no EU) Interdependence (Trade dependency) 1.4504 △ 45%
ETS (no EU) Vulnerability 1.4474 △ 45%
ETS (no EU) State expenditure 0.7185 ▽ 28%
ETS (no EU) Subnational tax 1.3070 △ 31%
ETS (no EU) Tax already adopted 1.0512 △ 5.1%
ETS (no EU) Fossil fuel rents (log) 1.0419 △ 4.2%
ETS (no EU) ETS already adopted 1.0003 △ 0.033%
tb.dump <- tb %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted", "ETS already adopted")) %>%
tc <- "Odds ratios of expected effect sizes, by magnitude."

             caption = tc,
             label = "tab:ees",
             tabular.environment = "longtable"),
      file = "table_expected_effect_sizes-003.tex",
      #size = "footnotesize",
      size = "normalsize",
      include.rownames = FALSE)
S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon tax", "ETS")) %>%
  ci() %>%
  ggplot(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high, 
             y = median, x = Covariate, 
             color = Outcome)) +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 3) +
  xlab("Parameter") + ylab("HPD") +
  scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Harmonic")

Figure 26: HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only Tax and ETS.

HPD of the effects of covariates on the likelihood of the event, by outcome. Only Tax and ETS.
L.alpha <- plab("alpha", list(Outcome = outcome.label))
S.alpha <- ggs(s, family = "^alpha\\[", par_labels = L.alpha) %>%
  mutate(value = inv.logit(value))
L.alpha <- plab("alpha", list(Year = time.label, Outcome = outcome.label))
S.alpha <- ggs(s, family = "^alpha\\[", par_labels = L.alpha) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year))) %>%
  mutate(value = inv.logit(value))
ci(S.alpha, thick_ci = c(0.1, 0.9)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = median, color = Outcome)) +
  geom_line() +
ci(S.alpha, thick_ci = c(0.1, 0.9)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = median, ymin = low, ymax = high, 
             fill = Outcome, color = Outcome)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Outcome) +

List the countries most likely to adopt each policy.

L.pi <- plab("pi", list(Year = time.label,
                        Country = country.label,
                        Outcome = outcome.label)) %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(as.character(Year)))
S.pi <- ggs(s, family = "^pi\\[", par_labels = L.pi)

tpp <- S.pi %>%
  mutate(value = inv.logit(value)) %>%
  ci() %>%
  select(Country, Outcome, `Predicted probability` = median) %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  arrange(desc(`Predicted probability`)) %>%

tc <- "Countries with higher posterior median predicted probabilities of adopting each policy
outcome. Top 5 by Outcome."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tpp, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9)
} else {
  kable(tpp, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 9, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 11: Countries with higher posterior median predicted probabilities of adopting each policy outcome. Top 5 by Outcome.
Country Outcome Predicted probability
Russia Carbon pricing 0.5085
Qatar Carbon pricing 0.5084
United States Carbon pricing 0.5070
Brazil Carbon pricing 0.5056
Saudi Arabia Carbon pricing 0.5055
Germany Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5058
United States Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5046
Qatar Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5045
Brazil Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5044
Saudi Arabia Carbon pricing (no EU) 0.5040
China Carbon tax 0.5078
Germany Carbon tax 0.5052
United States Carbon tax 0.5048
Australia Carbon tax 0.5046
South Korea Carbon tax 0.5041
South Africa ETS 0.5658
Singapore ETS 0.5579
Japan ETS 0.5072
Mongolia ETS 0.5067
Turkmenistan ETS 0.5044
South Africa ETS (no EU) 0.5101
Singapore ETS (no EU) 0.5063
Japan ETS (no EU) 0.5036
India ETS (no EU) 0.5016
United States ETS (no EU) 0.5013

# Manually calculate PCP
# as ggmcmc's ggs_pcp() is not ready for matrices as input for outcome

threshold <- da %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(Threshold = length(which(Event == 1)) / n())

S <- inner_join(S.pi, select(da, Country, Year, Outcome, Event)) %>%
  left_join(threshold) %>%
  mutate(Correct = if_else( (value < Threshold & Event == 0) |
                            (value > Threshold & Event == 1),
                          TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  group_by(Outcome, Iteration, Chain) %>%
  summarize(PCP = length(which(Correct)) / n())

ggplot(S, aes(x = PCP)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome) +
  expand_limits(x = c(0, 1))

t.pcp <- S %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(`Median PCP` = mean(PCP))

tc <- "Posterior median percent correctly predicted, by Outcome."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(tpp, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
  kable(tpp, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)


Compare models: trade specifications

d <- NULL
d <- bind_rows(d, S.theta)
d <- bind_rows(d, S.theta)
d %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax already adopted",
                           "ETS already adopted")) %>%
  mutate(Covariate = as.character(Covariate)) %>%
  mutate(Covariate = ifelse(Covariate == "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                            "Trade interdependence", Covariate)) %>%
  mutate(Covariate = ifelse(Covariate == "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
                            "Trade competition", Covariate)) %>%
  ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", comparison = "Model",
                  comparison_separation = 0.4) +
  aes(color = Model) +
                     values = c("black", "grey70"),
                     breaks = c("Baseline 001", "Baseline 003"),
                     labels = c("Reference", "Alternative")) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")
Model comparison using different trade effects specifications.

Figure 27: Model comparison using different trade effects specifications.


Data cleaning and preparation

orig <- read.csv("carbon_pricing-patterns.csv", check.names = FALSE) %>%

Work with configurations of policies, not with concrete countries.

The main adoptions (Tax and ETS) are hierarchically more important than the concrete levels of the policy adoption. Therefore, for the concrete policy configurations (continuous variables) their value is NA when the policy has not yet even being adopted. This way, we are adding into the model the fact that we are uncertain about their values. Do not use the information (zeros) of such cases to inform about the overall model behaviour.

# Trust in ../adoption for the time span and country coverage

# Clean names and stuff, but still leave original variables
orig.cleaned <- orig %>%
  select(-c(iso2c, iso3c, WorldBank, Notes)) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
  mutate(value = as.numeric(value)) %>%
  mutate(Variable = str_replace_all(Variable, "_", " ")) %>%
  spread(Variable, value)

# Variables are now binary when appropriate
binary.variables <- c("ETS Adoption", "Tax Adoption", "Cap")
continuous.variables.full <- c("ETS Coverage", "ETS Price", "ETS Revenue Use",
                          "Tax Coverage", "Tax Price", "Tax Revenue Use", 
                          "Cap reduction")
continuous.variables <- c("ETS Coverage", "ETS Price",
                          "Tax Coverage", "Tax Price", "Cap reduction")

d <- orig.cleaned %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
  mutate(value = if_else( (Variable %in% binary.variables) & 
                          (!, 1, value)) %>%
  mutate(value = if_else(, 0, value)) %>%
  spread(Variable, value)

# Add a combination of both ETS _AND_ Taxes
d <- d %>%
  mutate(`ETS & Tax Adoption` = `ETS Adoption` * `Tax Adoption`)
binary.variables <- c(binary.variables, "ETS & Tax Adoption")

# Make that continuous variables values' are NA in the case of not adoption
# avoiding being 0 and known
d <- d %>%
  mutate(`ETS Coverage` = ifelse(`ETS Adoption` == 0, NA, `ETS Coverage`)) %>%
  mutate(`ETS Price` = ifelse(`ETS Adoption` == 0, NA, `ETS Price`)) %>%
  mutate(`ETS Revenue Use` = ifelse(`ETS Adoption` == 0, NA, `ETS Revenue Use`)) %>%
  mutate(`Tax Coverage` = ifelse(`Tax Adoption` == 0, NA, `Tax Coverage`)) %>%
  mutate(`Tax Price` = ifelse(`Tax Adoption` == 0, NA, `Tax Price`)) %>%
  mutate(`Tax Revenue Use` = ifelse(`Tax Adoption` == 0, NA, `Tax Revenue Use`)) %>%
  mutate(`Cap reduction`= ifelse(Cap == 0, NA, `Cap reduction`))

Extract only the different country configurations and assign them to each country.

configurations <- d %>%
  select(-Country) %>%
  select(all_of(continuous.variables), all_of(binary.variables)) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  mutate(Configuration = 1:n()) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Configuration) %>%
  spread(Variable, value)

possible.configurations <- d %>%
#configurations.pricecoverage <- 

all.configs <- d %>%
  mutate(ep = ifelse(`ETS Price`), 0, `ETS Price`)) %>%
  mutate(ec = ifelse(`ETS Coverage`), 0, `ETS Coverage`)) %>%
  mutate(tp = ifelse(`Tax Price`), 0, `Tax Price`)) %>%
  mutate(tc = ifelse(`Tax Coverage`), 0, `Tax Coverage`)) %>%
#  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
#  filter(str_detect(Variable, "Price|Coverage")) %>%
#  mutate(value = ifelse(, 0, value)) %>%
#  spread(Variable, value) %>%
#  mutate(ETS.pc = `ETS Coverage` * `ETS Price`) %>%
#  mutate(Tax.pc = `Tax Coverage` * `Tax Price`) %>%
  mutate(ETS.pc = ep * ec) %>%
  mutate(Tax.pc = tp * tc)

configurations.pricecoverage <- all.configs %>%
#  select(-Country) %>%
  select(ETS.pc, Tax.pc) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  mutate(Configuration = 1:n()) #%>%

