Xavier Fernández-I-Marín
Do Governments put their Money where their Mouth is? Policy Adoption and Administrative Resource Provision in 15 OECD Countries
When Less Means More: Policy Accumulation, Administrative Capacities, and Policy Performance
Assessing and Comparing the Effects of Public Policies: a New Approach
More Liberty, More Rules? Abortion Policy and the Liberalization-Rule Nexus
Political Institutions and Public Policy
A review of national climate policies via existing databases
Regulatory offsetting in advanced democracies
Tackling blind spots in Europeanisation research: the impact of EU legislation on national policy portfolios
Testing Theories of Policy Growth: Public Demands, Interest Group Politics, Electoral Competition, and Institutional Fragmentation
Do parties matter for policy accumulation? An analysis of social policy portfolios in 22 countries
Bureaucratic Quality and the Gap between Implementation Burden and Administrative Capacities
Bureaucratic overburdening in advanced democracies
Policy growth, implementation capacities, and the effect on policy performance
Convergence and Diffusion of Environmental Policies
The age of regulatory agencies: tracking differences and similarities over countries and sectors
Riding the wave: Predicting the use of the bike-sharing system in Barcelona before and during COVID-19
Drug Legalization, Elite Support, and Government Effectiveness in Latin America
CEO selection in intergovernmental organizations: the clash between control and efficiency in governance
Discrimination against mobile European Union citizens before and during the first COVID-19 lockdown: Evidence from a conjoint experiment in Germany
Differential discrimination against mobile EU citizens: experimental evidence from bureaucratic choice settings
Studying Policy Design Quality in Comparative Perspective
Working time preferences among women: challenging assumptions on underemployment, work centrality and work life balance
Who Puts a Price on Carbon, Why and How? A Global Empirical Analysis of Carbon Pricing Policies
System Dynamics of Policy Change: Overcoming Some Blind Spots of Punctuated Equilibrium Theory
Extracting configurations of values mixing scores from experts and ignoramus using Bayesian modelling
Measuring the impact of an organizational inclusion programme on absence among employees with disabilities: A quasi‐experimental design
Fonts d'informació i indicadors per estudis internacionals
Agency proliferation and the globalization of the regulatory state: Introducing a data set on the institutional features of regulatory agencies
The Power of EI Competencies Over Intelligence and Individual Performance: A Task-Dependent Model
Hypocrisy as a crisis response? Assessing changes in talk, decisions, and actions of the European Commission in EU environmental policy
Religious tides: The time‐variant effect of religion on morality policies
The Governance of Goal-Directed Networks and Network Tasks: An Empirical Analysis of European Regulatory Networks
A matter of timing: The religious factor and morality policies
Rule growth and government effectiveness: why it takes the capacity to learn and coordinate to constrain rule growth
ggmcmc: Analysis of MCMC Samples and Bayesian Inference
The emergence of Regulatory Regionalism: transnational networks and the diffusion of regulatory agencies within regions
Are regulatory agencies independent in practice? Evidence from board members in Spain
EI competencies as a related but different characteristic than intelligence
Accountability and Regulatory Governance: Audiences, Controls and Responsibilities in the Politics of Regulation
Puentes, fronteras y murallas disciplinarias en torno a las organizaciones internacionales
Polítiques públiques i administració electrònica
The Impact of e‐Government Promotion in Europe: Internet Dependence and Critical Mass
The global diffusion of regulatory agencies: channels of transfer and stages of diffusion
Electronic Publishing, Knowledge Sharing and Open Access: A New Environment for Political Science
Which Internet Policy? Assessing Regional Initiatives in Spain
Planificant la Societat de la Informació