#  gather(Variable, value, -Configuration) %>%
#  spread(Variable, value) %>%
#  filter(Configuration == 14)

#possible.configurations.pricecoverage <- d %>%
#  left_join(configurations.pricecoverage)
possible.configurations.pricecoverage <- configurations.pricecoverage %>%
  left_join(all.configs) %>%
     binary.variables, continuous.variables, continuous.variables.full,
     configurations, possible.configurations, 
     configurations.pricecoverage, possible.configurations.pricecoverage, 
     file = "carbon_pricing-patterns.RData")

Data description


Number of countries

-> [1] 215

Number of configurations

-> [1] 35

List of configurations with more than one country.

t.conf <- possible.configurations %>%
  group_by(Configuration) %>%
  summarize(N = n()) %>%
  filter(N > 1) %>%

tc <- "Number of countries in each configuration, for the configurations with more than one country."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(t.conf, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE)
} else {
  kable(t.conf, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)

Table 12: Number of countries in each configuration, for the configurations with more than one country.

Configuration N
1 164
5 15
2 3
4 2

Countries sharing configurations.

t.conf.countries <- possible.configurations %>%
  select(Country, Configuration) %>%
  filter(Configuration %in% t.conf$Configuration & Configuration != 1) %>%

tc <- "Countries that share configurations."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(t.conf.countries, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE)
} else {
  kable(t.conf.countries, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)

Table 13: Countries that share configurations.

Country Configuration
Albania 2
Zambia 2
Zimbabwe 2
Australia 4
Kazakhstan 4
Austria 5
Belgium 5
Bulgaria 5
Cyprus 5
Czechia 5
Germany 5
Greece 5
Hungary 5
Italy 5
Lithuania 5
Luxembourg 5
Malta 5
Netherlands 5
Romania 5
Slovakia 5

Configurations’ Correlations (Figure 28).

cc <- configurations %>%
  select(-Configuration) %>%

corrplot(cor(cc), use = "complete.obs", method = "ellipse")

Figure 28: Correlations between variables, for configurations.

Correlations between variables, for configurations.

Configurations’ Distribution of values by variable (Figure 29).

configurations %>%
  select(-Configuration) %>%
  gather(Variable, value) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  facet_wrap(~ Variable, ncol = 4, scales = "free")
Distribution of values by variable, for the observations based on configurations.

Figure 29: Distribution of values by variable, for the observations based on configurations.


Avoid working with the full set of countries, and instead merge all the non-policy adopters into a single point

countries.nopolicy <- d %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
  group_by(Country) %>%
  summarize(All = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  filter(All == 0) %>%
  select(-All) <- d %>%
  filter(!Country %in% countries.nopolicy$Country) %>%
  bind_rows(filter(d, Country == countries.nopolicy$Country[1])) %>%
  mutate(Country = if_else(Country == countries.nopolicy$Country[1], "NO POLICY", Country))

# Otherwise simply use d as
# <- d

# Specify the matrix with the values to perform cluster analysis on
X <- as.matrix(select(, -Country),
               dimnames = list(Country =$Country, var = names([-1])) <- X[] <- 0
cl.bic <- mclustBIC(

Generate a dendrogram 30 with all the cases, having used all variables (binary and continuous) with Gower distances.

X.dist <- daisy(X, metric = "gower")
hc <- hclust(X.dist)
hc$labels <- as.character($Country)
ggdendrogram(hc, size = 1)
Dendrogram with gower distances.

Figure 30: Dendrogram with gower distances.

We cut the dendrogram in a specific number of clusters

(cut.clusters <- 3)
-> [1] 3

Number and proportion of cases in each cluster.

ct <- cutree(hc, cut.clusters) <- bind_cols(, tbl_df(data.frame(Cluster = as.factor(ct))))
->  1  2  3 
-> 12 22 18
->      1      2      3 
-> 0.2308 0.4231 0.3462
# Function for alpha channel in densities at the diagonal
my_dens <- function(data, mapping, ..., low = "#132B43", high = "#56B1F7") {
  ggplot(data = data, mapping=mapping) +
         geom_density(..., alpha=0.3) 

Descriptive Figure (31) with the distribution of values of each variable in the clusters.

ggpairs(select(, -Country),
  lower = list(continuous = wrap("points", alpha = 0.1)),
  diag = list(continuous = my_dens),
  mapping = aes(color = Cluster))
Classification of countries within clusters.

Figure 31: Classification of countries within clusters.

List of countries and the Cluster they belong to.

t.clusters <- %>%
  select(Cluster, Country) %>%
  arrange(Cluster, Country)

tc <- "Clusters and countries."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(t.clusters, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 8)
} else {
  kable(t.clusters, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 8, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 14: Clusters and countries.
Cluster Country
1 Albania
1 Argentina
1 Chile
1 Colombia
1 Japan
1 Mexico
1 Singapore
1 South Africa
1 Ukraine
1 Zambia
1 Zimbabwe
2 Australia
2 Austria
2 Belgium
2 Bulgaria
2 China
2 Cyprus
2 Czechia
2 Germany
2 Greece
2 Hungary
2 India
2 Italy
2 Kazakhstan
2 Lithuania
2 Luxembourg
2 Malta
2 Netherlands
2 New Zealand
2 Romania
2 Slovakia
2 South Korea
2 Sri Lanka
3 Canada
3 Croatia
3 Denmark
3 Estonia
3 Finland
3 France
3 Iceland
3 Ireland
3 Latvia
3 Liechtenstein
3 Norway
3 Poland
3 Portugal
3 Slovenia
3 Spain
3 Sweden
3 Switzerland
3 United Kingdom

Measurement model

# Model:
-> [1] "Baseline"

Data preparation:

Model description:

################## Select either to use configurations or countries
## Use countries
## Be aware that 'd' includes all sorts of variables, including variables not
## expected to be in the measurement model
#X.df <- d %>%
#  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
#  group_by(Variable) %>%
#  mutate(value = if_else(Variable %in% continuous.variables, std(value), value)) %>%
#  ungroup() %>%
#  arrange(Country)
#X <- reshape2::acast(X.df, Country ~ Variable, value.var = "value")
#country.label <- dimnames(X)[[1]]

# Use configurations
# Be aware that configurations are already cleaned from variables not expected
# to be used in the measurement model
X.df <- configurations %>%
  # Configuration = 1 (no policy at all) is discarded
  # Beware that later, in the plab() function a +1 must be added
  filter(Configuration != 1) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Configuration) %>%
  group_by(Variable) %>%
  mutate(value = if_else(Variable %in% continuous.variables, std(value), value)) %>%
#  mutate(value = if_else(Variable %in% continuous.variables, value / 100, value)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
X <- reshape2::acast(X.df, Configuration ~ Variable, value.var = "value")


nO <- dim(X)[1] # Configurations / Countries

variable.label <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
position.binary <- which(variable.label %in% binary.variables)
position.continuous <- which(variable.label %in% continuous.variables)

X.binary <- X[,position.binary]
nBV <- dim(X.binary)[2]
X.continuous <- X[,position.continuous]
nCV <- dim(X.continuous)[2]

D <- list(
  nO = nO, 
  nBV = nBV, X_binary = unname(X.binary),
  nCV = nCV, X_continuous = unname(X.continuous))
m <- 'model {
  for (o in 1:nO) {
    # -- Binary variables
    for (ib in 1:nBV) {
      X_binary[o,ib] ~ dbern(pi[o,ib])
      logit(pi[o,ib]) <- mu[o,ib]
      mu[o,ib] <- delta[ib,1] * (xi[o] - delta[ib,2])
    for (ic in 1:nCV) {
      X_continuous[o,ic] ~ dnorm(mu.continuous[o,ic], tau.continuous[ic])
      mu.continuous[o,ic] <- gamma[ic,1] + (xi[o] * gamma[ic,2])
  # -- Priors for binary measurement
  for (ib in 1:nBV) {
#    delta[ib,1] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)T(0,)
#    delta[ib,1] ~ dnorm(1, 0.1^-2)T(0,)
    delta[ib,1] ~ dnorm(1, 0.5^-2)T(0,)
    delta[ib,2] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
  # -- Priors for continuous measurement
  for (ic in 1:nCV) {
    gamma[ic,1] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
#    gamma[ic,2] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)T(0,)
#    gamma[ic,2] ~ dnorm(1, 0.1^-2)T(0,)
    gamma[ic,2] ~ dnorm(0, 0.5^-2)T(0,)
    tau.continuous[ic] ~ dt(0, 0.1^-2, 3)T(0,)
    sigma.continuous[ic] <- 1 / sqrt(tau.continuous[ic])
  # -- Priors for scores of observations
  for (o in 1:nO) {
    xi[o] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
write(m, file = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"))

par <- NULL
par <- c(par, "gamma")
par <- c(par, "delta")
par <- c(par, "xi")
t0 <- proc.time()
rj <- run.jags(model = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"),
               data = dump.format(D, checkvalid = FALSE),
               modules = c("glm", "lecuyer"),
               n.chains = chains, thin = thin,
               adapt = adapt, burnin = burnin, sample = sample, 
               monitor = par, method = "parallel", summarise = FALSE)
s <- as.mcmc.list(rj)
save(s, file = paste0("sample-", M.lab, ".Rdata"))
proc.time() - t0
load(file = paste0("sample-", M.lab, ".Rdata"))
#ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "gamma|delta"), plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "xi|gamma|delta"), plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

Discrimination parameters for binary variables. Figure 32: Discrimination parameters for binary variables. <- plab("delta", list(Variable = binary.variables,
                              Coefficient = c("Discrimination", "Difficulty"))) <- ggs(s, family = "delta", par_labels = %>%
  filter(Coefficient == "Discrimination")
ggs_caterpillar(, label = "Variable")

Loadings parameters for continuous variables. Figure 33: Loadings parameters for continuous variables.

L.gamma <- plab("gamma", list(Variable = continuous.variables,
                              Coefficient = c("Intercept", "Loading")))
S.gamma <- ggs(s, family = "gamma", par_labels = L.gamma) %>%
  filter(Coefficient == "Loading")
ggs_caterpillar(S.gamma, label = "Variable")
# Configurations
L.xi <- plab("xi", list(Configuration = (1:nO) + 1))
S.xi <- ggs(s, family = "xi", par_labels = L.xi)
scores <- ci(S.xi) %>%
  select(Configuration, Score = median) %>%
  mutate(Configuration = as.numeric(as.character(Configuration))) %>%
  mutate(Model = M)

ggs_caterpillar(S.xi) + ylab("Configuration")

Figure 34: Caterpillar plot with the HPD of the configurations scores.

Caterpillar plot with the HPD of the configurations scores.
## Countries
#L.xi <- plab("xi", list(Country = country.label))
#S.xi <- ggs(s, family = "xi", par_labels = L.xi)
#scores <- ci(S.xi) %>%
#  select(Country , Score = median)
#save(scores, file = paste0("scores-", M.lab, ".Rdata"))
#ggs_caterpillar(S.xi) + ylab("Country")
# Configurations
scores.countries <- scores %>%
  left_join(select(possible.configurations, Country, Configuration))
ggplot(filter(scores.countries, Configuration != 1), 
       aes(x = Score, y = reorder(Country, Score))) +
  geom_point() +

Figure 35: Scores of policy patterns for countries with a policy.

Scores of policy patterns for countries with a policy.
#scores.countries <- scores %>%
#  arrange(desc(Score))
#ggplot(slice(scores.countries, 1:60),
#       aes(x = Score, y = reorder(Country, Score))) +
#  geom_point() +
#  ylab("Country")
save(scores, scores.countries, file = paste0("scores-", M.lab, ".RData"))

Measurement model

# Model:
-> [1] "Baseline001"

Data preparation:

Model description:

################## Select either to use configurations or countries
## Use countries
## Be aware that 'd' includes all sorts of variables, including variables not
## expected to be in the measurement model
#X.df <- d %>%
#  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
#  group_by(Variable) %>%
#  mutate(value = if_else(Variable %in% continuous.variables, std(value), value)) %>%
#  ungroup() %>%
#  arrange(Country)
#X <- reshape2::acast(X.df, Country ~ Variable, value.var = "value")
#country.label <- dimnames(X)[[1]]

# Use configurations
# Be aware that configurations are already cleaned from variables not expected
# to be used in the measurement model
X.df <- 
  configurations.pricecoverage %>%
  # Configuration = 1 (no policy at all) is discarded
  # Beware that later, in the plab() function a +1 must be added
  filter(Configuration != 1) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Configuration) %>%
  # Select only price and coverage variables
#  filter(str_detect(Variable, "Price|Coverage")) %>%
  filter(str_detect(Variable, "\\.pc")) %>%
#  mutate(value = ifelse(, 0, value)) %>%
  group_by(Variable) %>%
  mutate(value = std(value)) %>%
#  mutate(value = if_else(Variable %in% continuous.variables, std(value), value)) %>%
#  mutate(value = if_else(Variable %in% continuous.variables, value / 100, value)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
X <- reshape2::acast(X.df, Configuration ~ Variable, value.var = "value")


nO <- dim(X)[1] # Configurations / Countries

variable.label <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
position.binary <- which(variable.label %in% binary.variables)
position.continuous <- which(variable.label %in% continuous.variables)

X.binary <- X[,position.binary]
nBV <- dim(X.binary)[2]
X.continuous <- X[,position.continuous]
X.continuous <- X
nCV <- dim(X.continuous)[2]

D <- list(
  nO = nO, 
#  nBV = nBV, X_binary = unname(X.binary),
  nCV = nCV, X_continuous = unname(X.continuous))
m <- 'model {
  for (o in 1:nO) {
#    # -- Binary variables
#    for (ib in 1:nBV) {
#      X_binary[o,ib] ~ dbern(pi[o,ib])
#      logit(pi[o,ib]) <- mu[o,ib]
#      mu[o,ib] <- delta[ib,1] * (xi[o] - delta[ib,2])
#    }
    for (ic in 1:nCV) {
      X_continuous[o,ic] ~ dnorm(mu.continuous[o,ic], tau.continuous[ic])
      mu.continuous[o,ic] <- gamma[ic,1] + (xi[o] * gamma[ic,2])
  # -- Priors for binary measurement
#  for (ib in 1:nBV) {
##    delta[ib,1] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)T(0,)
##    delta[ib,1] ~ dnorm(1, 0.1^-2)T(0,)
#    delta[ib,1] ~ dnorm(1, 0.5^-2)T(0,)
#    delta[ib,2] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
#  }
  # -- Priors for continuous measurement
  for (ic in 1:nCV) {
    gamma[ic,1] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
#    gamma[ic,2] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)T(0,)
#    gamma[ic,2] ~ dnorm(1, 0.1^-2)T(0,)
#    gamma[ic,2] ~ dnorm(0, 0.5^-2)T(0,)
    gamma[ic,2] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)T(0,)
    tau.continuous[ic] ~ dt(0, 0.1^-2, 3)T(0,)
    sigma.continuous[ic] <- 1 / sqrt(tau.continuous[ic])
  # -- Priors for scores of observations
  for (o in 1:nO) {
    xi[o] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
write(m, file = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"))

par <- NULL
par <- c(par, "gamma")
#par <- c(par, "delta")
par <- c(par, "xi")
t0 <- proc.time()
rj <- run.jags(model = paste0("models/model-", M.lab, ".bug"),
               data = dump.format(D, checkvalid = FALSE),
               modules = c("glm", "lecuyer"),
               n.chains = chains, thin = thin,
               adapt = adapt, burnin = burnin, sample = sample, 
               monitor = par, method = "parallel", summarise = FALSE)
s <- as.mcmc.list(rj)
save(s, file = paste0("sample-", M.lab, ".Rdata"))
proc.time() - t0
load(file = paste0("sample-", M.lab, ".Rdata"))
#ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "gamma|delta"), plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "xi|gamma|delta"), plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar")) <- plab("delta", list(Variable = binary.variables,
                              Coefficient = c("Discrimination", "Difficulty"))) <- ggs(s, family = "delta", par_labels = %>%
  filter(Coefficient == "Discrimination")
ggs_caterpillar(, label = "Variable")

Loadings parameters for continuous variables. Figure 36: Loadings parameters for continuous variables.

L.gamma <- plab("gamma", list(Variable = continuous.variables,
                              Coefficient = c("Intercept", "Loading")))
S.gamma <- ggs(s, family = "gamma", par_labels = L.gamma) %>%
  filter(Coefficient == "Loading")
ggs_caterpillar(S.gamma, label = "Variable")
# Configurations
L.xi <- plab("xi", list(Configuration = (1:nO) + 1))
S.xi <- ggs(s, family = "xi", par_labels = L.xi)
scores <- ci(S.xi) %>%
  select(Configuration, Score = median) %>%
  mutate(Configuration = as.numeric(as.character(Configuration))) %>%
  mutate(Model = M)

ggs_caterpillar(S.xi) + ylab("Configuration")

Figure 37: Caterpillar plot with the HPD of the configurations scores.

Caterpillar plot with the HPD of the configurations scores.
## Countries
#L.xi <- plab("xi", list(Country = country.label))
#S.xi <- ggs(s, family = "xi", par_labels = L.xi)
#scores <- ci(S.xi) %>%
#  select(Country , Score = median)
#save(scores, file = paste0("scores-", M.lab, ".Rdata"))
#ggs_caterpillar(S.xi) + ylab("Country")
# Just to check
configurations.pricecoverage %>%
  filter(Configuration %in% c(1, 2, 5, 33, 35))

X.df %>%
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
  filter(Configuration %in% c(1, 2, 5, 33, 35))

X[c(1, 5-1, 33-1, 35-1),]

X.df %>%
  group_by(Configuration) %>%
  summarize(Average = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  filter(Configuration %in% c(1, 2, 5, 33, 35))

X.df %>%
#  group_by(Configuration) %>%
#  summarize(value = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
  left_join(scores) %>%
  filter(Configuration %in% c(1, 5, 33, 35)) %>%

scores %>%
  filter(Configuration %in% c(1, 5, 33, 35)) %>%
  select(Configuration, Score)

X.df %>%
  group_by(Configuration) %>%
  summarize(Average = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  left_join(scores) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Average, y = Score, label = Configuration)) +
  geom_text() +
  geom_text(data = . %>% filter(Configuration %in% c(5, 33)), color = "red") +
  geom_point(data = . %>% filter(Configuration %in% c(5, 33)), color = "blue")

d %>%
  filter(Country %in% c("Switzerland", "Slovakia")) %>%
# Configurations
scores.countries <- scores %>%
  left_join(select(possible.configurations.pricecoverage, Country, Configuration))
ggplot(filter(scores.countries, Configuration != 1), 
       aes(x = Score, y = reorder(Country, Score))) +
  geom_point() +

Figure 38: Scores of policy patterns for countries with a policy.

Scores of policy patterns for countries with a policy.
#scores.countries <- scores %>%
#  arrange(desc(Score))
#ggplot(slice(scores.countries, 1:60),
#       aes(x = Score, y = reorder(Country, Score))) +
#  geom_point() +
#  ylab("Country")
save(scores, scores.countries, file = paste0("scores-", M.lab, ".RData"))

Analysis: 004

# Model:
-> [1] "004"
scores.countries.1d <- scores.countries %>%
  rename(`Carbon pricing` = Score)

scores.countries.2d <- scores.countries %>%
  spread(Dimension, Score) %>%
  select(Configuration, ETS, Tax, Country)
da.full <- d # original data from "../adoption/"

da <- d %>% # original data from "../adoption/"
  # Consider only countries with scores
  # We only explain countries that have adopted the policy
  filter(Country %in% scores.countries$Country) %>%
  # Consider countries without too much missingness
  #filter(!(Country %in% c("Liechtenstein", "South Africa", "Zambia"))) %>%
  # Time range for which to calculate values
  filter(Year >= 2004 & Year <= 2019) %>%
  # Somalia does not have score
  filter(Country != "Somalia") %>%
  select(-iso2c, -iso3c, -Outcome, -Event) %>%
  unique() %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country, -Year) %>%
  group_by(Country, Variable) %>%
  summarize(value = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  # Treat EU and Financial differently
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(value = ifelse(Variable %in% c("EU", "Financial crisis", 
                                        #"Kyoto Ratification", 
                                        "Subnational tax"),
                        ifelse(value > 0, 1, 0),
                        value)) %>%
  mutate(value = ifelse(is.nan(value), NA, value)) %>%
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
         `GDPpc (log)`, 
         `State expenditure`,
         `Population (log)`,
         `Fossil fuel rents (log)`,
         `Democracy (Electoral)`,
         `Political constraints`, 
         `Government effectiveness`,
         `EU`, `Subnational tax`,
         #`Debt (log)`, 
         `Financial crisis`,
         #`Kyoto Ratification`,
         `CO2pc (log)`) %>%
  left_join(scores.countries.1d) %>%
  left_join(scores.countries.2d) %>%
country.label <- as.character(da$Country)
###### Interdependence using tidy approach
contiguity <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.contiguous),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.contiguous) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(contiguity.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

distance <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.distance),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.distance) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(distance.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

trade.dependency <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

# For competition dependency we need both the imports and the exports

trade.partner.dependency <- 
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
#  select(Origin, Destination, Year, Outcome, wAdopted) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted)) %>%

trade.partner.others.imports <- 
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Imports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = Adopted * p.Imports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  # Rename countries to better control the matrices
  # Partner refers to the trade partner of the first origin country
  # ThirdCountry refers to the competitor of the first origin country
  #   through the Destination==Partner
  rename(Partner = Origin, ThirdCountry = Destination) %>%
  select(Partner, ThirdCountry, Year, Outcome, wAdopted.imports) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted.imports)) %>%
  group_by(Partner, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(w.ThirdCountry.imp = sum(wAdopted.imports)) %>%

trade.competition <- 
            by = c("Destination" = "Partner", 
                   "Year" = "Year",
                   "Outcome" = "Outcome")) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.dual = wAdopted * w.ThirdCountry.imp) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  group_by(Origin, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.competition = sum(wAdopted.dual, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  rename(Country = Origin)

##### End interdependence using tidy approach

####### Weighting matrices
## First use only relevant countries and then row-normalize
#M.distances <- M.distances[match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[2]])]
#RW.M.distances <- 100 * (1 / M.distances) / 
#  apply(1 / M.distances, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
#RW.M.distances[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[2]] == country.label)
#M.borders <- M.borders[match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[2]])]
#RW.M.borders <- M.borders / apply(M.borders, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#RW.M.borders[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[2]] == country.label)
# <-[match(country.label, dimnames([[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames([[2]]),] <- array(0, dim = dim(, dimnames = dimnames(
## Get only the last but one year
#for (t in 1:(dim([3])) {
#[,,t] <-[,,t] / apply([,,t], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#} <-[,,(dim([3] - 1)][] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames([[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames([[2]] == country.label)
# Outcome
y <- da %>%
  select(`Carbon pricing`, Tax, ETS) %>%
nOutcomes <- dim(y)[2]
outcome.label <- dimnames(y)[[2]] <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("Tax"), 1, 0)
outcome.has.ets <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("ETS"), 1, 0)

# Explanatory variables are all standardized to 1 std deviation
# even originally binary ones, as they are weighted
X <- da %>%
  select(-c(`Carbon pricing`, Tax, ETS), -Model) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
  group_by(Variable) %>%
  mutate(value = std(value)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
  #mutate(`EU * GDPpc (log)` = EU * `GDPpc (log)`) %>%
  select(-Country) %>%

X.interdependence <- 

  # work with da.full to calculate the interdependencies
  select(da.full, Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  left_join(contiguity) %>%
  left_join(distance) %>%
  left_join(trade.dependency) %>%
  left_join(trade.competition) %>%
  mutate(Country = as.factor(Country),
         Year = as.integer(Year),
         Outcome = as.factor(Outcome)) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year, Outcome)) %>%
#  filter(Variable != "distance.dependency") %>%
  mutate(Variable = factor(Variable, levels = c("distance.dependency",
                                                "trade.competition"))) %>%
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
#  # compute the EU interaction
#  left_join(select(da.full, Country, Year, Outcome, `EU`)) %>%
#  mutate( = EU * trade.dependency) %>%
#  select(-EU) %>%
  # take average over time
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year,  Outcome)) %>%
  group_by(Country, Outcome, Variable) %>%
  summarize(time.average = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  # take out values not in the analysis
  filter(Country %in% da$Country) %>%
  droplevels() %>%
  # take out variables non relevant
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon pricing", "Carbon tax", "ETS")) %>%
  mutate(Outcome = factor(Outcome, levels = c("Carbon pricing", "Carbon tax", "ETS"))) %>%
  droplevels() %>%
  # standardize values
  group_by(Outcome, Variable) %>%
  mutate(time.average = %>%
  mutate(time.average = ifelse(is.nan(time.average), NA, time.average)) %>%
  filter(Variable %in% c(#"distance.dependency",
#                         "contiguity.dependency", 
                         "trade.competition")) %>%
#                         "trade.dependency")) %>%
  reshape2::acast(Outcome ~ Country ~ Variable, value.var = "time.average")
stopifnot(da$Country == dimnames(X.interdependence)[[2]])
nCovI <- dim(X.interdependence)[3]

nO <- dim(y)[1]
country.label <- da$Country
X <- cbind("(Intercept)" = 1, X)
#X <- cbind(X, "GDPpc (log) * CO2pc" = X[,"GDPpc (log)"] * X[,"CO2pc"])
covariate.label <- c(dimnames(X)[[2]], 
#                     "Interdependence (Borders)", 
#                     "Interdependence (Distance)", 
#                     "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                     "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
#                     "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                     "ETS intensity", "Tax intensity")
#nCov <- dim(X)[2] + 4
nCov <- length(covariate.label)

covariate.label.order <- c("(Intercept)",
  "GDPpc (log)", 
#  "EU * GDPpc (log)", 
  "State expenditure",
  "Financial crisis", # Economic
  "CO2pc (log)", 
  "Fossil fuel rents (log)", "Population (log)", "Vulnerability",   # Contribution to CC
  "Democracy (Electoral)", 
  "Government effectiveness", "Political constraints",     # Institutional
#  "Interdependence (Borders)", 
#  "Interdependence (Distance)", 
#  "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
  "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
#  "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
  #"Kyoto Ratification",
  "Subnational tax",
  "Tax intensity", "ETS intensity")

b0 <- rep(0, nCov)
B0 <- diag(nCov)
diag(B0) <- 1^-2

X.error <- X[,c("(Intercept)", 
#                "Population (log)", 
#                "GDPpc (log)", 
#                "State expenditure",
#                "Political constraints",
#                "CO2pc (log)", 
#                "Democracy (Electoral)",
#                "Financial crisis",

nCovE <- dim(X.error)[2]
covariate.error.label <- dimnames(X.error)[[2]]
l0 <- rep(0, nCovE)
L0 <- diag(nCovE)
diag(L0) <- 0.5^-2

# Restrictions for theta variables that must be zero
theta.restrictions <- array(NA, dim = c(nOutcomes, nCov))
theta.restrictions[,(nCov-1):nCov] <- 0
theta.restrictions[which( == 1), (nCov-1)] <- NA
theta.restrictions[which(outcome.has.ets == 1), (nCov-0)] <- NA

B0.1 <- B0.2 <- B0.3 <- B0
# Carbon pricing
diag(B0.1)[(nCov - 1):nCov] <- 0.001 # high precision for when outcome has tax
# Tax
diag(B0.2)[nCov - 0] <- 0.001 # high precision for when outcome has tax
diag(B0.3)[nCov - 1] <- 0.001 # high precision for when outcome has tax

D <- list(
  nO = nO, 
  X = unname(X), nCov = nCov,
  nCovI = nCovI,
  X_error = unname(X.error), nCovE = nCovE,
  X_interdependence = unname(X.interdependence),
  b0 = b0, B0 = B0, df = nCov + 1,
  B0.1 = B0.1,
  B0.2 = B0.2,
  B0.3 = B0.3,
  l0 = l0, L0 = L0,
  nOutcomes = nOutcomes,
  outcome_has_tax =, outcome_has_ets = outcome.has.ets,
  theta = theta.restrictions,
  Y = unname(y),
  y = unname(y))
da.viz <- da %>%
  select(-Model) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, `Carbon pricing`, Tax, ETS)) %>%
  gather(Carbon, Score, -c(Country, Variable, value))

ggplot(da.viz, aes(x = value, y = Score)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(Carbon ~ Variable, scales = "free")
Scatterplots of the scores against the covariates.

Figure 39: Scatterplots of the scores against the covariates.

m <- 'model {
  # -- Observational component
  for (O in 1:nOutcomes) {
    for (o in 1:nO) {
      #y[o,O] ~ dt(mu[o,O], tau[o,O], nu[O])
      #y[o,O] ~ dt(mu[o,O], tau[O], nu[O])
      #y[o,O] ~ dnorm(mu[o,O], tau[o,O])
      y[o,O] ~ dnorm(mu[o,O], tau[O])
      mu[o,O] <- inprod(X[o,1:(nCov-3)], theta[O,1:(nCov-3)])
#               + theta[O,(nCov-3)] * X_interdependence[O,o,1]
               + theta[O,(nCov-2)] * X_interdependence[O,o,1]
               + theta[O,(nCov-1)] * (outcome_has_tax[O] * Y[o,3])
               + theta[O,(nCov-0)] * (outcome_has_ets[O] * Y[o,2])
##      tau[o,O] <- 1 / sigma.sq[o,O]
##      sigma.sq[o,O] <- exp(inprod(X_error[o,], lambda[O,1:nCovE]))
#      tau[o,O] <- pow(sigma[o,O], -2)
#      sigma[o,O] <- exp(inprod(X_error[o,], lambda[O,1:nCovE]))
##      #sigma.sq[o,O] <- exp(lambda[O])
      resid[o,O] <- y[o,O] - mu[o,O]
    # -- Degrees of freedom, robust
#    nu[O] <- exp(nu.log[O])
#    nu.log[O] ~ dunif(0, 4)
    # -- Error component
#    tau[O] ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001)
#    sigma[O] <- 1 / sqrt(tau[O])
    tau[O] <- pow(sigma[O], -2)
    sigma[O] ~ dunif(0, 2)
    # -- Priors for covariates and error variables
    #theta[O,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0, B0)
##    lambda[O,1] ~ dunif(-8, 2)    # Intercept of lambda, error exp()
###    lambda[O,1] ~ dnorm(-4, 1^-2)    # Intercept of lambda, error exp()
##    for (cove in 2:nCovE) {
##      lambda[O,cove] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
##  }
#    for (cove in 1:nCovE) {
#      lambda[O,cove] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
#    }
  for (cov in 1:nCov) {
    theta[1,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
    theta[2,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
    theta[3,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
#  theta[1,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0, Omega.1)
#  theta[2,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0, Omega.2)
#  theta[3,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0, Omega.3)
  Omega.1 ~ dwish(B0.1, df)
  Omega.2 ~ dwish(B0.2, df)
  Omega.3 ~ dwish(B0.3, df)
  Sigma[1,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.1)
  Sigma[2,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.2)
  Sigma[3,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.3)
  # -- Missing data
  for (o in 1:nO) {
    for (cov in 1:(nCov-2-nCovI)) {
      X[o,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1.5^-2)
      #X[o,cov] ~ dunif(-2, 2)
    for (cov in 1:nCovI) {
      for (O in 1:nOutcomes) {
        X_interdependence[O,o,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1.5^-2)
        #X_interdependence[O,o,cov] ~ dunif(-2, 2)
    for (cove in 1:nCovE) {
      X_error[o,cove] ~ dnorm(0, 1.5^-2)
      #X_error[o,cove] ~ dunif(-2, 2)
write(m, file = paste0("models/model-explanatory-", M.lab, ".bug"))

par <- NULL
par <- c(par, "theta")
#par <- c(par, "delta")
#par <- c(par, "lambda")
par <- c(par, "resid")
#par <- c(par, "nu")
inits <- function() {
  list( = "base::Super-Duper", .RNG.seed = runif(1, 1, 1e6))
t0 <- proc.time()
rj <- run.jags(model = paste0("models/model-explanatory-", M.lab, ".bug"),
               data = dump.format(D, checkvalid = FALSE),
               inits = inits,
               modules = c("glm", "lecuyer"),
               n.chains = chains, thin = thin,
               adapt = adapt, burnin = burnin, sample = sample, 
               monitor = par, method = "parallel", summarise = FALSE)
s <- as.mcmc.list(rj)
save(s, file = paste0("sample-explanatory-", M.lab, ".RData"))
proc.time() - t0
load(file = paste0("sample-explanatory-", M.lab, ".RData"))
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "theta|lambda|nu"), plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "theta|lambda"), plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

    family = "theta\\[1,15|theta\\[1,14|theta\\[1,4|lambda\\[1,1|lambda\\[1,5") %>% #,
#    par_label = bind_rows(L.lambda, L.theta)) %>%
  select(Iteration, Chain, Parameter, value) %>%
  spread(Parameter, value) %>%
  select(-Iteration, Chain) %>%

ggs(s, family = "theta\\[1,14") %>%
  group_by(Parameter) %>%
  summarize(ppos = length(which(value > 0)) / n())

ggs(s, family = "theta\\[1,14|theta\\[1,15") %>%

ggs(s, family = "theta\\[1,|lambda\\[1,") %>%
  spread(Parameter, value) %>%
  gather(Parameter, value, -c(Iteration, Chain, `theta[1,14]`)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = `theta[1,14]`, y = value, color = as.factor(Chain))) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.1) +
  facet_wrap(~ Parameter, scales = "free")

ggs_crosscorrelation(ggs(s, family = "theta\\[3", par_labels = L.theta))
L.lambda <- plab("lambda", list(Outcome = outcome.label, Covariate = covariate.error.label))
S.lambda <- ggs(s, family = "^lambda\\[", par_labels = L.lambda)
ggs_caterpillar(S.lambda, label = "Covariate") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome)
L.theta <- plab("theta", list(Outcome = outcome.label, Covariate = covariate.label)) <- plab("delta", list(Covariate = c("Interdependence (Borders)",
#                                            "Interdependence (Trade)")))
#L.theta <- bind_rows(L.theta,
S.theta <- ggs(s, family = "^theta\\[|^delta\\[", par_labels = L.theta) %>%
  mutate(Model = M) %>%
  mutate(Covariate = factor(Covariate, rev(covariate.label.order)))
save(S.theta, file = paste0("samples-theta-", M.lab, ".RData"))
S.theta %>%
  ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the score.

Figure 40: HPD of the effects of covariates on the score.

S.theta %>%
  filter(Covariate != "(Intercept)") %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the score, without the intercept.

Figure 41: HPD of the effects of covariates on the score, without the intercept.

S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("(Intercept)",
                           "Tax intensity",
                           "ETS intensity")) %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the score of carbon pricing, without the intercept and the intensity variables.

Figure 42: HPD of the effects of covariates on the score of carbon pricing, without the intercept and the intensity variables.

S.theta %>%
  ci() %>%
  ggplot(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high, 
             y = median, x = reorder(Covariate, median), 
             color = Outcome)) +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 3) +
  xlab("Parameter") + ylab("HPD") +
  scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")

Figure 43: HPD of parameters, comparing outcomes.

HPD of parameters, comparing outcomes.

Residual standard deviation. Figure 44: Residual standard deviation. <- da %>%
  select(`Carbon pricing`, Tax, ETS) %>%
  gather(Outcome, value) %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize( = sd(value, na.rm = TRUE))

L.rsd <- plab("resid", list(Observation = 1:nO, Outcome = outcome.label))
S.rsd <- ggs(s, family = "resid", par_labels = L.rsd, sort = FALSE) %>%
  group_by(Iteration, Chain, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(`Residual SD` = sd(value))

ggplot(S.rsd, aes(x = `Residual SD`)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  geom_vline(data =, aes(xintercept =, lty = 1) +
  expand_limits(x = 0) +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome)

Model fit, pseudo-\(R^2\)

S.rsd %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(MedianRSD = median(`Residual SD`)) %>%
  left_join( %>%
  mutate(PseudoR2 = 1 - (MedianRSD /
-> # A tibble: 3 x 4
->   Outcome        MedianRSD PseudoR2
->   <chr>              <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
-> 1 Carbon pricing     0.436   0.783    0.443
-> 2 Tax                0.383   0.428    0.104
-> 3 ETS                0.398   0.787    0.493

Worstly predicted cases. <- plab("resid", list(Country = country.label, Outcome = outcome.label)) <- ggs(s, family = "resid", par_labels = %>%
  group_by(Country, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(`Average residual` = mean(value))

# Manually calculate PCP
# as ggmcmc's ggs_pcp() is not ready for matrices as input for outcome

wp.countries <- %>% # worstly predicted cases
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(desc(abs(`Average residual`))) %>%

tc <- "Worstly predicted cases, by absolute average residual."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(wp.countries, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
  kable(wp.countries, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 15: Worstly predicted cases, by absolute average residual.
Country Outcome Average residual
Chile ETS -0.8796
Switzerland Carbon pricing 0.8583
Chile Carbon pricing -0.7393
India ETS 0.7234
Ireland Carbon pricing 0.6801
Ireland Tax 0.6590
Iceland Carbon pricing 0.6123
South Korea ETS 0.6071
Netherlands Carbon pricing -0.5963
Switzerland Tax 0.5906
Iceland ETS 0.5883
Australia Tax -0.5853
Austria Carbon pricing -0.5763
Slovenia Tax 0.5743
Lithuania Tax -0.5534
Albania ETS -0.5475
Japan Carbon pricing -0.5380
Canada Carbon pricing 0.5340
New Zealand Tax -0.5241
Netherlands Tax -0.5178

scores.3 <- scores.countries.1d %>%
  left_join(select(configurations, Configuration, `ETS Adoption`, `Tax Adoption`)) %>%
  left_join(scores.countries.2d) %>%
  select(-c(Model, Configuration)) %>%
  gather(Policy, Intensity, -c(Country, `Tax Adoption`, `ETS Adoption`)) %>%
  mutate(shaded = ifelse(`ETS Adoption` == 0 & Policy == "ETS", TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  mutate(shaded = ifelse(`Tax Adoption` == 0 & Policy == "Tax", TRUE, shaded))

ggplot(scores.3, aes(x = Intensity, 
                     y = reorder(Country, Intensity),
                     color = shaded)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(~ Policy) +
  ylab("Country") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "grey")) +
  guides(color = FALSE)
Policy intensity in carbon pricing, ETS and Tax.

Figure 45: Policy intensity in carbon pricing, ETS and Tax.

Analysis: 007

# Model:
-> [1] "007"
scores.countries.1d <- scores.countries %>%
  rename(`Carbon pricing` = Score)

scores.countries.2d <- scores.countries %>%
  spread(Dimension, Score) %>%
  select(Configuration, ETS, Tax, Country)
da.full <- d # original data from "../adoption/"

da <- d %>% # original data from "../adoption/"
  # Consider only countries with scores
  # We only explain countries that have adopted the policy
  filter(Country %in% scores.countries$Country) %>%
  # Consider countries without too much missingness
  #filter(!(Country %in% c("Liechtenstein", "South Africa", "Zambia"))) %>%
  # Time range for which to calculate values
  filter(Year >= 2004 & Year <= 2019) %>%
  # Somalia does not have score
  filter(Country != "Somalia") %>%
  select(-iso2c, -iso3c, -Outcome, -Event) %>%
  unique() %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country, -Year) %>%
  group_by(Country, Variable) %>%
  summarize(value = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  # Treat EU and Financial differently
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(value = ifelse(Variable %in% c("EU", "Financial crisis", 
                                        #"Kyoto Ratification", 
                                        "Subnational tax"),
                        ifelse(value > 0, 1, 0),
                        value)) %>%
  mutate(value = ifelse(is.nan(value), NA, value)) %>%
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
         `GDPpc (log)`, 
         `State expenditure`,
         `Population (log)`,
         `Fossil fuel rents (log)`,
         `Democracy (Electoral)`,
         `Political constraints`, 
         `Government effectiveness`,
         `EU`, `Subnational tax`,
         #`Debt (log)`, 
         `Financial crisis`,
         #`Kyoto Ratification`,
         `CO2pc (log)`) %>%
  left_join(scores.countries.1d) %>%
  left_join(scores.countries.2d) %>%
country.label <- as.character(da$Country)
###### Interdependence using tidy approach
contiguity <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.contiguous),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.contiguous) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(contiguity.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

distance <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(geography %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, p.distance),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of contiguity
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.distance) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(distance.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE))

trade.dependency <- 
  # The country that has adopted or not is the destination country
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  rename(Country = Origin) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.dependency = sum(wAdopted, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

# For competition dependency we need both the imports and the exports

trade.partner.dependency <- 
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Exports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted = Adopted * p.Exports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
#  select(Origin, Destination, Year, Outcome, wAdopted) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted)) %>%

trade.partner.others.imports <- 
  select(da.full, Destination = Country, Year, Outcome, Adopted) %>%
  left_join(trade.p %>%
            select(Origin, Destination, Year, p.Imports),
            by = c("Destination" = "Destination", "Year" = "Year")) %>%
  # Multiply the adoption in other countries times the percentege of exports
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = Adopted * p.Imports) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  # Rename countries to better control the matrices
  # Partner refers to the trade partner of the first origin country
  # ThirdCountry refers to the competitor of the first origin country
  #   through the Destination==Partner
  rename(Partner = Origin, ThirdCountry = Destination) %>%
  select(Partner, ThirdCountry, Year, Outcome, wAdopted.imports) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.imports = ifelse(, 0, wAdopted.imports)) %>%
  group_by(Partner, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(w.ThirdCountry.imp = sum(wAdopted.imports)) %>%

trade.competition <- 
            by = c("Destination" = "Partner", 
                   "Year" = "Year",
                   "Outcome" = "Outcome")) %>%
  mutate(wAdopted.dual = wAdopted * w.ThirdCountry.imp) %>%
  filter(Origin != Destination) %>%
  group_by(Origin, Year, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(trade.competition = sum(wAdopted.dual, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  rename(Country = Origin)

##### End interdependence using tidy approach

####### Weighting matrices
## First use only relevant countries and then row-normalize
#M.distances <- M.distances[match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.distances)[[2]])]
#RW.M.distances <- 100 * (1 / M.distances) / 
#  apply(1 / M.distances, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
#RW.M.distances[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.distances)[[2]] == country.label)
#M.borders <- M.borders[match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames(M.borders)[[2]])]
#RW.M.borders <- M.borders / apply(M.borders, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#RW.M.borders[] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames(RW.M.borders)[[2]] == country.label)
# <-[match(country.label, dimnames([[1]]),
#                           match(country.label, dimnames([[2]]),] <- array(0, dim = dim(, dimnames = dimnames(
## Get only the last but one year
#for (t in 1:(dim([3])) {
#[,,t] <-[,,t] / apply([,,t], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) 
#} <-[,,(dim([3] - 1)][] <- 0
#stopifnot(dimnames([[1]] == country.label)
#stopifnot(dimnames([[2]] == country.label)
# Outcome
y <- da %>%
  select(`Carbon pricing`, Tax, ETS) %>%
nOutcomes <- dim(y)[2]
outcome.label <- dimnames(y)[[2]] <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("Tax"), 1, 0)
outcome.has.ets <- ifelse(outcome.label %in% c("ETS"), 1, 0)

# Explanatory variables are all standardized to 1 std deviation
# even originally binary ones, as they are weighted
X <- da %>%
  select(-c(`Carbon pricing`, Tax, ETS), -Model) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -Country) %>%
  group_by(Variable) %>%
  mutate(value = std(value)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
  #mutate(`EU * GDPpc (log)` = EU * `GDPpc (log)`) %>%
  select(-Country) %>%

X.interdependence <- 

  # work with da.full to calculate the interdependencies
  select(da.full, Country, Year, Outcome) %>%
  left_join(contiguity) %>%
  left_join(distance) %>%
  left_join(trade.dependency) %>%
  left_join(trade.competition) %>%
  mutate(Country = as.factor(Country),
         Year = as.integer(Year),
         Outcome = as.factor(Outcome)) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year, Outcome)) %>%
#  filter(Variable != "distance.dependency") %>%
  mutate(Variable = factor(Variable, levels = c("distance.dependency",
                                                "trade.competition"))) %>%
  spread(Variable, value) %>%
#  # compute the EU interaction
#  left_join(select(da.full, Country, Year, Outcome, `EU`)) %>%
#  mutate( = EU * trade.dependency) %>%
#  select(-EU) %>%
  # take average over time
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, Year,  Outcome)) %>%
  group_by(Country, Outcome, Variable) %>%
  summarize(time.average = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  # take out values not in the analysis
  filter(Country %in% da$Country) %>%
  droplevels() %>%
  # take out variables non relevant
  filter(Outcome %in% c("Carbon pricing", "Carbon tax", "ETS")) %>%
  mutate(Outcome = factor(Outcome, levels = c("Carbon pricing", "Carbon tax", "ETS"))) %>%
  droplevels() %>%
  # standardize values
  group_by(Outcome, Variable) %>%
  mutate(time.average = %>%
  mutate(time.average = ifelse(is.nan(time.average), NA, time.average)) %>%
  filter(Variable %in% c(#"distance.dependency",
#                         "contiguity.dependency", 
#                         "trade.competition")) %>%
                         "trade.dependency")) %>%
  reshape2::acast(Outcome ~ Country ~ Variable, value.var = "time.average")
stopifnot(da$Country == dimnames(X.interdependence)[[2]])
nCovI <- dim(X.interdependence)[3]

nO <- dim(y)[1]
country.label <- da$Country
X <- cbind("(Intercept)" = 1, X)
#X <- cbind(X, "GDPpc (log) * CO2pc" = X[,"GDPpc (log)"] * X[,"CO2pc"])
covariate.label <- c(dimnames(X)[[2]], 
#                     "Interdependence (Borders)", 
#                     "Interdependence (Distance)", 
#                     "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
#                     "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
                     "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                     "ETS intensity", "Tax intensity")
#nCov <- dim(X)[2] + 4
nCov <- length(covariate.label)

covariate.label.order <- c("(Intercept)",
  "GDPpc (log)", 
#  "EU * GDPpc (log)", 
  "State expenditure",
  "Financial crisis", # Economic
  "CO2pc (log)", 
  "Fossil fuel rents (log)", "Population (log)", "Vulnerability",   # Contribution to CC
  "Democracy (Electoral)", 
  "Government effectiveness", "Political constraints",     # Institutional
#  "Interdependence (Borders)", 
#  "Interdependence (Distance)", 
  "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
#  "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
#  "EU * Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
  #"Kyoto Ratification",
  "Subnational tax",
  "Tax intensity", "ETS intensity")

b0 <- rep(0, nCov)
B0 <- diag(nCov)
diag(B0) <- 1^-2

X.error <- X[,c("(Intercept)", 
#                "Population (log)", 
#                "GDPpc (log)", 
#                "State expenditure",
#                "Political constraints",
#                "CO2pc (log)", 
#                "Democracy (Electoral)",
#                "Financial crisis",

nCovE <- dim(X.error)[2]
covariate.error.label <- dimnames(X.error)[[2]]
l0 <- rep(0, nCovE)
L0 <- diag(nCovE)
diag(L0) <- 0.5^-2

# Restrictions for theta variables that must be zero
theta.restrictions <- array(NA, dim = c(nOutcomes, nCov))
theta.restrictions[,(nCov-1):nCov] <- 0
theta.restrictions[which( == 1), (nCov-1)] <- NA
theta.restrictions[which(outcome.has.ets == 1), (nCov-0)] <- NA

B0.1 <- B0.2 <- B0.3 <- B0
# Carbon pricing
diag(B0.1)[(nCov - 1):nCov] <- 0.001 # high precision for when outcome has tax
# Tax
diag(B0.2)[nCov - 0] <- 0.001 # high precision for when outcome has tax
diag(B0.3)[nCov - 1] <- 0.001 # high precision for when outcome has tax

D <- list(
  nO = nO, 
  X = unname(X), nCov = nCov,
  nCovI = nCovI,
  X_error = unname(X.error), nCovE = nCovE,
  X_interdependence = unname(X.interdependence),
  b0 = b0, B0 = B0, df = nCov + 1,
  B0.1 = B0.1,
  B0.2 = B0.2,
  B0.3 = B0.3,
  l0 = l0, L0 = L0,
  nOutcomes = nOutcomes,
  outcome_has_tax =, outcome_has_ets = outcome.has.ets,
  theta = theta.restrictions,
  Y = unname(y),
  y = unname(y))
da.viz <- da %>%
  select(-Model) %>%
  gather(Variable, value, -c(Country, `Carbon pricing`, Tax, ETS)) %>%
  gather(Carbon, Score, -c(Country, Variable, value))

ggplot(da.viz, aes(x = value, y = Score)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(Carbon ~ Variable, scales = "free")
Scatterplots of the scores against the covariates.

Figure 46: Scatterplots of the scores against the covariates.

m <- 'model {
  # -- Observational component
  for (O in 1:nOutcomes) {
    for (o in 1:nO) {
      #y[o,O] ~ dt(mu[o,O], tau[o,O], nu[O])
      #y[o,O] ~ dt(mu[o,O], tau[O], nu[O])
      #y[o,O] ~ dnorm(mu[o,O], tau[o,O])
      y[o,O] ~ dnorm(mu[o,O], tau[O])
      mu[o,O] <- inprod(X[o,1:(nCov-3)], theta[O,1:(nCov-3)])
#               + theta[O,(nCov-3)] * X_interdependence[O,o,1]
               + theta[O,(nCov-2)] * X_interdependence[O,o,1]
               + theta[O,(nCov-1)] * (outcome_has_tax[O] * Y[o,3])
               + theta[O,(nCov-0)] * (outcome_has_ets[O] * Y[o,2])
##      tau[o,O] <- 1 / sigma.sq[o,O]
##      sigma.sq[o,O] <- exp(inprod(X_error[o,], lambda[O,1:nCovE]))
#      tau[o,O] <- pow(sigma[o,O], -2)
#      sigma[o,O] <- exp(inprod(X_error[o,], lambda[O,1:nCovE]))
##      #sigma.sq[o,O] <- exp(lambda[O])
      resid[o,O] <- y[o,O] - mu[o,O]
    # -- Degrees of freedom, robust
#    nu[O] <- exp(nu.log[O])
#    nu.log[O] ~ dunif(0, 4)
    # -- Error component
#    tau[O] ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001)
#    sigma[O] <- 1 / sqrt(tau[O])
    tau[O] <- pow(sigma[O], -2)
    sigma[O] ~ dunif(0, 2)
    # -- Priors for covariates and error variables
    #theta[O,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0, B0)
##    lambda[O,1] ~ dunif(-8, 2)    # Intercept of lambda, error exp()
###    lambda[O,1] ~ dnorm(-4, 1^-2)    # Intercept of lambda, error exp()
##    for (cove in 2:nCovE) {
##      lambda[O,cove] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
##  }
#    for (cove in 1:nCovE) {
#      lambda[O,cove] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
#    }
  for (cov in 1:nCov) {
    theta[1,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
    theta[2,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
    theta[3,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2)
#  theta[1,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0, Omega.1)
#  theta[2,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0, Omega.2)
#  theta[3,1:nCov] ~ dmnorm(b0, Omega.3)
  Omega.1 ~ dwish(B0.1, df)
  Omega.2 ~ dwish(B0.2, df)
  Omega.3 ~ dwish(B0.3, df)
  Sigma[1,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.1)
  Sigma[2,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.2)
  Sigma[3,1:nCov,1:nCov] <- inverse(Omega.3)
  # -- Missing data
  for (o in 1:nO) {
    for (cov in 1:(nCov-2-nCovI)) {
      X[o,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1.5^-2)
      #X[o,cov] ~ dunif(-2, 2)
    for (cov in 1:nCovI) {
      for (O in 1:nOutcomes) {
        X_interdependence[O,o,cov] ~ dnorm(0, 1.5^-2)
        #X_interdependence[O,o,cov] ~ dunif(-2, 2)
    for (cove in 1:nCovE) {
      X_error[o,cove] ~ dnorm(0, 1.5^-2)
      #X_error[o,cove] ~ dunif(-2, 2)
write(m, file = paste0("models/model-explanatory-", M.lab, ".bug"))

par <- NULL
par <- c(par, "theta")
#par <- c(par, "delta")
#par <- c(par, "lambda")
par <- c(par, "resid")
#par <- c(par, "nu")
inits <- function() {
  list( = "base::Super-Duper", .RNG.seed = runif(1, 1, 1e6))
t0 <- proc.time()
rj <- run.jags(model = paste0("models/model-explanatory-", M.lab, ".bug"),
               data = dump.format(D, checkvalid = FALSE),
               inits = inits,
               modules = c("glm", "lecuyer"),
               n.chains = chains, thin = thin,
               adapt = adapt, burnin = burnin, sample = sample, 
               monitor = par, method = "parallel", summarise = FALSE)
s <- as.mcmc.list(rj)
save(s, file = paste0("sample-explanatory-", M.lab, ".RData"))
proc.time() - t0
load(file = paste0("sample-explanatory-", M.lab, ".RData"))
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "theta|lambda|nu"), plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))
ggmcmc(ggs(s, family = "theta|lambda"), plot = c("traceplot", "crosscorrelation", "caterpillar"))

    family = "theta\\[1,15|theta\\[1,14|theta\\[1,4|lambda\\[1,1|lambda\\[1,5") %>% #,
#    par_label = bind_rows(L.lambda, L.theta)) %>%
  select(Iteration, Chain, Parameter, value) %>%
  spread(Parameter, value) %>%
  select(-Iteration, Chain) %>%

ggs(s, family = "theta\\[1,14") %>%
  group_by(Parameter) %>%
  summarize(ppos = length(which(value > 0)) / n())

ggs(s, family = "theta\\[1,14|theta\\[1,15") %>%

ggs(s, family = "theta\\[1,|lambda\\[1,") %>%
  spread(Parameter, value) %>%
  gather(Parameter, value, -c(Iteration, Chain, `theta[1,14]`)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = `theta[1,14]`, y = value, color = as.factor(Chain))) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.1) +
  facet_wrap(~ Parameter, scales = "free")

ggs_crosscorrelation(ggs(s, family = "theta\\[3", par_labels = L.theta))
L.lambda <- plab("lambda", list(Outcome = outcome.label, Covariate = covariate.error.label))
S.lambda <- ggs(s, family = "^lambda\\[", par_labels = L.lambda)
ggs_caterpillar(S.lambda, label = "Covariate") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome)
L.theta <- plab("theta", list(Outcome = outcome.label, Covariate = covariate.label)) <- plab("delta", list(Covariate = c("Interdependence (Borders)",
#                                            "Interdependence (Trade)")))
#L.theta <- bind_rows(L.theta,
S.theta <- ggs(s, family = "^theta\\[|^delta\\[", par_labels = L.theta) %>%
  mutate(Model = M) %>%
  mutate(Covariate = factor(Covariate, rev(covariate.label.order)))
save(S.theta, file = paste0("samples-theta-", M.lab, ".RData"))
S.theta %>%
  ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the score.

Figure 47: HPD of the effects of covariates on the score.

S.theta %>%
  filter(Covariate != "(Intercept)") %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the score, without the intercept.

Figure 48: HPD of the effects of covariates on the score, without the intercept.

S.theta %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("(Intercept)",
                           "Tax intensity",
                           "ETS intensity")) %>%
ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", sort = FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 3)
HPD of the effects of covariates on the score of carbon pricing, without the intercept and the intensity variables.

Figure 49: HPD of the effects of covariates on the score of carbon pricing, without the intercept and the intensity variables.

S.theta %>%
  ci() %>%
  ggplot(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high, 
             y = median, x = reorder(Covariate, median), 
             color = Outcome)) +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), size = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), lty = 3) +
  xlab("Parameter") + ylab("HPD") +
  scale_color_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 2")

Figure 50: HPD of parameters, comparing outcomes.

HPD of parameters, comparing outcomes.

Residual standard deviation. Figure 51: Residual standard deviation. <- da %>%
  select(`Carbon pricing`, Tax, ETS) %>%
  gather(Outcome, value) %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize( = sd(value, na.rm = TRUE))

L.rsd <- plab("resid", list(Observation = 1:nO, Outcome = outcome.label))
S.rsd <- ggs(s, family = "resid", par_labels = L.rsd, sort = FALSE) %>%
  group_by(Iteration, Chain, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(`Residual SD` = sd(value))

ggplot(S.rsd, aes(x = `Residual SD`)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  geom_vline(data =, aes(xintercept =, lty = 1) +
  expand_limits(x = 0) +
  facet_grid(~ Outcome)

Model fit, pseudo-\(R^2\)

S.rsd %>%
  group_by(Outcome) %>%
  summarize(MedianRSD = median(`Residual SD`)) %>%
  left_join( %>%
  mutate(PseudoR2 = 1 - (MedianRSD /
-> # A tibble: 3 x 4
->   Outcome        MedianRSD PseudoR2
->   <chr>              <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
-> 1 Carbon pricing     0.435   0.783   0.444 
-> 2 Tax                0.387   0.428   0.0942
-> 3 ETS                0.403   0.787   0.487

Worstly predicted cases. <- plab("resid", list(Country = country.label, Outcome = outcome.label)) <- ggs(s, family = "resid", par_labels = %>%
  group_by(Country, Outcome) %>%
  summarize(`Average residual` = mean(value))

# Manually calculate PCP
# as ggmcmc's ggs_pcp() is not ready for matrices as input for outcome

wp.countries <- %>% # worstly predicted cases
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(desc(abs(`Average residual`))) %>%

tc <- "Worstly predicted cases, by absolute average residual."
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
  kable(wp.countries, format = "latex", caption = tc, longtable = TRUE, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10)
} else {
  kable(wp.countries, format = "html", caption = tc, booktabs = TRUE) %>%
    kable_styling(font_size = 10, position = "center", bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
Table 16: Worstly predicted cases, by absolute average residual.
Country Outcome Average residual
Chile ETS -0.8945
Switzerland Carbon pricing 0.8202
Chile Carbon pricing -0.7702
India ETS 0.7320
Ireland Carbon pricing 0.6947
Ireland Tax 0.6493
Iceland Carbon pricing 0.6374
South Korea ETS 0.6249
Iceland ETS 0.6079
Australia Tax -0.5955
Switzerland Tax 0.5804
Slovenia Tax 0.5602
New Zealand Tax -0.5549
Japan Carbon pricing -0.5536
Canada Carbon pricing 0.5535
Netherlands Carbon pricing -0.5523
Austria Carbon pricing -0.5473
Albania ETS -0.5444
Lithuania Tax -0.5327
Japan ETS -0.5091

scores.3 <- scores.countries.1d %>%
  left_join(select(configurations, Configuration, `ETS Adoption`, `Tax Adoption`)) %>%
  left_join(scores.countries.2d) %>%
  select(-c(Model, Configuration)) %>%
  gather(Policy, Intensity, -c(Country, `Tax Adoption`, `ETS Adoption`)) %>%
  mutate(shaded = ifelse(`ETS Adoption` == 0 & Policy == "ETS", TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  mutate(shaded = ifelse(`Tax Adoption` == 0 & Policy == "Tax", TRUE, shaded))

ggplot(scores.3, aes(x = Intensity, 
                     y = reorder(Country, Intensity),
                     color = shaded)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(~ Policy) +
  ylab("Country") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "grey")) +
  guides(color = FALSE)
Policy intensity in carbon pricing, ETS and Tax.

Figure 52: Policy intensity in carbon pricing, ETS and Tax.

Compare models explaining scores

d <- NULL
d <- bind_rows(d, S.theta)
d <- bind_rows(d, S.theta)
d %>%
  filter(Outcome == "Carbon pricing") %>%
  filter(!Covariate %in% c("Tax intensity",
                           "ETS intensity")) %>%
  mutate(Covariate = as.character(Covariate)) %>%
  mutate(Covariate = ifelse(Covariate == "Interdependence (Trade dependency)",
                            "Trade interdependence", Covariate)) %>%
  mutate(Covariate = ifelse(Covariate == "Interdependence (Trade competition)",
                            "Trade competition", Covariate)) %>%
  ggs_caterpillar(label = "Covariate", comparison = "Model",
                  comparison_separation = 0.4) +
  aes(color = Model) +
                     values = c("black", "grey70"),
                     breaks = c("004", "007"),
                     labels = c("Reference", "Alternative")) +
  theme(legend.position = "right")
Model comparison using different trade effects specifications.

Figure 53: Model comparison using different trade effects specifications.
